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Apple Ipods


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I have just got a 4gb black nano and it is the coolest thing ever in the whole entire world, i love it.

yeh they're crazy nice aren't they, got a white one.

does yours scratch real easy? i heard its a fault with the first ones, i've been careful with mine and its mint.you can get like 1mm silicone sleeves for them which are near invisible.

another reason why some people ipods feck up is because they bosh downloaded music for different sources onto them, if you bought everything from itunes no problems ever.

et an iriver instead.....1 gozzillion times better

no just naaah

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yeh they're crazy nice aren't they, got a white one.

does yours scratch real easy? i heard its a fault with the first ones, i've been careful with mine and its mint.you can get like 1mm silicone sleeves for them which are near invisible.

another reason why some people ipods feck up is because they bosh downloaded music for different sources onto them, if you bought everything from itunes no problems ever.

no just naaah

your joking right?

buying stuff from itunes...chyeah right

Edited by leedstrials
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My first ever mp3 player was the MPIO FY200 about 2and a half years ago, shit memory and didnt do what i wanted it too. So i bought a 20gb iPod, thought it was the dogs, being a young designer and all i chose it over the 'creative' range. never had problems with my ipod, untill my brother took it on his rugby tour to yorkshire and it came back with more wrinkles than my nan. never managed to fill it and the user interface is unique.

Then came the 5G video iPod, cool had to get one, got one..........its shit for playing dvd rips (battery wise), but im sure newer models to come will solve that, find it kind of strange though as itunes lets you donwload tv shows, but after one show the battery aint up to much.

as far as music goes, its much better than my previous 4G. I can play it all night long and the battery bar will go down just a bit, whereas my old one would be gone to half-full.

Anyway I dont think i'll ever change from an iPod.



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You can't just bosh any old video on, but you can convert videos to the right format using a program on your PC. I saw one that would convert any quicktime movie into the iPod flavour but I presume there are others that will convert other formats and DVDs etc. One thing to note is that apparently the battery life on a 60Gb version is much better :blink:

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One thing to note is that apparently the battery life on a 60Gb version is much better :blink:

Yeah the 30gb one has a 14hour battery life and the 60gb has a 20hour life, dont quote me on those exact figures thou, but yeah it is true(i was reading the apple site this morning at college in preparation to go and buy me a i mac g5 20" 2.1 :S :P :D ) cant wait.


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problems occur mostly because people just pull the cable from their ipod without ejecting it from the desktop/itunes first.

I have had an iPod mini for 2 years now and had absolutely no problems with it. I have just got a 4gb black nano and it is the coolest thing ever in the whole entire world, i love it.

My sisiter has also had a shuffle since june and has had no problems.

A friend at uni has just got a 60gb video, it looks really good, however it is rather big. I think she will use the bulk of the storage for files / photos etc.

The best tip if you are having problems with your ipod is to download the newest ipod udater from >>>>>>HERE <<<<<< and then restore/reset it.

If that doesn't work then just ring apple, they are very helpful and if it is broken and within warranty then they will be more than happy to replace it.



Just used that updater link you posted and my dead I-pod is now working again.

Thanks alot.

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