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Toxsin 20"

Martin Grainger

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Is that all the bash is going to be? Can see how it might be OK for street, but I'd have thought it'd have been a bit of a bitch for natural? Pointy rocks, etc.? Meh, might be OK I suppose.

Dunno if it was worth all the hype, but there we go. Nice to see some new features anyway...

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Hmm i cant decide wether i like it or not, quite frankly the bashguard looks silly and that it would snap or crack really easy, but the frame looks ok, mind you i would much rather buy a zoo python or a GU.

Although saying that its something different and im sure it rides ok :P


Does anybody know how much these frames will cost and if there will be toxsin 20'' fork??

Edited by Jules
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It looks nice, but as mark said where the bash is connected to would get raped by pointy rocks, I can see it will probebly be stronger than the onza bash though. Are those two holes going to be a middle bash or something are just random holes? I really like the chain tensioner, It seems a really good place for it.

Edited by tom_wilko
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realllllly dont lie it, i loe the tensioner idea, but thats all, no where near worth the hype they created around it, The blue one looks like a kiddies colour scheme

Yeah the blue is a bit of a kiddies colour scheme, but the silver looks nice from the 2 small shots.

Edited by Jules
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Hi, i may sound a bit stupid but here goes.

How do you put the rear wheel in?

I think it would be for QR skewers, but I am not sure.

Please help.


you are joking right? almost every trials hub out there runs allen bolts, which go into the axel instead of bolting over the top.

bike looks wank, will never be able to get enough power through the tensioner to get the chain anywhere near tight,


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you are joking right? almost every trials hub out there runs allen bolts, which go into the axel instead of bolting over the top.

bike looks wank, will never be able to get enough power through the tensioner to get the chain anywhere near tight,


I was not joking acctually, I am a newbe to trials so I didn't know that must hubs were alen bolts. :P

Thanks for the help any way.


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is it just me or is that bashplate totally defeating the object of having one :)?

all other bashplates have a rubber elastomer/shockabsorber, and by having the 2 plates directly bolted to the frame theres going to be nothing to absorb the force of impact so the impact is going streight into the frame, putting more stress on it,

i'm not too keen on the fat bb yoke either :P


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What noone can see from that photo of the BB area is that the bash plates don't screw right into the aluminum below the BB. I've seen a photo of the BB area without the plates mounted, and it seems like the bolts go into a threaded cylinder in the center of a larger rubber cylinder that will absorb the shock just like the rubber blocks do on standard bashes.

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frame shape looks ok i spose (Y) but as other people have said, the bash is gunna get raped badly(like a boy walking 5 metres down a dark alley and getting raped 3 times)and i dont like it either. the tensioners look weird, how would you get you wheel in there, is there no slots to slide them in to or is there something i should know about?

overall i would rather have something else ;)


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frame shape looks ok i spose (Y) but as other people have said, the bash is gunna get raped badly(like a boy walking 5 metres down a dark alley and getting raped 3 times)and i dont like it either. the tensioners look weird, how would you get you wheel in there, is there no slots to slide them in to or is there something i should know about?

overall i would rather have something else ;)


If you look on page 2 it says some thing about it there, I asked, its some thing to do with the hubs having alen bolts to hole them in.

Have a read.

You will find it in better terms than i put it.

Hope I help.


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1. Dropouts (Y) look nice but are them tensioners going to hold that wheel back enough with power through them from someone say usch as CLS, okay he may not ride it or one, but someone can put just as much power thorugh as he probs kicks out and i don't think they look strong enouhg at least!

2. Bash im not so sure on...think that front thing will die. if it's like a wheel and spins good move i say...kinda rolling fixed bash.

3. Why don't you stop making frame look like each other. okay so yeah it's easy top use same headtube and other parts such as TT, DT, CS, SS but really your in Tiwan, the frame building shit hole money pot of the world...you can easyerly make a new set of styled tubes in less than an a day out there.

Change the paint job i say and decals, look cheap and tacky.


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