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Gay Trialys

Mr Motivator

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The BMXers I know always say it looks really easy, but when they get on to have a go, O MY is sooo bad they can hardly balence or hop, and always end up saying, it's bloody hard, I know DH riders who have tried trials and couldnt do it, and these are gud downhill riders, They ended up quiting,lol.


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Everyones ignoring the fact here.

BMX riders care what they look like when they ride, trials riders don't.

Thats why we apparently look gay to other sports, because they care about how they wear their clothes, what they wear, and we simply couldn't care less.

Well said. :P

Hence why more trials riders probably wear helmets that bmx'ers etc.

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Everyones ignoring the fact here.

BMX riders care what they look like when they ride, trials riders don't.

Thats why we apparently look gay to other sports, because they care about how they wear their clothes, what they wear, and we simply couldn't care less.

Are you sure Si?

JT!, did you colour-code your rim tape for performance reasons? Or was it for looks :P

Either way, I'd say all the posts that are 'defending' trials in a similar way are wrong.

You're picking a stereotype and then using that. You're using one type of person. You get fashion-victim twats riding trials just as much as you do riding BMX. You're slating the one type of person, but saying that counts for all of them. So, in essence, you're being as 'bad' as Sam was with his posts, even though they were a bit shit themselves :)

Lycra would have a lot of advantages for trials riders in that if it fits properly it gives you a lot of freedom of movement without excess material or having material flapping around everywhere, yet not many people here would be seen dead riding in lycra, and people here even make fun of comp riders using it. Hypocrisy, anyone?

Anyway, if you're quitting something based on what other people think of you, it's a bit shit. I can see how you'd feel pressured into doing it, but principles wise it's a bit weak.

Never mind though. But like others have said, just 'cos you don't like it as much any more doesn't really validify your reasons...

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JT!, did you colour-code your rim tape for performance reasons? Or was it for looks :P

Be safe, be seen. :)

I'v sort of lost track of what this topics about now. So i'll leave it be.

Edited by JT!
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Sam your post sounded to me like you were arguing against trials being a decent sport. It seems to me that if you feel that way you shouldnt be on this forum...

Im 15, still in my last year at school and I dont get slated for riding trials even though ALL of my mates just about are all football/rugby players. I have shown them videos of me and they appreciate the difficulty of the sport. :P

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oh my god... what has the forum come to when we have an argument about different peoples clothing. If you really want to see bad dress sence and bad colour coding etc.. look at a woman. Seriously they get away with bloody murder. Im no fashion guru but lets face it some form of colour coding cant go wrong. Take a look at your girl friend or random women in school/uni .. in the streets. They all look like knobs.. but they're still hott.

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Trials looks pointless to randoms as they can't see the point in trying to get up/over across summit over and over again... We have random bikes with no seats, loud brakes wide bars etc.etc. It makes us stick out like a sore thumb...

A bmxer will be able to flow down the high street and people will reconise what he/she is doing, accosiate it with x games etc. and think its cool (or at least normal). This is why they don't get slated so much.

I gave up trials due to a lack of time available for the sport, the realisation that I was infact getting old, things were becoming dangerous (no longer fun just hopping up curbs etc. lmao) and its just pointless, doing the same things over and over on rides is dull, getting onto a wall/roof just to drop gap to a rail is rather pointless...going for that one cm higher up etc...

This stuff about CLOTHES!!! "Cloths" is rather daft though, of course I did wear random shorts with shinpads when riding trials (must have looked fooking stupid), but not everyone does that, most people just wear what they do on and off a bike...

I dunno, bmx is cooler though......

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I dont see how bmx is cooler.. a bike is a bike.. you know.. some tubes welded together with that great invention the wheel attached at either end. Whats cool about that? f**k all.. i tell you whats cool.. napoleon dynamite .. f**king fact. He didnt need to ride a bike to be amazing

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I dont see how bmx is cooler.. a bike is a bike.. you know.. some tubes welded together with that great invention the wheel attached at either end. Whats cool about that? f**k all.. i tell you whats cool.. napoleon dynamite .. f**king fact. He didnt need to ride a bike to be amazing

thats all true!! seriously...

bmx is only seen as cool by the civvies because they do backflips :P once someone does a flip drop then trials will be cool :)

edit: i can't really type today

Edited by leedstrials
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thing is with trials, its all about balance and shifting your body weight around. For all other types of riding this is important too but you can do them withought being that good at the whole balance and body weight thing. I have found since i have been riding trials dirt jumping and general things like that have become so much easier, as your a lot more aware of what you and your bike are doing. I would say its the hardest form of riding to get good at (besides technical bmx) and if you change or ride another form of biking as well you'll find it a hell of a lot easier to pick up.

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I remeber reading in the Bike show brochure last year that trials was the purest form of biking. I think that is wrong. All different biking is hard in its own right. People may think whats the point in hopping up something. But then whats the point of going to a skatepark and getting "air". Whats the point in that?

Genrally, a bmxer couldnt get on my bike and sidehop up a wall, and likewise I couldnt get on his bike and go to a flip whip. I think there is a basic lack of respect if anything. All the Bmxers I know are cool and appritiate trials. We all do it to have fun, its just different people find different things fun.

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i dont care if trials is cool or not, its fun , thats all that matters

thats so true :P

i am one of the oldest on forum, I have a full time job + plus a long term girlfriend. I ride my bike up, down, scross walls and stuff. I do it because its fun to me! Its escapism really, some people play computer games, some play an instrument, some are into films, drinking, etc, etc... i couldn't give a shit if its deemed as cool or anything. People enjoy different things, we enjoy riding our bikes!

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To be honest most riders are adopting a more bmx'y style of clothing now anyway, look at the new www.secndlayerclothing.co.uk range its all rather 'underground' stylee :)

Plus it doesnt matter at all what you wear! :P

and no the bmxe'rs and dh riders in Hull/surrounding area are all sound as a quid :S :P and realise you shudnt slate other disiplins (sp) of riding as one thing is all the same "we are all enjoying riding our bikes"

Next time they slate you tap backwheel there head or sidehop to pedal on there shoulder :) :P :-

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i prefer a mtb helmet, normal jeans and a tee over a girls' top, TIGHT black emo jeans, loads of make-up and a pisspot, but i'm not a local bmxer at heart. :P

i wear old clothes riding mostly. unless i have to go abroad, when i get the 'nice' wardrobe out, just 'cos i can and have more nice stuff than worn down stuff...

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I regularly take the piss out of people for wearing silly goth clothes and make-up , mismatched burberry ensembles and flares. I also take the piss out of fat people , stupid people and ugly people. This is because I'm a b*****d not because they choose to ride a stupid little bike with no seat.

And - just to be clear, trials is much gayer than bmxing. I chose to take up trials cos it hurts less - which is a bit gay.

EDIT/QUOTE etc.. :

'If you really want to see bad dress sence and bad colour coding etc.. look at a woman. Seriously they get away with bloody murder'

i think spacemunkee is great :P

Edited by poopipe
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I regularly take the piss out of people for wearing silly goth clothes and make-up , mismatched burberry ensembles and flares. I also take the piss out of fat people , stupid people and ugly people. This is because I'm a b*****d not because they choose to ride a stupid little bike with no seat.

And - just to be clear, trials is much gayer than bmxing. I chose to take up trials cos it hurts less - which is a bit gay.

Funny stuff. Or maybe you're just verging on retarded.

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