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Can I Run A 26" Stock Without A Derailleur?


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I've a 2005 T-Rex, and I have a strong right side, so everytime I bail / crash / cock up, the bike tends to hit on the derailleur side.

Is there any way to do with out a derailleur, go single speed, and just not have anything there, no derailleur or tensioner.

Sure I know a cheap deraileur is only £15 and I break one every 3 months, but Its not the cost, its the fact I have to walk the bike home and loose a few days riding, when I muck up.

I've read a few topics on single speed, but people still got something on the drop out, whether its a butchered rear mech or just a tensioner.


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I'm thinking, why do trials bikes insist on hanging delicate parts off the rear stays? It would make much more sense if the tension was added between the 2 stays, rather than flopping about underneath them.

I can understand on a mountain bike, or anthing with lots of gears, but why at all on a single speed set up? I suppose its not an issue if you prefer hopping to the left. But for us unfortunate souls who go right, its just an accident waiting to happen.

Incidently, no, i don't know what a rear mech protector looks like. Do you have a pic. I have a Onza mech saver, but thats just cos I bent a hanger once, and it ruined it.

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I Don't know what a Ghost cog is matey.

As for the protector, yer I know what you mean now i've seen the pic. I'm not sure it would help, the majority of incidents end up smacking off the weakest bit - where the barrel adjuster is.

I think its because its the lowest, and weakest part of the whole derailleur. Once that goes, the derailleur just keeps slipping the chain out of gear.

Edited by DeeZee
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a ghost cog is where you dont have any hanger or mech, you set your chain to the shortest you can get it and then find a cog (cassettte cog etc) and stuff it between the chain along the chainstays.

It keeps the tension and stays put.....well, some of the time. They have a habbit of comming out and hurting you, thsts why they arn't so popular.

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OK, Thanks for everyone's replies, apprciate you taking some time to contribute towards the thread. From the responses, everyone seems to be taking about derailleurs and tensioners, so i'm guessing that in a roundabout way your answer is NO, You can't run a Stock without a derailleur or Tensioner.

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