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Danish Cartoon

Dr. Nick Riviera

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seems to have pissed the muslims right off.

what are your views on freedom of speech/expression

as far as i'm concerned if you want the right to free speech you need to accept that people are going to say stuff that might offend you.

but all these muslims are out there burning danish flags and stomirng embassys

seems a bit out of order.

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i think the royal family are a bunch of c**ts , if a mob stood outside buckingham palace flag burning and chanting "the queen will pay" i'm sure people would complain.

however these muslims are getting away with it?

hoo f**king ray

edit: one of them

IPB Image

edit: i like the way this has overshadowed the 1200 people who died last night when the egyptian ferry sank

Edited by Charel
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Putting that in a paper is the stupidest thing ever at a time like this, its totally disgraceful! The newspaper editors must actually be mentally retarded to do that, of course muslims are going to be offended.

But yeah, muslims are taking it way out of hand in some places...but still...how friggin retarded to put something like that in the paper...

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This political correctness crap is getting more and more on my nerves. I don't feel we really have free speach.

That Geezer with the hook. He told people in the streets of London(with local news cameras on him) it was ok to do harm to non muslims. Yet when he gets to court he denys it all.

I hate Every Religion!

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Yeah, and the leader of Iran spout tons of crap. Like, all Jews must die. I bet Jews can't even live in Iran. I bet if they did and they complained, they'd get lynched.

It's just stupid. Like Jerry Springer The Opera. Religion is optional - if you don't believe in it, you can ridicule it. End of. Nothing to do with respect or anything else.

Personally I think a belief in religion is rididulous.

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I'm a firm athiest , I have no belief in religion.

But i was watching that tit from the bnp party on the news last night, he was caught by secret camera to have said some pretty harsh stuff about muslims, And was still cleared of all charges :(

I guarentee there was some money involved there...

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People are thinking something. They might as well express it. Not expressing it doesn't take away the fact that they are feeling it, whatever it is. Satire is a great thing. We should all be able to laugh at ourselves. Imagine if everyone was laughing. World sorted! Sweet.

Even if the opinion is contentious or possibly offensive or whatever, it should still be expressed. That way it can be discussed and evolve and hopefully, if it is a silly opinion, it can be changed. Hiding opinions in the back of our heads does nothing to change anything, because that opinion cannot be reasoned with by other opinions. If you want society to evolve slowly, then no one should say anything that might possibly offend somebody else.

I personally think, from all of our perspectives, that it is equally as silly to say a religion is defintely true as it is to say it is not. Atheists depend on the same faith to say a religion is not true as the people that say it is true. Elements of religion exist outside the realm of human experience so we just can't know for sure, and anyway, human experience never means anything is a definite due to it's unreliable nature. This is why I consider myself to an agnostic, although I do believe that religions such as Christianity, Islam etc. etc. are certainly less likely to be true and they certainly cause all sorts of nasty problems.

Edited by rowly
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For once I agree that the papers may have gone to far. Yes theres freedomn of speech but you can take it so far. Racism is apart of freedom of speech but its treated as a crime.

Its not just Muslims that are bad, theres the dam Jews they have their twats, so do the Christains etc.... Its just stereotyping at its worst, not everyone is what their seen to be.

Arh shucks Ive lost the plot.

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Something about Christianity I've always wondered about. God is supposedly all powerful, and all knowing. This means he created Adam and Eve in a way that he knew would make them behave the way they did. The snake and the apple, blah blah blah. So this makes God a bit of a fanny really. He wanted to see the human race suffer. He rigged it all so he could have his own soap opera world of sex, war, drugs and swearing. Yet this is supposed to be a God based on strict morals. I just invisage him as a fat coach potato that hasn't visited the shower in about 3 trillion years.

Edited by rowly
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Well to be honest, at a time like this...you cant deny its a totally stupid thing to do by the paper. Muslims are going through a lot at the moment with all the terrorism, palestine/israel and everything...things like this just make it worse.

Picturing the prophet Mohammed with a bomb on his head is absolutely disgraceful, and muslims will think the paper is making a total mockery of their beliefs (which it is), so especially at a time like this its going to cause chaos. You can say you hate religion and all that crap but at the end of the day, putting that picture in the paper makes people very angry or upset, its insulting people, not the religion itself.

Also, if your saying everyones entitled to free speech, there IS a limit. For example, people cant go around saying 'oh yeah id really like to blow up the white house' or 'i love seeing little boys and girls naked'. That picture goes over the limit.

Edited by Nozmeister
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Something about Christianity I've always wondered about. God is supposedly all powerful, and all knowing. This means he created Adam and Eve in a way that he knew would make them behave the way they did. The snake and the apple, blah blah blah. So this makes God a bit of a fanny really. He wanted to see the human race suffer. He rigged it all so he could have his own soap opera world of sex, war, drugs and swearing. Yet this is supposed to be a God based on strict morals. I just invisage him as a fat coach potato that hasn't visited the shower in about 3 trillion years.

For someone (me) that doesant believe in religopn, I may shoot myself in the foot here. I believe that if there is a 'god' and that 'god' made the world like it is then things like drugs, deseases etc... were created to control the human population. Like the food chain things get eaten and its all part of this big 'plan'.

Thats just my view.

Well to be honest, at a time like this...you cant deny its a totally stupid thing to do by the paper. Muslims are going through a lot at the moment with all the terrorism, palestine/israel and everything...things like this just make it worse.

Picturing the prophet Mohammed with a bomb on his head is absolutely disgraceful, and muslims will think the paper is making a total mockery of their beliefs (which it is), so especially at a time like this its going to cause chaos. You can say you hate religion and all that crap but at the end of the day, putting that picture in the paper makes people very angry or upset, its insulting people, not the religion itself.

Also, if your saying everyones entitled to free speech, there IS a limit. For example, people cant go around saying 'oh yeah id really like to blow up the white house' or 'i love seeing little boys and girls naked'. That picture goes over the limit.

Its a war of two worlds, west vs east, western views vs eastern views. Every persons view is this world is based on our background, society, laws, culture and so on. Its a lose lose situation as something in the west will be deemed an outrage in the east. Something that Edward Siad said in one of his books I had to read the name escapes me, no wait its Orientalism, or is it.

I agree very stupid to publish those sorts of pictures, if its against their religion respect it even if you think its the root of terrorism, which it isnt. Theres always a few bad eggs in any community, ignore them and respect the majority. It wouldnt suprise me if something bad happens.

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I could go with that. Everthing does seem to look for a sort of equilibriam. The fact that we're all living like kings in the western world with our energy consumption appears to be coming back to us in the form of global warming. It could all be a universal warning or controlling tool. If you look at a lot of disease, it spawns from the way we behave. If we create shitholes, we promote disease.

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I could go with that. Everthing does seem to look for a sort of equilibriam. The fact that we're all living like kings in the western world with our energy consumption appears to be coming back to us in the form of global warming. It could all be a universal warning or controlling tool. If you look at a lot of disease, it spawns from the way we behave. If we create shitholes, we promote disease.

I put it as simply as I can.

Everyone has a different perspective therefore there will always be differences in this world.

The result is a difference on opinon on absolutly everything and thats where the problems will start. The perfect example is my views on cycling to me my views are fine but to someone else Im a raving looney.

This world is truely a complicated place, there will never be racial, economic, cultural, social equality even if civilization was to start again there will always be someone greedy. Damm I think thats what the bible tries to sayt, I should become a priest person. :D

Edited by Michael Hardman
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Also, if your saying everyones entitled to free speech, there IS a limit. For example, people cant go around saying 'oh yeah id really like to blow up the white house' or 'i love seeing little boys and girls naked'. That picture goes over the limit.

I would agree with that really. When I first saw the news and stuff about it, I just thought that the paper was out of order. You can argue about freedom of speech all day, but everyone gets offended by some stuff. When you know that it's going to cause that much outrage (and anyone who even thought about it would have realised this), why print it? It's just asking for trouble. It's just insulting a whole religion (of mostly peaceful people I would add) for no particular reason. That would be like painting a picture of me on Bush's body, and shooting some arabic people. I wouldn't want that, would I. And there's no reason to lump me in with some other western figures, in the same way that lumping together a prophet and a bomber.

When videos etc of Ken Bigley being executed by his captors went around the internet, most people were disgusted. But there were a few people (mainly muslims I guess) who had the video on their phone etc. Now I think that's pretty sick, and I think most people would agree. But it's basically the same issue, just with the boot on the other foot.

All pretty silly, really.

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People are thinking something. They might as well express it. Not expressing it doesn't take away the fact that they are feeling it, whatever it is. Satire is a great thing. We should all be able to laugh at ourselves. Imagine if everyone was laughing. World sorted! Sweet.

Thats a cool view on it all.

Even if the opinion is contentious or possibly offensive or whatever, it should still be expressed. That way it can be discussed and evolve and hopefully, if it is a silly opinion, it can be changed. Hiding opinions in the back of our heads does nothing to change anything, because that opinion cannot be reasoned with by other opinions. If you want society to evolve slowly, then no one should say anything that might possibly offend somebody else.

I can certainly see your point, but I don't think it would work in all situations, for example:

Lets say I think yo' momma is REALLY damned ugly. Does this mean I should go tell her, and get it out in the open? I think it would be a wiser decision to just put this emotion to the back of your head and ignore it (or, if you are gunna tell your mates and have a giggle about it, make sure it DOESNT get back to yo' momma. What you don't know can't hurt you.)

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muslims are too uptight, if they can't take a joke that's their problem, do they really, really care what the danish think? i bet half of them hadn't even heard of Denmark until the last couple of days.

and i'm with rowly, why can't people take a joke? are they scared that they might find their whole lives are based on lies? people need to learn how to swallow their pride every once in a while.

its only a cartoon stereotype after all, its not like they assasinated anyone.

And burning flags is wrong and very nieve.

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muslims are too uptight, if they can't take a joke that's their problem, do they really, really care what the danish think? i bet half of them hadn't even heard of Denmark until the last couple of days.

and i'm with rowly, why can't people take a joke? are they scared that they might find their whole lives are based on lies? people need to learn how to swallow their pride every once in a while.

its only a cartoon stereotype after all, its not like they assasinated anyone.

And burning flags is wrong and very nieve.

I wouldnt say that, I say they took the joke too far, what the hell do you think muslims are gonna think. Western - Arab relations isnt the best right now these cartoons are an excuss to do something stupid.

One could argue that all relgions are base everything on lies, well science seems to think so.

You atleas thave to admit it was a stupid thing to do.

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What about if he has a penis on his head instead? Would that be alright? I can go draw one right now.

that is by far the funnyest thing ever

When videos etc of Ken Bigley being executed by his captors went around the internet, most people were disgusted. But there were a few people (mainly muslims I guess) who had the video on their phone etc. Now I think that's pretty sick, and I think most people would agree. But it's basically the same issue, just with the boot on the other foot.

it's not the same issue, as they have totally wrecked/destoryed somebodies life, i bet its worse for his family.

personally i don't care what race your from or what religeons you practise. I honestly couldn't give a stuff about anyone or what they think.

I could go with that. Everthing does seem to look for a sort of equilibriam. The fact that we're all living like kings in the western world with our energy consumption appears to be coming back to us in the form of global warming. It could all be a universal warning or controlling tool. If you look at a lot of disease, it spawns from the way we behave. If we create shitholes, we promote disease.

in the dark ages they had all the power as they had all the books of medecine from the greeks and roman doctors, when the retards in the west were more interested in burning things (important medical documents). they could be the rich ones, but they never made the advances we did, if they had atleast tried to be open-minded and think differently they could be very, very wealthy and with their religeous beliefs. but because they weren't open-minded then i wouldn't expect them to be now.

i'm not a racist or classist but why the hell can't they just shut up and get on with they're lives and shitty little beliefs

Edited by ash-kennard
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What about if he has a penis on his head instead? Would that be alright? I can go draw one right now.

Apparently its not just the fact that they drew him with a bomb on his head, its also the fact that muslims find it disrespectful to even try and create an image of... Mohammed(?) - let alone with a bomb on his head. (guess the person who didnt pay much attention in RE :S)

Slightly over the top to go around burning places down though. No excuse really..

To balance the argument a bit though, dont overlook this - http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/uk/4676524.stm

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Apparently its not just the fact that they drew him with a bomb on his head, its also the fact that muslims find it disrespectful to even try and create an image of... Mohammed(?) - let alone with a bomb on his head. (guess the person who didnt pay much attention in RE :S)

Slightly over the top to go around burning places down though. No excuse really..

To balance the argument a bit though, dont overlook this - http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/uk/4676524.stm

Yes it is forbidden to draw/create a statue/etc of God, mohammed, jesus, etc (jesus is in the Quran aswell as in christianity, in islam he is a prophet and didnt die on a cross).

I cant really be bothered posting about it really... i guess theres 2 views - west/east but im half arab half english so i like to keep an open mind. Both sets of people are in the wrong (manic people burning places down and the danish newspaper for publishing the picture)

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