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Any One Been To Amsterdam?


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Most places will ID you if you act your age.

Act a bit more mature and you might be lucky enough. It's not really a good idea anyway because in effect you are making criminal's of the dealer's and shopkeeper's, they have enough hassle as it is without supplying underagers. You'll get ripped off too if you don't know what to look for and how to ask.

Enjoy it!

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You pretty much will get ID'd unless you look a lot older than you are. I get ID'd all the time over there (then again I dont look my age)

A couple of years ago the story was that the police are actually trying to shut down the coffee shops, so if they get caught with underage people in them they get shut down instantly, and never reopen - so theyre pretty uptight about ID.

Either way you will have fun though, its impossible not to.

Tip of the day: dont look at, talk to, respond in any way to anyone on the streets trying to get your attention. Totally blank them, the second you even look at them they'll latch on.. but you'll learn that pretty quickly :P

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I currently live in Leiden ( a few miles from Amsterdam ) and go to Gangsterdam quite often , usually to accomodate U.K friends who come over . First thing I wanna say is : why always Amsterdam ? Sure it's a famous international city , but it's so damned tourist oriented ( fake + expensive ) and not at all representative of Holland as a whole . Go to Amsterdam centre and you'll find nothing but tourists lookin' for hash and whores .

Check the Dam out , but if you're here for a week or so stay in a smaller town where these things are also available , but in a safer way , without masses of tourists and garish , shouty advertising .

As for cannabis and coffeshops , if you wanna get :teehee: ( kinda stoned lookin' ) try T H E S E places . Act mature , ask for the " menu " and enjoy yourselves . This a very sophisticated place , unlike many low budget , dark , techno playing shitholes I've sat in .

Have fun , if you bring your bikes and wanna hook up for a ride like Bikedock's Gary did , P.M me .

Edited by Endohopper
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Kool man cheers for that, i also hear you can buy it from some shops and take your own into coffee shops that true?

As for the ride dont have a bike atm but ill happily meet up anyway lol (Y)

Edit: whats the prices like for the coffee shops and bars mate? add me to msn pepsicolasucks@hotmail.co.uk (Y)

Edited by Richie
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when i went in december i got in like evrywhere, i understand what endo hopper means about the fakeness of it all same with any major tourist hot spots in spain etc . .

yeah good fun though, and visit the red light district the birds theyre, look like top models ! honest !

then theres like the 50 year old blacks with theyre tats out :(

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i`ve been to the dam bout 6 times i think now and each time i have never been ID`d but just go in and act like you were buyin a beer to be fair ask Q`s as they have always been helpful with me plus always ask to look at any ganja before you buy if you know what your looking for you wont be dissapointed one bit i love the place!!


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Why does going there not appeal to me at all?? :blink: probs cos im not to fussed bout weed.

could be that - are you into van gogh ? theres a lovely museum all about him too.

I went over again last March (hadn't been for about 5 years) and because I'd calmed down on the whole ganja thing it seemed like any other capital city - in that you get ripped off for food, beer and drugs.

as far as the ID thing goes. the manky little coffeeshops will probably be fine serving underage people - much like the manky little off-licenses are over here. Taking your own weed into coffeeshops never got me in trouble - for the most part their main business isn't selling ganja, it's selling coffee, cakes and hot chocolate (hence the term coffee shop)

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Errm might be worth a look in your situation? My mate who is 18 just got back from there about a week ago, hmmm white widdow sooo tasty. Anyways his girlfriend is 16, so needed some source of ID, which is where this website come into play. Its alright because your in a different country and its quite easily blaggable.

But i was told they are being a little more strict on the ID situations over there then they were last year.

Stu (Y)

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My mate, who happens to be black, finds the term 'blacks' derogatory - think about it, would you stand in a crowd of people from varying origins and refer to them as blacks? Plus, look at the context he's written it in.

Read it into it whatever you like, I personally think he could have worded it better.

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My mate, who happens to be black, finds the term 'blacks' derogatory - think about it, would you stand in a crowd of people from varying origins and refer to them as blacks? Plus, look at the context he's written it in.

Read it into it whatever you like, I personally think he could have worded it better.

Is it just me or did you just totally contradict yourself there? :huh:

I don't care anyway, maybe he could have worded it better, but it seems okay to me.

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I give up

I'm obviously from a school of political correctness that doesn't exist outside the relms of Suffolk - carry on

Next up, Auschwitz, its not all bad......

So i guess it's not black board either, 'cause you know, i'm well trying to insult a person of different colour when i refer to the board i write on in class. Nor is it black bin bags either, as you know, i'm again insulting people of different colour.

Get over it.

If i got called white, so f**king what, i am white. Get over it. What he said was in no way racist. At all.

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