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How High Can You Lunge Up Things?


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seeing as people are asking how far you can gap and how bigs your biggest drop.....i thought i'd ask people how high they can lunge/jump up things too the back wheel that is. i can do roughly 4-41/2 ft i dunno if thats good or not really seeing as i ride with mainly with two other people who both ride 20's. :ermm::)

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Yeah i mean a run up, i normaly do half a crank then kick it up their and hope lol.

when i try static its normally about 40 inches for me im jus guessing here as dont measure stuff when i ride but i do normally guess right.

Edited by montyrider
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i jus asked my mate who lives near the sea wall which go up, his house is 2 metres away from the sea front where we ride he measured the wall as 45inches, which is pretty cool but i dont always get it first time!

i find though the higher i go the harder it is to stay on the back wheel. do you get that problem?

58 inch

58" f!*kn hell thats pretty high dude, good effort chap :D

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the highest wall i ever did i accidently front wheel tapped and it sent me flying up their but i cant really do them to well as it trips me out a little bit as im so used to not doing it, i never have managed to get up the wall again smoothly it normaly invloves a bit of the meltal from the bash coming into action >_<

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I can do 0" Yay go me! :S how do you do them? i can cherry hop and back hop but not lunge :

Thanks, Oli

a lunge is quite simple once you get the nack of it like most things in life, what you do is you pedal forwards to what you wanna go up then give your bike a jab or kick i find it easier if you just before you get to the wall you put in a half crank and quarter of the way through that you kick/jab your pedal using your lead foot and at the same time push your bike up keeping the front wheel high and landing on your back wheel on whatever you were aiming for :blink:

hope thats of some use to you not easy to understand i know but hope it is some help buddy :D

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I can do 0" Yay go me! :S how do you do them? i can cherry hop and back hop but not lunge :

Thanks, Oli

onzaboymark has a lovely photo sequence floating around on here somewhere , have a search for that

also , you can watch me doing it onto a weeny rail on trashzen http://www.trashzen.com/climbing6.html (specifically http://www.trashzen.com/anpedalhop1f.html)

that ought to learn you ..

The secret is in getting the front unweighted with your wrong foot during the run up.

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Nah i done the end of the coust wall were the top bricks have been noked of, it's on a slant though so it makes it alot easier.

I'm sure it's around 46" - 47"

Allso i don't struggle with 42" kris, i've done like 45" on a straight wall before, thats when i'm just going in to it full blast though.

Edited by Gears
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