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Problems With Pedal Hops


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Just to start with, I have searched but nothing really helped so here we go...

I've recently started being able to balance on my rear wheel and since about 5 days ago have been trying to learn pedal hops but when I go for them I end up putting in the pedal and then either rolling instead of hopping or going about half a foot (N)

What could I be doing wrong? I'm hopping on the back wheel until I get my balance, lowering the front end a bit , pedaling and trying to hop but it doesn't seem to be working...

Thanks for reading and sorry to start another one of these topics (Y)

Oh and I've looked on trashzen but it didn't really help

Edited by frozenfrogsocks
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It's like changing gear when your driving. When you first start to do it is really hard and you have to force your self to get the timing right, but after a while you do it without thinking.

Are you leting go of the break when you are doing it? are you shifting your weight? Are you pushing dowh on the pedal? Try to record a vidio of you doing it so we can spot what you doing wrong streight away (Y) .

It's all practice.

Edited by Jaffacakes
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I'm doing everything you're saying, but can you explain what you mean by weight shifting?

Don't have a video camera so can't take a vid (N)

You have to sort of jump with the bike otherwise you fall off the back. That means jumping up and forwards at the same time, You will develop how much to jump when you get into gaping etc and won't thing about it.

Try just geting onto your back wheel then doing a couple of hops on your back wheel then doing a little wheelie. It is the same movement except softer and you don't have to think about weight shifting and jumping etc.

Give it a go mate (Y) .

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IMO, you have got to have a good working rear brake that can be locked with one finger. With small backhops you can get away with two, but with pedalhops you need more of a grip to pull / hold onto the bars as you put the power down.

Set your brakes up good and use a bit of tar so you know it's gonna lock and give you more confidence.

(Y) - goodluck!

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What gets the bike off the ground is the jump&tuck - rather than the pedal. If you can bunnyhop and backwheel up stuff then you ought to be pretty comfortable with hopping - if you can't then learn that before worrying about pedalhopping along the ground.

You really don't need to crank much when you put the pedal in - an 8th or 16th turn is plenty for little hops.

Also, maybe try putting the pedal in later - after you've started chucking yourself forward rather than before.

I think those two things might be what are causing you to roll rather then hop

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I'm proberly not the best for advice....but i just sorta got the pedal hopping.

You just sorta get on the back wheel.....slightly push forward the handle bars whilst letting your back brake off (i use 1 finger - you need as much grip on the handle bars) then jult the pedal round whilst lifting the handlebars up again and jumping up and forward :S

the motion of your front wheel going up and your back wheel goin forward should give you abit of a hop...but add a little wrist action to hop aswell......

now i know that was no use to you at all cos im a crap explainer....but hey well :ermm:

good luck

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Here is my step to step guide of what to do,

1= Bring yourself up to back wheel,

2= Do some small hops to gain balance

3= Let go of the rear brake

4= Slightly lower your front wheel not to much

5= Bring back your pedal (your good foot)

6= kick the pedal forward while at the same time jumping/shifting your weight forward.

Thats the movements, it will take some time to perfect and all the steps will link in very quickly with each other, also watch some videos. (Y)


Edited by bhups
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I had a simalar problem. When i pedal hop (now that i can do it- :D !) as i bring my front wheel back up i push on the bars (just like u would in a backhop-sort of :ermm: ) and let go of my back brake. If you do this all in 1 you should get it. But, obviously dont forget to pull the brake again when u land because i found out the hard way and unfortunately realised that is DOES hurt if you dont :P

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Here is my step to step guide of what to do,

1= Bring yourself up to back wheel,

2= Do some small hops to gain balance

3= Let go of the rear brake

4= Slightly lower your front wheel not to much

5= Bring back your pedal (your good foot)

6= kick the pedal forward while at the same time jumping/shifting your weight forward.

Thats the movements, it will take some time to perfect and all the steps will link in very quickly with each other, also watch some videos. (Y)


If he lets go of the brake at that point hell either go over the back onto his arse or the front will drop right down. I don't tend to let go of the rear brake until im just about to kick, after step 5.

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make sure ur controling your back brake with just one finger. your first finger ideally.

its just a combination of timing when u realease ur back brake, kick with ur pedals and lif your legs.

as soon as you release your back brake, kick your pedals but dont exagerate this it dosnt require a big effort and lift your legs/pull on the bars.

just keep practicing and you'll get it. dony give in

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How much are you moving the cranks, when i first had a go i was trying to turn them quite a lot, which didn't help. don't think about pedaling just hop forwards and you do it yourself (i filmed myself backhopping forwards and could see i was doing the leg/foot movement without realising it, so i let go of the brake as apropriate and all was good, then i over did it and now i'm scared of my bike :( )

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