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I'm Looking For A Trials Bike Between £200 - £600, Any Ideas?

Nuke Bowel

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Hi, I had a go on a friends onza 20inch, I picked up a couple of things quickly so i'm thinking of buying one, i'm looking between £200 - £600 for a 26inch preferably. If any of you know of a good rig for this amount I would appreciate hearing from you.

Cheers Guys

Luke, Wales

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If you picked up stuff real quick on a mod would it not be best to stick to a mod?

Yeh listen to him.If you feel good on a mod get a mod...You know it makes sense :) Well if you do decide to go mod,the t-pro looks a good bet ive never rode one but lots do so they cant be bad ;)

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Ever thought of building up your own rig?

If not, I'd stay stick with mod, as you've picked up on it pretty well.

T-Pro should do just fine.

No upgrades will be needed for a loong time.

Except wear and tear stuff, brake pads, tyres, tubes etc (Y)

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Don't forget that if you found it easier to pick stuff up on a mod, but are looking for a larger bike to take things further, then there's the Zoot 24" - Full build available from www.tartybikes.co.uk and within your budget.

However, options such as the Zip and the T-Rex make for good alternatives also within the price range

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stop using "txt tlk" it makes it 10 times harder to read and you will never get validtaed. Also stop using numbers instead of words, it will help to get you validated quicker.

eg. wnt 2 da shops= I went to the shops.

you get the idea? Sorry to have a go but its for your own sake. (Y)

Oh yeah the post.....

A t-pro is a good starter bike so i would recomend that if your riding mod. (the stock riders have an extra 6" to make up for some thing else :P )

Stay clear of the t-mag its rubbish (N) .

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not sure were you live mate but go into somewhere like aire valley who stock a range of trials bikes and tell them your situation and they should have no problems letting you have a go on a bike and then see if 20 is what you want or 24 or 26. like others have sed t-pro is the best beginer 20' i had one and they are a great bike to start on. and a t-rex seems a good starting point for 26' a well. but the best way is to get to a shop and try the diferent bikes

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Don't get soemthing brand new!! You'll regret it. Just get some good second hand gear.

Second hand full build maybe? Saves messing around with waiting for parts etc. However with a custom build it's how you want it to be exactly. Hmmmm... up to you but don't bother with a whole brand new bike, it'll lose it's value too much.

Edited by Urpedigreechumdog
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Have a look at this <_<LINKY

not really keen on the bike but at £10.50 its a bargin and well worth the money :lol:

but yer if you've picked alot of trials on a mod you will proberbly be more used to 20" you could pick up a excerlent (sp?) 2nd hand mod up off ebay just keep looking

i cant really help you with 26" as i aint rode many

fergie (Y)

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