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As above really guys :)

Can anyone suggest some nice breathable Tees\Hoodies that have a competition biketrials style

For example this is what I consider competition style clothing :

IPB Image

But don't really like them, Could you point me to something nice?

Cheers :)

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you could always ride naked, clothes are quite heavy (expecialy jeans) but i would recomend you kept you shoes and socks on, pedals = evil on bare feet...

you're not funny so stop trying to be in every one of your posts for f**ks sake!

Edited by Joe_Elding
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Nothing wrong with Fox stuff, have a look around, there's always somewhere with it on sale.

What's wrong with normal clothes though? Can't beat decent cotton tops and jeans! :D

i'm with mike.

What's wrong with normal clothes? you dont really get hot enough in this weather to ride in anything less than a t-shirt, and for the summer shorts and t-shirt :S

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pants are esential, preferably tite ones to stop you balls from bouncing around, then just some trakkies and a tee shirt, also socks are good, must be comfy ones. cuz you feet take a beeting at trials. and some trials shoes if its for comps, i think ribo are about the best of the bunch.


o yer allways use protection. a helmet is a must, gloves are very 'handie' and shinpads if you dont like the site of blood!

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i ride in howies merino base layers, they're not cheap but they're fookin good...


Go team base layer :P I bought a ÂŁ25 Sub-Zero base layer, and man - it's f**king awesome. Managed to get through most of winter - incl. -8C rides - wearing that base layer, a T, and a long sleeve T over the top. Plus, was so warm some times that it meant I could just wear the base layer. Keeps you cool in the heat though, so they're f**kin' A no matter what time of year.


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I know im going to get slated for saying these but..

Addidas Traccy Bottoms?

England Shirt?

These are comfy breathable t-shirts and comfy breathable bottoms and are easy to move around in!!

I usually wear a pear of jeans and a nice cotton t-shirt! And some comfy Adio Trainers...!

People's preferance's are differant so..


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Go team base layer :P I bought a ÂŁ25 Sub-Zero base layer, and man - it's f**king awesome. Managed to get through most of winter - incl. -8C rides - wearing that base layer, a T, and a long sleeve T over the top. Plus, was so warm some times that it meant I could just wear the base layer. Keeps you cool in the heat though, so they're f**kin' A no matter what time of year.


after using them once they reek of sweat. at least mine does! :$

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Mine doesn't at all. Maybe you're just a filthy Swede? :P Nah, it depends which ones you get; some of them have different materials and different coatings that mean they're less stanky. Think mine's got some antibacterial shit on the go or something. Meh.

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