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Lets Change Things For Us Commuters


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Hey all , After one hell of a day of hassle with trains and messing about I decided I want something done about the way we are frowned upon and given so much stick for wanting to travel on them with out bikes and was wondering if we could start a partition to get cyclists a dedicated space on trains for more than just TWO and more respect for us.

I would like to know how many of you would sign it.

Also I welcome alternative views on this matter except 'go get a car', as not everyone has a car or can afford them.

Thanks in advance


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ditto i'm f**king sick of being penalised for being a cyclist, road users give you shit and try and kill you, your work then dont give you space to store your bike and whinge that your smelly when you turn up but give you no washing facilities, when out trials riding you get constantly thrown off places and told to go ride the skate park but when you go there its full of chavs and piss heads giving you abuse. the whole system is against us cyclists who are trying to stay fit and participate in our sport.

and yeah trains are twats most of the time.

i'd sign and then help burn the establishment to the ground and set up a fairer one...

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the whole system is against us cyclists who are trying to stay fit and participate in our sport.

And be environmentally friendly (Y) which apparently is an important thing these days. Obviously with craig + your's post it seems that that topic is dwindliing

Personally I've never had any hassle, but I think I've just been lucky. I remember when we were travelling from bangor once and when we got our bike on the conductor said we couldn't put em there, and Rob had a proper good go at him (Y) I reckon he was close to crying :lol:

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And be environmentally friendly (Y) which apparently is an important thing these days. Obviously with craig + your's post it seems that that topic is dwindliing

Personally I've never had any hassle, but I think I've just been lucky. I remember when we were travelling from bangor once and when we got our bike on the conductor said we couldn't put em there, and Rob had a proper good go at him (Y) I reckon he was close to crying :lol:

Yeah It might dwindle but you shouldn't have to threaten people to get your way that is called bullying.

The government is trying to get people to cut down on car usage by telling people to use public transport so why then stop people from travelling by train and taking there bike to get to work from the station :S.

Edited by CBProductions
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Yeah It might dwindle but you shouldn't have to threaten people to get your way that is called bullying.

The government is trying to get people to cut down on car used by using public transport so why then stop people from travelling by train then bike.

yeah thats what i meant lol :)

Im for this petition :D

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that is called bullying.

yeah but at the same time i shouldn't have to take abuse from scallies in the street, piss heads in my skate park and plastic police men in deserted cemorcial parts of town.

to be fair i do plan on getting a van at some point so i can ride more trials etc but that doesn't mean i'm going to use it for the drive to work etc etc. i think it would be great if using a car became even more expensive so that people had to use other transport, the more people who use it the better it has to be. win win situation. at the same time however car companies should be fined for producing un economic cars. i saw an advert the other day for some super dooper low emisions SUV that does 36mpg, 36mpg!!!! thats f**king disgusting, cars should be doing 50-60 mpg with the technology we have.

i'm going to leave it there before i get really irate at the state of the world we live in.

remember next time its voting - it doesn't matter who you vote for the government always get in, but that doesn't mean that we cant vote in a slightly better government...

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yeah but at the same time i shouldn't have to take abuse from scallies in the street, piss heads in my skate park and plastic police men in deserted cemorcial parts of town.

Yes and again thats another problem , if virgin can do a bike carrage then why can't other trains it's not like its going to cost them loads and think of the hassle it would save and also it might increase ticket sales.

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super dooper low emisions SUV that does 36mpg, 36mpg!!!! thats f**king disgusting, cars should be doing 50-60 mpg with the technology we have.

For an SUV though thats shit hot.

And yeah not everyone needs an SUV but if you have 6 family members they are useful, saying that my family survives with a MG ZR :D

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wish my van did 36 to the gallon im luky to see 30 and thats when i drive like my nan.

go get a car would be my answer(although you banned it) if i can afford one then any one can, i work in a shop for go sake!

still for things such as the jurney to work, i prefer to take my bike. its faster because of the trffic and it doesent use any diesel. lol, bit of a ball ach on the way home after a busy day though!


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wish my van did 36 to the gallon im luky to see 30 and thats when i drive like my nan.

go get a car would be my answer(although you banned it) if i can afford one then any one can, i work in a shop for go sake!

still for things such as the jurney to work, i prefer to take my bike. its faster because of the trffic and it doesent use any diesel. lol, bit of a ball ach on the way home after a busy day though!


Yes but some of us have other priorities like rent e.t.c , as the topic said at the top its if you will support this not talk about cars. Come on people theres got to be others.

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wish my van did 36 to the gallon im luky to see 30 and thats when i drive like my nan.

go get a car would be my answer(although you banned it) if i can afford one then any one can, i work in a shop for go sake! still for things such as the jurney to work, i prefer to take my bike. its faster because of the trffic and it doesent use any diesel. lol, bit of a ball ach on the way home after a busy day though!


im all for this petition (Y)

what about if your not old enough for a car >_< or old enough to work

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wish my van did 36 to the gallon im luky to see 30 and thats when i drive like my nan.


run it on biodiesel, the government and car manufacturers dont want you to know that any diesel will run on a 50/50 mix of diesel and vegtable oil because it'll kill fuel tax income and the car manufacturers are in cahoots with the oil companies. i know of a very famous mountain biker who runs their van (a bloody big long wheelbase hightop wagon) on 50/50 all the time and it cuts emisions and doubles your diesel mpg. all you have to do is pay the tax on it which is easy to do (contact the fuel tax people and tell them your using biodiesel and you want to pay the tax on it) and the tax should only be about 8p a litre. buy oil in bulk and you've got fookin cheap and very environmentally friendly fuel...

oh yeah and no you dont need to do anything to your vehicle and in most cases it will make it run smoother and quieter, just lower the mix when it gets cold because oil solidifies easier than diesel.

if you want to do it go do some research, theres plenty of into out there...

But bare in mind the Americans are proud of their humvee which does 1.2 miles to the gallon is it?

yeah but they are also all obese and f**king thick (that not racism, its percentage based fact, 60% of americans are overweight and 20% are clinically obese, they are also the stupidest county on the planet in terms of IQ)

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South Eastern trains don't have any bike space at all, we have to put 'em in the door space.

But i've never had any troubles with that, at least then you can say that theres no place to put them and that cuts their argument short.

Other than that i'm pretty happy with shit.


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South Eastern trains don't have any bike space at all, we have to put 'em in the door space.

But i've never had any troubles with that, at least then you can say that theres no place to put them and that cuts their argument short.

Other than that i'm pretty happy with shit.


Health and safety the guy said prevented us from doing that.

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yeah but they are also all obese and f**king thick (that not racism, its percentage based fact, 60% of americans are overweight and 20% are clinically obese, they are also the stupidest county on the planet in terms of IQ)

all the numbers i find seem to show that britian is damn close to the us in terms of overweight and obesity percentages, and that several countries in africa seem to hold the spot for lowest average iq.

but that doesn't make for good american bashing does it? try a little harder next time.

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Hey all , After one hell of a day of hassle with trains and messing about I decided I want something done about the way we are frowned upon and given so much stick for wanting to travel on them with out bikes and was wondering if we could start a partition to get cyclists a dedicated space on trains for more than just TWO and more respect for us.

I would like to know how many of you would sign it.

Also I welcome alternative views on this matter except 'go get a car', as not everyone has a car or can afford them.

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id like to know who your petition is going too?? the british train services have been privatised for some time now, and a letter to say virgin, isnt going to make any difference to my local train service (Ariva). Having said that, i have never experienced and trouble using the trains, except wen the service was really busy etc. and had to wait for the next train. I was more Pissed off about the extortionate prices to be honest

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id like to know who your petition is going too?? the british train services have been privatised for some time now, and a letter to say virgin, isnt going to make any difference to my local train service (Ariva). Having said that, i have never experienced and trouble using the trains, except wen the service was really busy etc. and had to wait for the next train. I was more Pissed off about the extortionate prices to be honest

Im just seeing how many people would back up a move to try and get a bit more respect / equal rights for cyclists using trains and better facilities for them. I also use arriva but its the local trains that are the trouble. Virgin are fine in that respect.

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To be honest, I've always booked my bike on in advance, and I've never had trouble. On a trip to Bristol from Cardiff and Newport to Cardiff (both returns), I didn't get a chance to book my ticket, but they were fine. We had 4 bikes piled in the bike slot on the Wessex trains train (I think it was Wessex...), and it was fine, except for the one guy with the bike at the bottom being actually thicker than shit. No really. Thicker than shit. It's the only time I've wanted to tear someone's face off for being so f**king stupid.


Anyway, yeah, book early, no trouble. If you're relaxed with them, they tend to be relaxed with you. One guy tried giving us grief once, but they can't argue with the little blue tickets :rolleyes:

We'll see after my trip to Bristol and back on Friday though, eh :P

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Yes to be fair mark that side of it you can't fault but the fact that this health and safety malarky they gave us today where only two bikes can be booked onto a train or placed on a train at any one time is really quite dyer.

It's generally ok if youre on your own.

I mean we were going 2 miles to the next stop and would have been the first off but they had to be awkward and say theres only two allowed.

I returned by saying well what about wheel chairs and prams , surely to god they create an obstruction as well but nooo thats a different league all together. Also how are they going to tell an unbooked bike that they have to get off because a booked bike wants to get on when they got on before them.

I'm just sick and tired of being frowned upon for having a bike on the train. But I guess according to mr train man we are ment to ride our bikes hhmmmm look at the seat or lack of it you ****.

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ahhh things change when it comes to a commuting bike, and a trials bike......you will get more scrutinised it seems when you ride a 'tricks' bike cos its not really being used to get to work or anything, just to ride on some bits on concrete or jumps of dirt, i found with my local train service, they dont grumble at anybody with a normal bike, argh i cant seem to get my point accross

basically ive found, takign a normal bike on a train doesnt end up in grief

anyway, im pretty fed up with the shit bikers seem to get, its a pretty poor show-we kinda ask for it riding bikes with no seats and silly gears though-mocking targets...even worse for mod riders :P

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it is the one thing trains are lacking is good bike supports.

most effective ones have to be the hanging ones, about 6 of those hooks in a train would make luggage space, and make trains a whole lot easier.

id be willing to sign a petition to get better cycle racks, at the moment they are either innefective or non existant

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