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What Trials Shoes ?


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OT but jak could you add me to msn? (Y)

Anyway, as for shoes i wouldn't bother with the Ribos. They more 'something to ride in' than an actual shoe. Too ridgid, just not really a fan. Still going to stick with mine though, they're not that bad, but my try-alls were better apart from the sole that was made from cheese.

Edited by JT!
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when i posted this topic a while back i basically got the overall idea that ribos are the best( longest lasting and nicest feel) but people thought they look crap, which they do. i bought some try alls and i think they re great. have lasted a few months so far and ill get another pair prob when they go, the stiffness around the ankle feels great too. they grip really well although they arent to grippy on rocks as i thought and feel my vans gripped the floor better( eg dabs and walking around on rocks) but nowt to worry about as you dont walk around you ride your bike and pedal grip is ace and the sole is nice and flexy for good pedal feel. id say go for the tryalls or if you can stand the looks get the ribos

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NOOOOO stay away from the pixie boots! get some vans slipons! there so much sexier!

NOOOOO stay away from trials bikes! get a DH bike! there so much sexier!


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orchid bmx riding shoes, the soul pattern is amaaaaaaaaaaaaazingly grippy on pedals. only 30 quid at the www.sourcebmx.com look awesome too!

for once mat is right, they grip superbly, i didnt realise how bad my other shoes were! my new orchids even feel grippy on those cheap plastic shite pedals you get on el cheapo bikes :)

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