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Trials-shack - Its Back


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Right then.

Its with great pleasure i present Trials-Shack - Bike Trial Media Hosting.

Right, heres the deal.

Trials-Shack is a place where you can host your videos, or even zips/tars. The upload method of choice is FTP. FTP stands for File Transfer Protocol, which as the name suggests, is designed to transfer files. This allows you to queue uploads, pause uploads, resume uploads, delete, rename or what ever else you wish to do to the file.

FTP clients of choice are either filezilla or smartftp.

If you wish to upload videos on Trials-Shack, simply go to the register page, and make sure you click yes. Once you are registered, you will be given all the relevant FTP information. Once you have installed an FTP program, you will see it becomes obvious on how to connect and begin uploading.

If you don't wish to upload any videos, please dont bother registering, there is no added features for a registered user, except the ability to change your own password, which doesn't work if you dont have an FTP account anyway, so go figure. :P

When connected, either upload there, which is recommended, or you can create sub folders and upload videos in there, which ever you wish to do.

I've not drawn up any Terms and Conditions yet, but i'll let common sense apply until i can be bothered. The usual though, no porn, no warez, no programs, no mp3 (this one is new, pay attention), no html/php/asp or any other webpage. You get the picture.

For information, look at the support page, or ask here.

Comments on anything, from the as-user-friendly-as-possible register page, to the design, are all welcome. If all you want to say is "shit design", then i will simply ignore the post. Telling me something is shit without telling me why, wont get it improved.

Also, if you have a problem, tell me the problem, as again, i cant fix a problem i don't know exists.


PS: Information regarding advertising space on Trials-Shack will be posted soon.

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Nice to see it up and running but only downloading at about 20kB/sec. And i can't navigate the site when i'm downloading. As soon as i stopped the download, it works fine.

As for the site its self, I don't think 'Estimated download times" has much of a point, it's used on alot of sites and i never take any notice to them. The majority of people these days will download the file and wait for the download box to pop up anyway to see how long it'll take and then go from there. Sticking with it or cancelling.

It took me ages to actually work out how it would be possible to see all the files, that 'hidden' menu idea is a really bad idea. It's as if the less important info is being displayed stright off, and all the files (the main perpose to the whole site of course), are pushed to one side. I think a menu down the left and side would be much more suitable, or something similar, becuase most people who come on this site don't care about the welcome message, and how to upload files. They just download and leave.

I don't know what all that stuff under 'statistics' is, but is it really nessisery to be there?

3 // 0.008 secs (0.003 secs spent on MySQL Queries) // 521

Even for the few people who knows what it means, does it need to be known? It just tends to clutter up the site and makes things less easy to see.

Also, when your on an individual file page, the file name is still a hyperlink, which sort of draws your attention away from the download button. There's me clicking on the link, finding it not working, then saving target as, and saving a HTML file, i don't see any need for it to be a link to the same page.

Also whats the deal with the email adresses on the contact section? I remember reading that they were to stop spam or something, but surly there a better way instead of braking them down, replacing @'s for (AT). It looks really wrong.

At the moment i don't want to comment on other things as there's only 1 file. So i'll wait till morning untill it's got a bit more body to it.


Edited by JT!
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I quite like the design, THe only thing i would change is that by cliking elsewhere on the screen closes the navigatoin bar thing so i don't have to press ''close menu''.

speeds good though, I'm getting ~120kb/s which is a bit faster thn tv.isg.si for me...

nice one (Y)

Edit: Latest news, search files,view archives,list albums and lost password pages don't work

Edited by Joe_Elding
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Nice to see it up and running but only downloading at about 20kB/sec. And i can't navigate the site when i'm downloading. As soon as i stopped the download, it works fine.

I think a menu down the left and side would be much more suitable, or something similar, becuase most people who come on this site don't care about the welcome message, and how to upload files. They just download and leave.

I don't know what all that stuff under 'statistics' is, but is it really nessisery to be there?

3 // 0.008 secs (0.003 secs spent on MySQL Queries) // 521

Also, when your on an individual file page, the file name is still a hyperlink, which sort of draws your attention away from the download button. There's me clicking on the link, finding it not working, then saving target as, and saving a HTML file, i don't see any need for it to be a link to the same page.


1. I find that too :S

2. If there not to bothered about the welcome message and jus want too know how to upload then maybe it will lead too people spamming the server.

3. Not really nessacery but nice too know that the server T-S is running on is quick :)

4. Thats so that people dont put lazy links to the file. It gets people too go on the site and have a look around rather than jusr right click > save target as on some other website.

Good to see it back. Keep it coming.

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Nice to see it up and running but only downloading at about 20kB/sec.

Others are maxing out their connections, yet a very small few are getting wank speeds. Although i seem to remember on the last server you got rubbish speeds too. This one is on the other side of the world so i'm beginning to think its you rather then server.

And i can't navigate the site when i'm downloading. As soon as i stopped the download, it works fine.

You know, i've got the exact same problem. :huh: Better look into that.


It took me ages to actually work out how it would be possible to see all the files, that 'hidden' menu idea is a really bad idea. It's as if the less important info is being displayed stright off, and all the files (the main perpose to the whole site of course), are pushed to one side. I think a menu down the left and side would be much more suitable, or something similar, becuase most people who come on this site don't care about the welcome message, and how to upload files. They just download and leave.

Bad ideas. I see what you mean, although that reminds me i forgot about my first visit thing. When you first visit the site, you'll get a message telling how to navigate, how to download and so on so forth.

I don't know what all that stuff under 'statistics' is, but is it really nessisery to be there?

Yes, how does it make it look cluttered? :ermm:

Also, when your on an individual file page, the file name is still a hyperlink, which sort of draws your attention away from the download button. There's me clicking on the link, finding it not working, then saving target as, and saving a HTML file, i don't see any need for it to be a link to the same page.

Because you can also get to a video by using /view/123 where 123 is its id. The filename is a link incase you want to switch between the two.

Also whats the deal with the email adresses on the contact section? I remember reading that they were to stop spam or something, but surly there a better way instead of braking them down, replacing @'s for (AT). It looks really wrong.

It doesn't look really wrong, its how everyone does it. It stops me getting thousands of e-mails where someone has just sent a spider over my site to harvest any strings that match an e-mail and either sell them on, or use them themselves

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Looking good si :)

Couple of things that confused me/didnt find easy on the eye -

1) the menu - doesnt line up with the content - seems to have an extra column with nothing in it. Personally i'd get it so it lines up with the rest of the page and doesnt stick out the sides?


2) the download link thing I found confusing, like where it says 'Download file' then theres the download button as well. The download file link sends you in circles and if anyone wants the link to the file they can copy it out of the address bar?

EDIT: oops theres me not reading the thread.. still not sure why its there though :S (even though I read your explanation of why its there - but why? :P)


Nice job apart from those minor niggles - liking the '(GOT)' thing.



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Looking good si :)

Couple of things that confused me/didnt find easy on the eye -

1) the menu - doesnt line up with the content - seems to have an extra column with nothing in it. Personally i'd get it so it lines up with the rest of the page and doesnt stick out the sides?

2) the download link thing I found confusing, like where it says 'Download file' then theres the download button as well. The download file link sends you in circles and if anyone wants the link to the file they can copy it out of the address bar?

Nice job apart from those minor niggles - liking the '(GOT)' thing.

1) There is meant to be a a search thing there, or i'm making the news bit span across more. Its also sticking out the same amount each side, that was the idea. It used to span all the way across but Danny kept complaining. :P

EDIT: Didn't look at your attachment properly, not sure why there is a gap there to be honest. I'll look into it.

2) I see your point. Basically, if you click (#2), you will go to the short URL for that video, so incase the person gets to it like that, but then wants to link to the video with filename, they can, although i see your point so i've removed it.

Also added support for divx files.

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Others are maxing out their connections, yet a very small few are getting wank speeds. Although i seem to remember on the last server you got rubbish speeds too. This one is on the other side of the world so i'm beginning to think its you rather then server.

Wouldn't supprise me in the slightest, maby have something to do with me being on a really dodgy network.

You know, i've got the exact same problem. :huh: Better look into that.



Yes, how does it make it look cluttered? :ermm:

Well i supose if it must be there, then it must be there. It's just that it's the same sise front and under it's own heading, and of corse it's on every page. Maybe clutter isn't the right word, it's more distracting.

It doesn't look really wrong, its how everyone does it. It stops me getting thousands of e-mails where someone has just sent a spider over my site to harvest any strings that match an e-mail and either sell them on, or use them themselves

I can't see how eveyone does it. :huh: Picking out 3 sites at random they all have there email as a link, tartybikes, selectbikes, TF. I've only ever seen it like that on TS.

Edited by JT!
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there are methods of disguising email addresses but most people can recognise the (at) and will be capable of translating it. A better option would be an online form but i dont know how prone to spamming those are.

good job si :D

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Well i supose if it must be there, then it must be there. It's just that it's the same sise front and under it's own heading, and of corse it's on every page. Maybe clutter isn't the right word, it's more distracting.

See your point, might make it less prominent. Has to be there though, mainly for my purposes. First number is how many MySQL queries were performed, second is how long the page took to process, and third is how many clicks (basically hits).

There will be more there, like on the old trials-shack. Amount of files, size of files, users, blah blah.

I can't see how eveyone does it. :huh: Picking out 3 sites at random they all have there email as a link, tartybikes, selectbikes, TF. I've only ever seen it like that on TS.

Not to sound like a know it all, but there sites probably aren't majorly huge. I mean the site, not the business. To give you an idea;




http://www.private.org.il/harvest.html (wank site, but you get the idea)

there are methods of disguising email addresses but most people can recognise the (at) and will be capable of translating it. A better option would be an online form but i dont know how prone to spamming those are.

Yeah, just couldn't be bothered to do a contact form. I'll just a put flood protection on, so you have to wait 10 minutes before contacting again. Same with register form, you can't register more once every 60 seconds.

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Theres a good reason for it.

We've been getting loads of bounced spam emails from @trials-forum.co.uk addresses. Luckily it seems to have stopped now, before we got blacklisted by the major ISPs. (in other words our email doesnt get automatically put into the spam folders)

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