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Your Parents About Trial


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I made that topic to know, how do your parents regard to trial?

What do they think? Do they even know that you are riding trial?

Do they give you money for parts, or do you earn your money yourself, or don't you live with your parents.

Do they support you?

Or do they just think that it is a kind of breaking your bike, and also yourself.

How much do you talk about trial with them?

Are they interested in what you are doing?

My parents are quite good. They support me quite much and first my mother said, to buy helmet and some other protections.

For birthday i got new frame.. and if i don't have money at the moment, then i can borrow some, and then pay back. I am very satisfied.

Thank You, Kevin

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My parents are very suportive when it comes to trials

But i hate it when i tell my dad my bike brakes and as my dad is vert busy he gets in a huge stress every time i ring him up 2 tell him if i could pick me up


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my parents are very supportave, my mum took me to trials and would observe for years, my dad doesnt like all the hanging around at comp stuff, but he will drive me places and always asks me how I did at comps and how I could do better next time.

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My mum and dad just say that if it gets me off msn then its good :D .

But then are always having a go saying "what a waste of 230 pounds or whatever" and they won't let me keep my bike in the house so i had to buy a plastic cover to go on it (N)

One of my sisters is really into it and helps me film some stuff and she always watches me when i'm practicing at home.


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My dad is very supportive of me, mum doesn't giva a shit what I am doing really, I live with her and she cares for me but she does't care if I am on the bike or not. Dad however pays for me but this only happens until I get a job which is only fair.

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when i used to ride about a yr ago mum and dad would pay for bits but only cheap parts cause only rode a t-bird but now ive got monty and have job i pay for all my bits they kinda support me in a way they no what i do and all that but they would never fetch me if i broke my bike or owt like tht and if anything breaks and im skint i have to wait lol

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my mother is very supportive of my riding she knows that it is my life and she lets me go ride when ever where ever, i try to not ask alot of my mum being a single parent and living with me lol but she does not mind me going out at 1am to go ride street as she knows that no one will be around :D

for my father it is kind of more of a transportation support if i ring him the night before a ride he may come pick me up and take me into town, also as he is a photographer i am trying to get him out and get some photos for me :- problem is i truely hate my father :angry: (long story)

my uncle is also very supportive that i am a rider as he knows that its keeping me fit and out of mischieve :rolleyes:

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My parents will pay for most of the stuff but it think its out of order so I try to pay for as much as I can. My mum thinks its distracting me from school (and she probably right :- ) but my dad is quite supportive :D

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Well , my father currently works in the Seychelles ( off the African coast ) and my mother lives in Sweden , so they have little say in the matter , but are supportive in principle , but not financially . They're very fond of the idea of me being physically active though .

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My parents are quite surportive. My dad took me to the bike show and he used to take me places when he had his esate but now hes sold that and no room in the new car so i have to ride there walk or get the bus or train. He dosent really pay for parts he brought my bike and a few other parts but i have to pay for most of it. They don't take a lot of interest they listen to me when i'm going on about landing something and they will watch my videos but apart from that they just go on with day to day lives.

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What do they think? They usually ignore me :$

Do they even know that you are riding trial? Dad always moans bout *that bloody bike filling up my garage when i want a new motorbike

Do they give you money for parts, or do you earn your money yourself, or don't you live with your parents.

Do they support you? They will give me lifts to comps but they both work pretty hard an so there weekends are very precious. I fund everything though on a pikey paper round

Or do they just think that it is a kind of breaking your bike, and also yourself? They dont care too much moan that i have to spend money on new parts though

How much do you talk about trial with them? Never theyll say hows the ride go an ill start talking and then corrie will come or something so i never finish.

Are they interested in what you are doing?

They watch me videos and laugh when i fall off

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My parents are supportive they let me use there credit card to order parts that i pay for and when i firts started building me bike and i only had the frame they thought it was a waste of money and moaned about it but now its built they love the look of it and like the bike and will be intersted when i talk about it.

but thery keep reminding me of my blood condition which is fairly annoying! :mellow:

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My mum was like 'What do you need all those bikes for/Why have you got a bike thats too small for you ' when I got my T-Bird (I've got a road bike, mountain bike, dirt jump bike and trials bike cluttering up the garage) (Y) My dad doesnt mind, probably because i dont live with him in the week, plus he says it stops me being a lazy sod.

My parents are ace (Y)

Edited by Joe_Kearney
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My parents hate me doing it, they think its a waste of money. My nan pays for my stuff..she supports my riding, aslong as i wear a helmet!

From Lee

LOL go granny, what do you give her in return though leeeeee :-:P

My parents bought me a bike for christmas, wont pay for anything.

will take me pretty much where i want to go.

im quite satisfied (Y)

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My parents really don't like me doing it. They're pretty condescending about it too. Like our club is losing its assets and we need a home for them, and I asked my dad and he said no. He doesn't give me anything else except for physiological needs (and crappy calculators from his work) and the one time I ask for a small bit of the garden, he declines

(N) arse lol

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My parents are on and off, when i started, it was like whats the point in that you cant ride anywhere ect ect Then they realised that i liked it alot and started taking me to the club and helping more when im in desperate need of parts. But since i cocked up frontwheeling some steps and smashed my mouth in and chipped my teeth they dont seem to be as happy about me riding :P oh well they arent the worst :)

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My parents are fine, quite supportive. If I don't have money for parts they always give me as much as I need. My dad often asks me, does my bike is in correct working order etc. helps me keep everything spinning. Questions me about next comp and do i want to go. I really like their attitude to my passion. No matter how they would support me or not I'm still gonna love them (my sissy line:D). Don't think that any parents will look askance at you and tell you "You stupid, stop doin it. Just look on yourself, you look like rubbish because of what you do". Mum rather want to talk about school than about my bike and trials though.

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Hi, my parents are really great. They are really keen on me riding and support me a lot. My dad takes me to motor bike trials all over Scotland and pays for my stuff, but now i am making my own money i will pay for as much as i can afford to. I don't ride in bike trials because i am crap, there is not many competitions in Scotland and i don't get a lot of time on it as i am usually on my motor bike. My dad also rides so he knows what the sport is and my mum watches me out the kitchen window so she also know what stuff i do and gives me a lot of support.


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