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Has anyone seen my shoe?

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Lol cheers guys will have a think about all of the above.

"I've got too much going on in my life at the moment...."

And then list that you might be going away, working, money issues, trials, friends.

Whenever I've been in that situation, I talk to the girl normally and whenever she trys to suggest or hint something, I'll tend to ignore or make little notice of it (as Boumsong said).

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Well i did it. And sorry lozz it wasent the shagging the dog thing. She said can i tell you something i was like here we go, told me that she likes me i was o right umm sorry i like you to but only as a friend. Still the gay thing is i still have to work with her...

Cheers for the help lads

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someone as to just talk to me please :( im sitting here in tears tryin to write this.

i've been with my girlfriend for 7 months now, and things have been great till about a month ago when we started to argue a f**k load, since day one she hasn't been ok with me going out with my mates for a night out, or anything trials related she flipped at.

so basically this is how it goes.....she had an induction day for my college which was 2 weeks ago, when she got back she told me that this guy asked her for her number, and she gave it to him without even mentioning that she had a bf, after finding that out i wasn't that pleased to bve fair because if i was in her situation she would go skitz at me. Eversince then she's been acting seriously off with me like not bothering to talk to me and stuff, we had a camping trip booked from last weds to sat just me her a mate of mine and a mate of hers, shit hit the fan on day one and it ended up me and her....today she was sending me some stuff through a share folder on msn and her msn hitory popped up and it had the addy with the same name of the guy she gave her number too, so i clicked it...and f**k me i wish i hadnt, pretty much the last two weeks of our relationshgip shes been blunt faced lieing to me, i mean shes basically telling him that she wants him but doesnt know what to do with me because of college.....so basically the girl that i have serious deep feelings for had pretty much just finished with me for a guy shes known for 2 weeks....im so distraught about it because i cant stand the idea of losing her, even though to be honest she treated me like shit, i dont want to lose her, i dont want anyone else.....im at the point of just breaking up atm just sitting around not being able to call her....

just needed that off my chest, and just need someone i can talk to really...i dont know what to do with myself



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someone as to just talk to me please :( im sitting here in tears tryin to write this.

i've been with my girlfriend for 7 months now, and things have been great till about a month ago when we started to argue a f**k load, since day one she hasn't been ok with me going out with my mates for a night out, or anything trials related she flipped at.

so basically this is how it goes.....she had an induction day for my college which was 2 weeks ago, when she got back she told me that this guy asked her for her number, and she gave it to him without even mentioning that she had a bf, after finding that out i wasn't that pleased to bve fair because if i was in her situation she would go skitz at me. Eversince then she's been acting seriously off with me like not bothering to talk to me and stuff, we had a camping trip booked from last weds to sat just me her a mate of mine and a mate of hers, shit hit the fan on day one and it ended up me and her....today she was sending me some stuff through a share folder on msn and her msn hitory popped up and it had the addy with the same name of the guy she gave her number too, so i clicked it...and f**k me i wish i hadnt, pretty much the last two weeks of our relationshgip shes been blunt faced lieing to me, i mean shes basically telling him that she wants him but doesnt know what to do with me because of college.....so basically the girl that i have serious deep feelings for had pretty much just finished with me for a guy shes known for 2 weeks....im so distraught about it because i cant stand the idea of losing her, even though to be honest she treated me like shit, i dont want to lose her, i dont want anyone else.....im at the point of just breaking up atm just sitting around not being able to call her....

just needed that off my chest, and just need someone i can talk to really...i dont know what to do with myself



Personally i think you should end it with her and tell her the reason why to show her your not to be f**ked about with, shes not worth it mate i know you've been with her for so long but if shes worth anything she will try her best to make it up to you, and if she doesn't she aint worth it end it before she takes you anymore for a mug, show her whos the better person.

Hope this helps, Lloyd.

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The girl i like has a Boyfriend and they have been going out for like 8 months, ive pulled her a few times but it aint the same when shes got someone else, but shes willing to cheat so thats a slight bonus i spose :P.

Edited by tom jersey
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The girl i like has a Boyfriend and they have been going out for like 8 months, ive pulled her a few times but it aint the same when shes got someone else, but shes willing to cheat so thats a slight bonus i spose :P.

sorry but you sir are a arse hole.

if you had a girlfriend and she cheated on you, you would not be happy.

you know she's got a boyfriend, so stay the f**k away. if you like her tell her. if she likes you she'll finish him.

put yourself in his shoes.

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The girl i like has a Boyfriend and they have been going out for like 8 months, ive pulled her a few times but it aint the same when shes got someone else, but shes willing to cheat so thats a slight bonus i spose :P.

What you got to think about though is that if shes willing to cheat on her current boyfreind of 8 months then she might cheat on you and the above post is correct too, think about how her boyfreind will feel.

Edited by !!()`/D
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How do you tell a girl that you dont like her?

1.she doesnt know me at all and thinks i like her

2. i work with her so it needs to be nice



I can´t help you but i can tell you a joke for your situation.

These are two mates called bob a jim in the pub having a chat, bob has a stutter,

JIM " Theres this girl that really likes me but i´m not interested in her at all what shall i do jim?

BOB "wh wh wh wh wh wh what wha wha wha what yo wha wha pffff, wha wha what what yo wha wha wha what you wha what you hav wha what wh wh wh what wh wh what what you hav wha wha, wha what wha wha what you have t t t wha what you have to d wha wha what you have to do is te te te tel her you dont like her, ahhhhh.

JIM "that´s easy for you to say."

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someone as to just talk to me please :( im sitting here in tears tryin to write this.

i've been with my girlfriend for 7 months now, and things have been great till about a month ago when we started to argue a f**k load, since day one she hasn't been ok with me going out with my mates for a night out, or anything trials related she flipped at.

so basically this is how it goes.....she had an induction day for my college which was 2 weeks ago, when she got back she told me that this guy asked her for her number, and she gave it to him without even mentioning that she had a bf, after finding that out i wasn't that pleased to bve fair because if i was in her situation she would go skitz at me. Eversince then she's been acting seriously off with me like not bothering to talk to me and stuff, we had a camping trip booked from last weds to sat just me her a mate of mine and a mate of hers, shit hit the fan on day one and it ended up me and her....today she was sending me some stuff through a share folder on msn and her msn hitory popped up and it had the addy with the same name of the guy she gave her number too, so i clicked it...and f**k me i wish i hadnt, pretty much the last two weeks of our relationshgip shes been blunt faced lieing to me, i mean shes basically telling him that she wants him but doesnt know what to do with me because of college.....so basically the girl that i have serious deep feelings for had pretty much just finished with me for a guy shes known for 2 weeks....im so distraught about it because i cant stand the idea of losing her, even though to be honest she treated me like shit, i dont want to lose her, i dont want anyone else.....im at the point of just breaking up atm just sitting around not being able to call her....

just needed that off my chest, and just need someone i can talk to really...i dont know what to do with myself



Not to sound harsh or anything but 7 months isn't really that long to get that upset about, then again if I was in your situation I'd be pretty pissed off . When you've calmed down a bit ask her about it. If she starts bullshitting start reading out the stuff on the thing. Make her feel so small and shit. As it looks like you've been pretty badly hit by it. Act as if nothings wrong then confront her. Make sure she can't twist the argument like most women do. Then if she's a cock, spread some shit about her, sounds like she deserves it. Sorry to hear about it though, must be pretty gash reading that.

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Not to sound harsh or anything but 7 months isn't really that long to get that upset about, then again if I was in your situation I'd be pretty pissed off . When you've calmed down a bit ask her about it. If she starts bullshitting start reading out the stuff on the thing. Make her feel so small and shit. As it looks like you've been pretty badly hit by it. Act as if nothings wrong then confront her. Make sure she can't twist the argument like most women do. Then if she's a cock, spread some shit about her, sounds like she deserves it. Sorry to hear about it though, must be pretty gash reading that.

thanks for replying guys :) nice to know thers people on here to talk to, been for a f**k off walk to clear my head really, called her up again as i left her to think about it, when i got back on the phone she was crying her eyes out, usually i'd be nice and tell her it doesn't matter, but this time it does, to be honest i enjoyed her being upset, i dunno if that healthy but i felt like she deserved it? i've told her that im not gonna leave her but things aren't going to be the same for a long time. towards the end of the phone call she seemed to just get fed up with me asking loads of questions...but fair enough i had the right to ask.

got a text from her while writing this, basically ses shes made a cup of tea and watchin a film to calm her down, whoop de f**king do, then the apologie part is "sorry for everything" is she f**k :(:(:(

i just don't wanna leave her though, i suppose i'm to much of a pussy, and too paranoid that i won't find another gf, she most likely knows this and uses it to her advantage....sucks to be me right now :(

The girl i like has a Boyfriend and they have been going out for like 8 months, ive pulled her a few times but it aint the same when shes got someone else, but shes willing to cheat so thats a slight bonus i spose :P.

and you can just f**k right off.

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Will you get married? The chances are small and you're still young so you've always got a chance of getting a new gf.

Me personally if a girl had done that to me, I'd make them feel so shit, then say I won't finish with them etc then dump them. Just to f**k them up because she was willing to get with this lad even though she is with you. But meh, if you think it's worth keeping then try and sort it out, although something like this is a real trust breaker.

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thanks for replying guys :) nice to know thers people on here to talk to, been for a f**k off walk to clear my head really, called her up again as i left her to think about it, when i got back on the phone she was crying her eyes out, usually i'd be nice and tell her it doesn't matter, but this time it does, to be honest i enjoyed her being upset, i dunno if that healthy but i felt like she deserved it? i've told her that im not gonna leave her but things aren't going to be the same for a long time. towards the end of the phone call she seemed to just get fed up with me asking loads of questions...but fair enough i had the right to ask.

got a text from her while writing this, basically ses shes made a cup of tea and watchin a film to calm her down, whoop de f**king do, then the apologie part is "sorry for everything" is she f**k :(:(:(

i just don't wanna leave her though, i suppose i'm to much of a pussy, and too paranoid that i won't find another gf, she most likely knows this and uses it to her advantage....sucks to be me right now :(

and you can just f**k right off.

You could think of it this way, if you dump her it will make her relise how big of a deal it is. Also if she still chases you around you know that she actually likes you and you might want to think of getting back together. If she doesn't come after you and isn't to bothered after a day or 2 then you know you did the right thing and didnt waste another 7months of being lied to and probs cheated on aswell maybe. like said your young and you will get another girlfriend at some point may be striaght away or 6month down the line i don't no. Why stay in a shit realtionship with someone who isnt happy to see you happy!! there selfish not likeing you ride your bike something you enjoy and going out with friends. Girlfriends can come and go, real friends don't.

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my girlfriends bein a twat. if she had a penis id punch her. aaaaarrrrrgggggghhhhhh

women are wankers

ignoring me all night bcoz she's talking to other lads that are only friends. if i so much as mention another girls name she kick off but with her it's

oh george this josh that oh i saw gav last night, u no the guy tht tried it on with me the other week.

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my girlfriends bein a twat. if she had a penis id punch her. aaaaarrrrrgggggghhhhhh

women are wankers

ignoring me all night bcoz she's talking to other lads that are only friends. if i so much as mention another girls name she kick off but with her it's

oh george this josh that oh i saw gav last night, u no the guy tht tried it on with me the other week.

Girls always do that,

It's 'cause they think that lads can't have girl best friends without wanting/having more,

But they believe that they can have lad best mates.

Not sure how it works 'cause for them to have a best mate who's a lad, that lad must be her best friend, and therefore contradicts their feelings that a lad can't have a girl best mate.

I can´t help you but i can tell you a joke for your situation.

These are two mates called bob a jim in the pub having a chat, bob has a stutter,

JIM " Theres this girl that really likes me but i´m not interested in her at all what shall i do jim?

BOB "wh wh wh wh wh wh what wha wha wha what yo wha wha pffff, wha wha what what yo wha wha wha what you wha what you hav wha what wh wh wh what wh wh what what you hav wha wha, wha what wha wha what you have t t t wha what you have to d wha wha what you have to do is te te te tel her you dont like her, ahhhhh.

JIM "that´s easy for you to say."

a haha

that made me laugh!

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If she hasn't exactly treated you right in the last 7 months, then how is she going to treat you in later stages of your relationship Ryan.

I know its easy for me to say, and hard for you to picture it, but if the relationship went on would it be a good one? it may work for a bit but the longer your together the more you have to suffer when you break up.

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back from taking her to college now..... everyone is telling me it's best to leave her but i can't even begin to think of saying it to her, i'm such a pussy when it comes to things like this, i just can't bring myself to say it because i don't wanna hurt her even though she's hurt me...

it's just one load of shite atm, i mean i just can't trust her when she tells me that she loves me and she wants to still be with me, i mean before i would believe it obviously but now i just get butterflys in my stomach thinking about what she could be doing.....does my head in, i really depressed at the moment didn't bother going to my lessons at college, should be at work now but i just don't want to do anything :(

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whats the point in being senstive to him, he needs a kick up the arse, i dont even know him and i can tell he has no self respect and is clearly a push over, as he is considering taking this whore back. honestly anyone that takes anyoneback when theve cheated on them is an idiot girl or boy.

grow some balls.

at no point did I say i didnt agree with you, but with someone who is clearly quite sensitive about the issue, maybe it's not best to do the "laddish" stuff as it just sounds a bit harsh. To be fair I can't think of a better way to put it though..

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