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Teenage Angst Communal Agony Aunt Thread

Has anyone seen my shoe?

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still dunno if i wanna f**k this chick who's inbetween slim and fat... tempted to go round there drunk and swallow some more vodka (pride) and do so quite often.

My special lady friend laughed at you today for asking me to pm you pic's of her, she said your a hormonal little boy, just so you know :P

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fatty, no offence here, but your saying shes between slim and fat, so shes a got a few too many pounds on her, but f*ck me, your hardly joe rothwell the sex panther yourself are you. you cant honestly tell me you dont know if you want to shag her or not, the truth is you know whether you want to shag her, but you dont know what your mates will say so you wont do it, either that or your worried you cant perform, or you may catch something. so just man up, rubber up, and go for it. so what if your mates think you shagged a munter. im sure 99% of the human race have shagged a munter at some point in there lives (could use a look at your parents joke, but i dont want obm after me for dissing your mother).

unless your sitting there thinking shes going to be your life partner, you dont have too much to worry about, if your just after a shag, and from what youve told me, thats what shes after, and you certainly been playing it like thats what you want with her. then just do it. your young, have some fun, dont sit here at 10 to 2, waiting for the girl whos moving away tomorrow to text you back, even though you know your only texting each other out of niceness, friendship, and the fact that shes going to be lonely for the weekend as shes moving to a new city, and her housemates dont move in till monday , and that chances are youll never actually get with her, because youve pussied out of her meeting her too many times to go and get drunk with your mates.

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Glen. Don't just use women for sex, it's just not right. I know some people just have a nack for pulling 'em for one night stands, but no offense, I don't see you as that man.

I see you as the bloke who's in a relationship with a middle of the road girl, who lets you try naughty things on her. Not just some fat chick who wants a shag, so I'm going to shag her. YOU WILL GET HERPES THAT WAY!

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Glen. Don't just use women for sex, it's just not right. I know some people just have a nack for pulling 'em for one night stands, but no offense, I don't see you as that man.

I see you as the bloke who's in a relationship with a middle of the road girl, who lets you try naughty things on her. Not just some fat chick who wants a shag, so I'm going to shag her. YOU WILL GET HERPES THAT WAY!

yea, but surely if she just wants a bit of no strings attached fun, and so does he, its way easier than the emotional heart ache that comes part and parcel with 17 year olds relationships that may well not last that long (not talking just on the fact that people dont tend to stick together these days, but about what happens when people move away to uni etc 12 months down the line.)

also, thats a bit rich, coming from the bloke who was wishing he could play 4 girls at once yesterday. at least if hes clear with her its just casual, no one gets hurt, as opposed to stringing several girls along because it makes you feel cool/gives you something to brag about.

And she's said yes? That makes me think she's been around.. which leads me to believe. HERPES CENTRAL!

not everyone whos been around has STI's, some people have the sense to wear a condom, and when they dont, they get themselves checked out pretty quickly. i know loads of people whove slept with a lot of people, who are perfectly clean.

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also, thats a bit rich, coming from the bloke who was wishing he could play 4 girls at once yesterday.

I was being very facetious about that. No way could I attempt it, or pull it off, so why try. :P

not everyone whos been around has STI's, some people have the sense to wear a condom, and when they dont, they get themselves checked out pretty quickly. i know loads of people whove slept with a lot of people, who are perfectly clean.

I know a majority wouldn't, but I'm just very wary of people who are that open to it.

But if Glen does it properly and wears protection, and has watched all the sex-ed videos... then go ahead. ;)

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