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Has anyone seen my shoe?

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Theres a girl who i kinda like, met her a coupla times, given her a lift home and stuff, and chatted to her abit on msn/text. To start with she seemed really keen and flirty, all was going well. However the whole time the guy she was "sort of seeing" before has been there getting in the way abit and generally being the nob he is. Apparantly he didnt stop asking her about me for most lf last week, on msn etc. he would start a convo with "talking to tom?" and shit like this. The guy is deffinatly a class A cock. I know a couple of other girls hes been with and hes a genuine psycho, full on flips over nothing and shouts at them etc. he has made both girls i know that have seen him cry multiple times. Yet somhow he feeds them all the exact same bullshit appologise and they go back (apparantly, from a mate that was seeing him, its wierd and impossible to explain but he plays mind games or soe shit) Anyway, this girl told him to get f**ked on friday and get out of her life (win!) he didnt seem to mind, since the whole time it would seem hes been attempting to get with another girl.

Basically, to cut this no doubt long, and badly worded/punctuated story short, on friday dickhead got rejected by the girl hes been chatting up, and came back in a major way with massive appologise and stuff to the girl iv been talking to. Since then shes not been particularly keen or flirty and generally stopped talking to me as much. Plus apparantly I cant spend time with her because dick head will get jealous and go off at her.

Hes a total fanny, thing is I dont want to tell her what a fanny he is and how she was his second choice etc. because I figure itl make me look like a jealous guy thats trying to get them to hate each other so I can get in there....

And yes, I am aware that from that, she too sounds like abit of a dosey cow for not realising what a dick he is, but shes probably the nicest and most interesting girl Iv met in the last year...

EDIT: Whoa f**king epic story.

Your the cock

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Your the cock

Real helpful.


Edit, cheersto everyone else, i havnt really been speaking to her much recently, its kinda a passed girl trouble, but I thought id post since no one else seems to have anything to say.

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Real helpful.


Edit, cheersto everyone else, i havnt really been speaking to her much recently, its kinda a passed girl trouble, but I thought id post since no one else seems to have anything to say.

sorry that shes seeing someone and your just a jelous wee boy


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Just tell her exactly what you think of him, and that she was his second choice like you said...i mean you can't think that greatly of you if she tells you where to stick it, can she?

Just makes him look bitter. And gains nothing, if she hasn't learnt she won't learn... f**k her

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Not really, there not actually together, she spends half her life moaning that hes a dick to me...

And note to Mike W, Shut the f**k up. Your 16, you know even less about life than I do.

And this is why I didnt post up here like last week when it was a real thing lol. I can sort stuff out on my own, just thought someone might apreciate reading my genius story.

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Haha... Simpson bet you take no shit and just sit there in your wife beater vest! "get me a beer bitch or f**k yeh!"

Na I'm not that bad at all really, just when i was younger I was always getting messed arround by girls, and it took me to fall in love with 1 particular bitch to realise what I was doing wrong, she would always go mad over the tinyest thing I did wrong, and i constantly ran about after her for well over a year. After we broke up I was propper upset about it, like massivly and i decided that from that point onwards I would never let anyone mess me arround ever again, and I've solidly stuck to it and its really worked, I belive in being totally honest with a girl even if its not what they want to hear. If i want to say something then I will and I'll just be myself, and i think girls really respect that fact, which just helps you to get more. I'm not the type of person who changes arround girls because I hate people like that, and I don't chase girls at all. What works best for me to get a girl is to do nothing but be myself, calm and relaxed and they will come to you.

Kinda a deep long story but its the truth... but yea if i want a beer I will try and get the gf to get it before I have to get up :P she usually tells me to f**k off which is fair game :P

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Broke up with my girlfriend last week, we had some arguments and I just needed some rest from her.

We still said we loved each other, as that really was the case, just needed some time.

Yesterday she met up with this guy she knows from msn, he is toally horny for her (can't blame him though, but still). And I went to a female friend. Nothing happend between me and the girl as I let my ex know, even though she was very suspicious of me. Texted the ex and 2am and she was still at the guys house, turned out that she did alot of stuff with him.

Absolutely devasted here, I really can't understand this. Thought that the time we had together was special and she still loved me. Spend the whole night awake with visions of my ex and a guy doing sexual stuff. Extreme painfull, I can't handle this pain :(

She was the first one I felt like I could spend a lifetime with...

Had to get it off my chest somewhere

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talk to her about it mate, could be just what u need to realise u want eachother

I do want to talk, but she is still at the guys house, even though she promised to come first thing this morning.

Whenever she needed my help, I would be there if she would just snap her fingers. She sometimes called me at 4am, and I would just pick her up immediatly, even if I had school the next day.

@has anyone seen my shoe

And I know we´ve broken up, I actually was the one who made the decision. But even yesterday she texted me that she misses me and loves me, and I was still thinking of getting back with her, just needed some time as I've told her. And then the same day she sleeps with the first guy she hangs around with.

There's alot of "why's" going around in my head, I just don't understand why she would do such a thing.

Sitting at home the whole day just thinkin about it all and visualising my ex and the guy doing stuff, can't get it off my mind.

No energy to do anything since I haven't slept all night, so I don't have anything to distract me from nasty thoughts.

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well theres the proof, u love her. i should know.....

a year ago i was with this girl, she had a bf at the time but we were kinda together. id known her for 2 years and always wanted to be with her, but she had a bf. anyways, kinda together and i slept with my ex (u would if you saw her!!) she dumped her bf then found id slept with my ex. we were fine for a while but about 3 months in we broke up, she couldnt get over it aparantly. i still think about her every day, a year later. ive tried everything to get over her, talking to her, not talking to her, trying to get with other girls. nothing works. shes got another bf, shes at uni now 2 hours away but i still cant help love her!

i dont think i was realy in the wrong, she was sleeping with her bf at the time so

sorry for any txt talk, i typoed in a rush

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What the f**k. She went off round to this other guys place after saying she still loves you.

I hate to be horrible, but open your eyes. Either she does still love you and has serious problems that she needs to sort out rather than f**king around with your feelings, or she is just a complete and utter dick.

It's happened to me and it feels shit. I know, but take it from me, even if you did get back with her now it would never be the same. forget about her, move on. You made the descision to do so when you broke up with her, follow it through.

I know your probably right. But I'm extremely bad at accepting things, or letting things go. Last time I was this in love it took over a year to finally let it go. Was the worst year ever, I lived on 2 hours of sleep everyday and barely ate. I don't know why I react so extreme to this, my whole body feels like it is filled with panic.

I couldn't handle it anymore, there was no one for me to talk with or let me cry out, so I called her crying and begging if she could please come because I was having such a hard time.

But she chose to go to the cinema with the guy. Another f**king great mental image for me to think about now.

I'm so f**king pathetic.

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It sounds like she wanted you two to break up, just so she can have a guilt-free weekend with that other guy. Also sounds like she's gotten over you, alot faster than your getting over her.

The only fast cure is to get another hot GF... Or maybe disfigure the other guys face?

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maybe you should stay away from girls until you're a bit more developed, sounds like you're causing a lot of unecessary mental damage to yourself

I'm just an insecure guy, always have and always will be. I'm 19 now and think that is a proper age to get into a serious relationship.

Hopefully will learn to handle things better over time, but I doubt it with my low stress recistance >_<

It sounds like she wanted you two to break up, just so she can have a guilt-free weekend with that other guy. Also sounds like she's gotten over you, alot faster than your getting over her.

The only fast cure is to get another hot GF... Or maybe disfigure the other guys face?

Thats totally not it :P

There currently is no hotter gf for me, I get bonded to someone very quickly and can't let that specific person go and want no one else but that person.

Thanks for the help guys, it feels nice to have a place to vent.

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