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Nbr 19

Dan Jones

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That was a bit ummm....whats the word....AWSOME?

Beasty riding from all there, well filmed and editied! Song made it super fun, what is it?

1:50 WHAT THE HELL, looks kinda fake, like that reverse thing but I guess it's not, amazing.

Top job Andy (Y)

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ha, nice one Andy,

Cheers for adding me into the Vid.

was a good days riding.

Dan, I feel could benifit from a couple weeks in a mental institute, all rational thought for self preservation seamed to go out the window on a few occasions.

It was really good to see Dave again, he was a life saver when the dreaded pppppppsssssssssssss followed by an "oh sh1t, has anyone got a spare tube?" was heard, top bloke and rider.

Oh and cheers to Manning for the mech hanger. The mystery of the Phantom hanger bender is still yet to be solved, but all evidence so far points to too much preloading :sick: and fair play for getting the 'MAD' deal, its got to beat sitting in an office 8 hours a day! just remember to do your tax returns!! :-

I'm seriously considering taking up riding full time again instead of making these once a year guest appearences. I have truely been left behind on skill! :( hopefully i shall have a bit more spare time this summer to get back on par with Dan and Manning. shouldn't take too long :)


best get back to work.



Edited by saunders
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