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Doe Your Parents Know What Trials Is?

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Hey guys doe your parents no what trials is my dad does but my mum doesnt just post the replys and i want to see what you all put?

no! i had to convince my dad to buy me new brake pads..he had a go at me saying i only got it for christmas...their starting to understand it more now though :D

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Pretty pointless topic really but yes they do. And I would think most parents do because if their child cycles round on a bike doing tricks/stunts etc they would realise what it is if you see what I mean. I don't understand how your mum cannot know what it is :S.

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my parents dont really understand the money involved and its like a marathon for me to get most stuff untill i tell my parents that if i dont get then i could die when trying to drop off something. But my dad has seen me ride a bit and knows some stuff about it but my mum keeps out of it :D



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my parents dont really understand the money involved and its like a marathon for me to get most stuff untill i tell my parents that if i dont get then i could die when trying to drop off something. But my dad has seen me ride a bit and knows some stuff about it but my mum keeps out of it :D



haha i still do that, but only to get them to lend me the cash, gotta pay them back. my parents know what trials is now as i bore them by showing them videos and i have a few pallets in the garden too

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huhhh my my mum n dad say if i grind my rim they say my rim would rust?

hah why? it's the same metal all through the rim, it's not like the top surface is magic and wont rust unlike the rest of the rim, or is it :ermm: meh

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hah why? it's the same metal all through the rim, it's not like the top surface is magic and wont rust unlike the rest of the rim, or is it :ermm: meh

it's not magic, theres just a special kind of aluminium that rusts under the normal aluminium that coats the rim. It's true, god told me.

My parents say the following things about trials.

Aren't you getting a bit old to be playing with that stupid little bike?

You could have bought a car with that money, why haven't you learnt to drive yet?

You could have used that money for a deposit on a house, why haven't you bought a house yet?

What's so special about an £80 freewheel ? (open the eno) Oh, right, I get it.

My parents say the following things about the bmx

Haha! your tyres are gay

Why do we still have your old bmx in our shed?

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Haha! your tyres are gay

Seriously? My rents never say anything regards something being 'gay'...which they did.

Ermm..My parents understand it, I get the;

It costs too much

You've only just bough <insert part>, ususally refered to as 'that thing'

They 'tut' at my tartybikes invoices, lol

Why dont you sell it and pay off your car insurance? (yes, because I'm going to give up a hobby and give all the money to a coropration

I leave the bike in the house and refuse to leave it on the yard or my garage (which is like Fort Knoxx, but still...) which pisses my mum off no end

I have a dozen cardboard boxes in the house which I refuse to throw away becuase they 'may come in handy'

I have about a 2 bikes worth of spare parts scattered around the house, which, again, I refuse to sell.

Edited by anzo
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it's not magic, theres just a special kind of aluminium that rusts under the normal aluminium that coats the rim. It's true, god told me.

My parents say the following things about trials.

Aren't you getting a bit old to be playing with that stupid little bike?

You could have bought a car with that money, why haven't you learnt to drive yet?

You could have used that money for a deposit on a house, why haven't you bought a house yet?

What's so special about an £80 freewheel ? (open the eno) Oh, right, I get it.

My parents say the following things about the bmx

Haha! your tyres are gay

Why do we still have your old bmx in our shed?

ha ha :lol::P

Love that post.. no complaints from my parents... they are not involved in buying parts for me. Just sometimes my mum says I should stop before I hurt myself more than the other countless times before :-

But even though Trials is my number one topic when I see my relatives, with pics and numerous random comments etc.., they quite can't see the difference with bmx yet (N) (even though I have ride a stock!).

It's not like I have just started, but they don't care really.

It's just a silly way to spend time, but hey, I don't get any thrill cruising in a car :huh: or watching TV.

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I don't get any thrill cruising in a car :huh: or watching TV.


Im the same, its the TV thing. My folks dont understand whats wrong with saving some money one weekend to sit inside, with them and watch TV. Its not the time with them i'm bothered about, to be fair I love spending time with them because I don't do it often enough...but TV?!?

Eastdale Street or whatever the hell it is...I dont find soaps interesting, or anything else on TV for that matter.

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i went out and brought a bike off a friend but it was broken so i got it cheap as it got fixed. i was told that it cost £40 to fix it so my mum said that it was all a waste of money getting the bike fixed until the guy that was fixing the bike rang and my mum said to him is this bike worth fixing and the guy said hell yeah the bike is worth £500 paids but after i got it back she said it doesn't look like a trials bike and i quote "it doesn't have a seat u can't go on bike rides with that" she thought of the other type of trials

well sorry for the life story (being so long) but i had to say all of it

and when i said to my grandad i am getting a trials bike, when he saw it he said where is the engine.

i have a smart family.hehehe

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