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Interpretation Of Trials And Just General Attitude Towards Riding

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What Is trials? IMO its an awfully competitive sport, you can lose friends over it and you can gain friends.

My attitude towards comps would be this, as i hate Natural all i would care about is the results. With street i like the challenge and acclomplishment and improving my self ability mentally and physically, hyping myself up for bigger lines.

Are all these new companies improving how we ride and see trials today? Before Craig and Neil grouped together with ZOO! the frames and compenents were terrible, ZOO! were classed as weak frames! Now Dengs the biggest name in trials for components. Trials will deffinetly go further than what is already is, Many manufacturers who didn't specialize in trials to begin with are getting to grips with our sport, for example Hope are bringing out Trials Specific components now and Hubs, instead of the option of a desired upgrade to suit trials when ordered a Hope Bulb hub over the phone.

Do you think Trials will become an olympic sport?

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Well i must say a great topic in my opinion but i dont really know if it will go olympic, personally because we are not big enough. Lets put it this way there is only a small percentage of trials in MBUK and we dont even have a trials specific magazine. We are not on tv apart from dvd's but they are not world wide. So my answer is no.

Cheers !

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How? :huh:

"f**king hell hes acting well big headed now hes gapped from that 10ft wall to that tramps corpse, not going to hang with him, id rather ride by myself"

just been talking to a few people and it does happen, jelousy is all i can say :-

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What Is trials? IMO its an awfully competitive sport, you can lose friends over it and you can gain friends.

My attitude towards comps would be this, as i hate Natural all i would care about is the results. With street i like the challenge and acclomplishment and improving my self ability mentally and physically, hyping myself up for bigger lines.

Are all these new companies improving how we ride and see trials today? Before Craig and Neil grouped together with ZOO! the frames and compenents were terrible, ZOO! were classed as weak frames! Now Dengs the biggest name in trials for components. Trials will deffinetly go further than what is already is, Many manufacturers who didn't specialize in trials to begin with are getting to grips with our sport, for example Hope are bringing out Trials Specific components now and Hubs, instead of the option of a desired upgrade to suit trials when ordered a Hope Bulb hub over the phone.

Do you think Trials will become an olympic sport?

oh my god, is that a well thought out thread :o, someone validate this guy!

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I guess it just depends on your mindset. For example, I love riding natural. It's a different challenge to street, and the satisfaction of pulling a really technical line on some sketchy rocks is just as nice for me as doing a big drop-gap or whatever. I enjoy doing both, but I still want to ride comps just 'cos they're a shitload of fun. The YMSA comps I've been to have all been really good. I've met loads of people through them, and everyone just has a laugh ('cept for the few super serious riders, but even some of the top level riders were still joking 'n' stuff. "stuntman_stan" sticks out in my mind for being like that (Y)). It's not super serious at the YMSAs anyway, but I couldn't really speak for the Nationals or Tykes or whatever 'cos I haven't been to them.

About the "losing friends" point - just bear in mind that just because we all ride trials we aren't all going to get along. For example, not everyone who plays football gets along - people may share one interest, but they may be totally different to others. On this forum alone I can think of some really "chav" riders, but then there are properly emo riders too, and loads of people in between. There's a huge mix of people so you'll usually find a group of friends for yourself, even if you have a falling out with others.

I'd be pretty surprised if trials became an Olympic sport. For a sport to be considered for Olympic selection you have to have 70 nations around the world taking part in it (I'm pretty sure it's 70, but I can't remember the exact specification for them recognising the sport or whatever. This sorta topic was on OTN before and someone pointed out all the rules 'n' regs for it, but I can't quite remember them now...), which would be pretty surprising for trials to achieve, basically.

Companies have come and gone in trials before too, by the way. Companies like Cannondale and Scott were around back in the day, as well as many more, but they dropped out in the leaner years, and it's only really now that there are more companies or trials brands coming out. Even then though you've got to consider that a lot of them are basically the same as others. Right now there's a bunch of new stuff out from Adamant, Echo, GU, Zoo and Czar, but that's all from Deng, so they're basically one company. You can buy different coloured parts 'n' stuff, but it's just Deng who's decided to pour the money in, which is how it'd probably be best to assess other people's involvement in trials. Maybe if we have more high profile events like the Red Bull Bike Battle (when it was trials orientated before becoming some dirt jumping turd-o-rama) or the Fortrezza comp they did more recently it'd draw more money into the sport, which would increase the amount of companies? The only problem again though is that there's no real niche for people to enter in the trials world. The super cheap, budget bikes are covered, then mid-range and top-end, then you've got hand made custom ti frames like the Triton frames and Batch frames which are about as expensive as they can get. There's just no real incentive for people to get into it all - yet...

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"f**king hell hes acting well big headed now hes gapped from that 10ft wall to that tramps corpse, not going to hang with him, id rather ride by myself"

just been talking to a few people and it does happen, jelousy is all i can say :-

Can't be very good friends in the first place then.

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"f**king hell hes acting well big headed now hes gapped from that 10ft wall to that tramps corpse, not going to hang with him, id rather ride by myself"

just been talking to a few people and it does happen, jelousy is all i can say :-

Or perhaps if one goes for a ride with someone who is exclusivley doing huge stuff, it can get very boring for those who have little experiance and are happy bounching about on a set of steps or a ledge, Not something to 'loose a friend' over really, but i can see why someone may not want to ride with someone 10X better than them, cos they end up watching rather than riding....

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Or perhaps if one goes for a ride with someone who is exclusivley doing huge stuff, it can get very boring for those who have little experiance and are happy bounching about on a set of steps or a ledge, Not something to 'loose a friend' over really, but i can see why someone may not want to ride with someone 10X better than them, cos they end up watching rather than riding....

Having said that though, when I've been riding with people better than me I don't really mind watching them a bit just 'cos it helps you to learn stuff. One of the guys from Porthcawl came up here for a year on a work placement, and he was better than me by far at the start of the year, but by the end I was able to push him on a bit just 'cos I learnt from what he was doing, and how he was riding. You've just gotta make sure you get the balance between riding and watching dialled I guess.

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Or perhaps if one goes for a ride with someone who is exclusivley doing huge stuff, it can get very boring for those who have little experiance and are happy bounching about on a set of steps or a ledge, Not something to 'loose a friend' over really, but i can see why someone may not want to ride with someone 10X better than them, cos they end up watching rather than riding....

Or learning, I used to be the kid who sat down on rides and was scared to even approach people for help or how to do this,that and the other. Dont learn nothing from sitting around, its always good to comp people. I love getting taught stuff, when Damon Watson came mine to stay, he told me a few good pointers i wouldn't have picked up for along time, And craig and my other mates are really good too especially as we all ride and push each other, really good atmosphere.

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can i ask, whats IMO? ive been trying to figure it out, thanks

Thank god! i thought i was the only one :ermm:

You can lose friends from trials, i have lost a friend because of it. We always used to ride together but when he started to get better than me he would always show off and wouldn't tell me how to learn new things, basically just get really cocky. We always used to argue about moves and bike parts when we were out and we hardly ever talk now, so yes you can lose friends from trials. :(


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I think trials is very competitive. For example your on a ride someone makes a 48" side hop then immediatly someone else has to do it or find a wall bigger to beat it. You do make many friends due to going on rides and meeting new people which is also a good thing. But at this point I can not see bike trials becoming an olympic sport because I do not think the public no fully what trials is all about.

Nice post to man.

Cheers Matt

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Trials an olympic sport? not soon,

Trials isnt big, you go to some places they are amazed that you can back hop and "your bike has no seat" line seems to crop up a lot, this shows to me how un-broadcasted and unknown trials is, for it to become olympic it needs to atleast be recognised on the streets as a starter, to encourage more to get into it and be future pro's and generally gain more understanding or knowing of trials, also as mark said to become olympic it has to have so many countries willing to compete,

Please someone validate this topic starter, real interesting read with structure.


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Thank god! i thought i was the only one :ermm:

You can lose friends from trials, i have lost a friend because of it. We always used to ride together but when he started to get better than me he would always show off and wouldn't tell me how to learn new things, basically just get really cocky. We always used to argue about moves and bike parts when we were out and we hardly ever talk now, so yes you can lose friends from trials. :(


Not being funny - but that sounds really sad for both of you

just try to sort it out an talk about it and stop being stubborn bastards

me and friends talk about trials but on rides we have more fun than who can go biggest

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I guess it just depends on your mindset. For example, I love riding natural. It's a different challenge to street, and the satisfaction of pulling a really technical line on some sketchy rocks is just as nice for me as doing a big drop-gap or whatever. I enjoy doing both, but I still want to ride comps just 'cos they're a shitload of fun. The YMSA comps I've been to have all been really good. I've met loads of people through them, and everyone just has a laugh ('cept for the few super serious riders, but even some of the top level riders were still joking 'n' stuff. "stuntman_stan" sticks out in my mind for being like that (Y)). It's not super serious at the YMSAs anyway, but I couldn't really speak for the Nationals or Tykes or whatever 'cos I haven't been to them.

About the "losing friends" point - just bear in mind that just because we all ride trials we aren't all going to get along. For example, not everyone who plays football gets along - people may share one interest, but they may be totally different to others. On this forum alone I can think of some really "chav" riders, but then there are properly emo riders too, and loads of people in between. There's a huge mix of people so you'll usually find a group of friends for yourself, even if you have a falling out with others.

I'd be pretty surprised if trials became an Olympic sport. For a sport to be considered for Olympic selection you have to have 70 nations around the world taking part in it (I'm pretty sure it's 70, but I can't remember the exact specification for them recognising the sport or whatever. This sorta topic was on OTN before and someone pointed out all the rules 'n' regs for it, but I can't quite remember them now...), which would be pretty surprising for trials to achieve, basically.

Companies have come and gone in trials before too, by the way. Companies like Cannondale and Scott were around back in the day, as well as many more, but they dropped out in the leaner years, and it's only really now that there are more companies or trials brands coming out. Even then though you've got to consider that a lot of them are basically the same as others. Right now there's a bunch of new stuff out from Adamant, Echo, GU, Zoo and Czar, but that's all from Deng, so they're basically one company. You can buy different coloured parts 'n' stuff, but it's just Deng who's decided to pour the money in, which is how it'd probably be best to assess other people's involvement in trials. Maybe if we have more high profile events like the Red Bull Bike Battle (when it was trials orientated before becoming some dirt jumping turd-o-rama) or the Fortrezza comp they did more recently it'd draw more money into the sport, which would increase the amount of companies? The only problem again though is that there's no real niche for people to enter in the trials world. The super cheap, budget bikes are covered, then mid-range and top-end, then you've got hand made custom ti frames like the Triton frames and Batch frames which are about as expensive as they can get. There's just no real incentive for people to get into it all - yet...

god dam friend...thats some typing

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