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Pointless Topics


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sorry for the essay!!

i'm sorry i apologize for my pointless topic in advance but i just felt that i had to get this off my chest and speak my mind.

does it not bother anyone else that people who sign up to this forum take no heed of the instructions. does it not bother people that the same name keeps cropping up 5 or more times in the recent post sections.

yes maybe some of their posts are relevent but it is just so annoying that people start countless pointless topics (like this one) just trying to get validated. does it not annoy you the people who add nothing to topics by posting one word answers to people genuinely asking for assistance in matters. people who just start countless topics with no need for it. just start one topic and ask a few questions for pity sake.

one last moan " sorry" but why to people post topics about cakes!!!! ???? this is a TRIALS forum about trials subjects not a cake forum WASTE OF SPACE !!! people have relevent questions that they need help with. if people want to talk about cakes start a cake forum.

why cant people just read the guidelines and just wait to be validated like everybody else why do they have to take up the servers space with pointless topics and answers that will get them no where???

i'm sorry for this moan and groan about a handful of few people who do not take the time to read the guidelines clearly but i just felt i had to get it in the open and say what i feel

i'm sorry if i have offended anyone by my post but i had to say something. you can say that i'm wrong i really don't care but this is a trials forum and i want to talk about trials

again i'm sorry for this useless topic and i'm sorry for wasting the space for topics that are actually relevent

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surely if this was such a big issue the a higher authority on the forum would have already done something about it but i do see where your coming from mate.

I think all the other admin/mods would agree with me when I say it'd be better if people didn't post crap like that, but if you notice, the people posting crap like that aren't getting validated, but people who post good stuff are being validated. It doesn't get much more clear cut than that :P

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since everyone else is joining in . . .

my favourite kind of pasty is steak&ale and I'm not really keen on cake - i tend to prefer biscuits, choccy chip digestives from Asda are a current favourite although i'm very keen on penguins.



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some forum users seem very hypocritical, the cake topic was simply make people laugh, not to upset people what jump on any band wagon they can........ and by starting this topic did you think it was goin to help your validation ? yeahs but when people are starting topics based on a question thats already bin answered a few hundred times is that not a waste? from what i know that was the first cake topic? :P and calling people mindless twats? grow up pal (N)

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some forum users seem very hypocritical, the cake topic was simply make people laugh, not to upset people what jump on any band wagon they can........ and by starting this topic did you think it was goin to help your validation ? yeahs but when people are starting topics based on a question thats already bin answered a few hundred times is that not a waste? from what i know that was the first cake topic? :P and calling people mindless twats? grow up pal (N)

since when did i call people mindless twats???? i don't mind about validation if my post here helped to be validated then so be it

i really don't mind what you think of me but i felt i had to get this off my chest. i may be being hypocritical but really if people on this forum are so hot on peoples ggrammarthen why sshouldn'tpeople be so hot about people blocking up the server with pointless replies. is it or is it not in the rules about pointless topics???

i felt i just had to start my topic with what i felt you obviously thought about what you wanted to say in reply so why is it that i cannot be able to speak my mind ???? do you think that is childish to be speaking my mind??

i don't want to get in a silly argument with you so i am going to stop now. it is a free country and people are allowed to speak their mind this is what i felt so thank you all for reading <_<

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(N) you didn't call any one a mindless twat :S and by hypocritical i was aiming at the fact that people on the cake topic coming on this one and saying it was pointless? thats a hypocritical act! and of coarse you can speak your mind it is a free country but you cant offend people while doing it (N) lets just leave it that it was an childish topic but i think every one who commented on it was aware :closedeyes: l
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I do agree but you are moaning about something you have just done surely if this was such a big issue the a higher authority on the forum would have already done something about it but i do see where your coming from mate.

thanks conor.

they did its called new members chat.

Aside from the fact that you can post any topic you want in new members (to a certain degree) and apart from fs/wtd section, good post.

EDIT: I don't believe this is a free country at all, the only place where you have freedom is the interent, and thats sadly coming to an end as well. (wasn't aiming at this forum guys :P love you all lol)

Edited by Barber
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(N) you didn't call any one a mindless twat :S and by hypocritical i was aiming at the fact that people on the cake topic coming on this one and saying it was pointless? thats a hypocritical act! and of coarse you can speak your mind it is a free country but you cant offend people while doing it (N) lets just leave it that it was an childish topic but i think every one who commented on it was aware :closedeyes: l

Paddy mate, dont post in these topics, it is not going to help your validation im afraid mate, just stay away from topics like these for example, fair enough i know you probably want to speak your mind because it is such a shit topic but please mate for the best stay away from these anoying little topics, i know your a good lad and an amazing trials rider but these moderators or administrators dont, so prove me right. (Y)

Nice 1 mate.


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