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Weight Gaining


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i know lots of you are avid health and exercise experts, so im after some advice.

I'm 18yrs old, 5"8 and used to weigh around 10 and a half stone. A few months ago i got food poisening on holiday and went down to 9st 3! Ive been eating normally since and ive still only got up to 9st 7, cant put the weight on at all.

I dont wanna get weedy, when i weighed more i used to do a lot of weights etc. i havnt done anything pretty much all summer, so could this have something to do with not gaining the weight back?

Im gonna start training again, but do you reccommend weight gaining/protein supplements, or just the old fashioned work hard and gain muslce the conventional way?

Cheers for any help

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You need to eat food with high amounts of protein and low carbohydrates. Good protein foods would be eggs, burgers, cheese, steaks etc. The food you do not want to eat is the high carbohydrate foods which would be stuff like pasta, cereals, rice etc.

Your body doesn't grow unless you eat the foods which make it, which along with lifting weights will add weight to you quickly as muscle weighs more then fat.

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My scales at the house say im 8 stone, which is pretty f**ked up for a 19yr-old, but i've never been anymore than 9 stone anyway really.

If it worries you, then it's a problem, and certainley weight training will help you to add weight, but it's the sort of thing I really don't understand....

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no carbs? huh....

If you want to put your weight back on you want high carbs and high protein. Go for stuff like stir frys with lots of chicken in. I dont get why people get so shit scared of carbs.. you require them. Fat people that sit around the house all day should be put on low carb diets.. not active kids like us. Especially if your going to the gym carbs is exactly what your body needs. The soreness you feel the next day after a work out or a long day of biking is your body screaming for more carbs and protein. Deprivation of carbs is what can cause people who are active to put on fat since your body needs the energy it will start to store fat by the bucket load thinking your on some sort of starvation exercise.

Yes eat fat in moderation.. but dont eliminate it and remember to take fish oils. Helps with your metabolism and inflimation elimination (yes it rhymes). If your looking to get in to training again then yea get yourself some protein i havent been bothering taking mine lately.. it tastes like shit but ah well ill force some down later on lol. Dont go for weight gaining just get some normal protein.. something with around 20 - 30g per serving. If you want to keep everything working good make sure you drink water.. not squash.. not some strange powerade drink but water. Its the best thing for your body especially since your trying to gain some weight itll help send you in the right direction. Just keep active and you'll be fine. Remember to eat big and often.. but cook your own stuff dont go buying shit packeted food. At the end of the day its a simple equation energy in has gotta be more than energy out for you to put your weight back on. Dont be scared of getting fat or whatever if your concious enough at the moment to realise weighing around 9 stone is unhealthy for you then you sure as hell will be able to do something about a bit of fat you get if you go overboard.

Edited by Spacemunkee
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Did you do much exercise during that period because remember muscled weight more than fat and you could have just wasted some of the muscle by not doing anything. Just keep a healthy diet and consistant diet of meats e.t.c and if you feel that badly a need to go back up in weight invest in some protein drinks and keep working out a lot as well.

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I have same sorta problem, Im 23, 5'9 and pretty much bang on 10 stone. I eat shitloads, big portions etc though not overly health-consciously and I can never put on weight! I spent 1st and 2nd years of uni goin gym regularly but even then only just pushed 10.5 stone :(

Ive got to the stage where Ive accepted that I cant gain much weight, and so just tryin 2 tone up muscle when Im not 2 lazy to go gym/do exercise.

I guess eating a decent diet with lots of proteins and carbs might help but its never done much for me :(

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I weighed myself like 2 minutes ago, and im bang on 11 stone 4 pounds. This is quite high for me, and its getting quite disconserting, But to be fair im 6'2 and havent ridden in 4 months due to a broken leg. Normally i wiegh about 10 stone 5 pounds. Is losing those extra pounds gonna be that difficult when i can ride again on the 25th september? And do you have any tips?


Oh yea, i decided to post this here, as i didnt want to clutter the forum up :)

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just eat, eat and eat, then eat some more. Weight gain = calories in > calories out. If you ride trials regually you need to eat a metric tonne everyday because trials ia a very demanding activity and will burn up calories like a beast.

Do not concern your self with eating to healthy, just make sure you get loads of broccolli, spinach and avacados! The greens are the most important thing.

heres an example diet.

Meal one (breakfast) - 7.30 (10.30)

1 Pint whole milk + 1 scoop whey - 288 (15) + 110 (23)

Oatmeal - 75 (2)

1 Slice Bread - 50 (1)

3 Eggs - 200 (17)

Orange Juice - 200 (6)


1 teaspoon flax oil – 130 (0)

Creatine + NO2

Add in frozen berries to oatmeal.

1000 (64)

Meal two (break) – 10.30 ( 12.00)

2 Scoop NLarge2 - 350 (30)

Meal three (dinner) – 12.00 (2.00)

Bread - 140 (4)

110g Tuna - 115 (25)

Salad – 50 (0)

Bread Bun – 100 (0)

Pork Pie - 300 (5)

add spinach or various vegetable to sandwich

700 (50)

Meal four (break) – 2.30 (4.00)

Penut Butter Sandwich - 600 (15)

Crisps – 100 (0)

add banana

700 (15)

Meal five (pre-workout) – 5.00 (6.00)

2 Scoop NLarge2, Multi Vitamin - 350 (30)

1 Chicken Breast OR Beef Steak OR Tuna Steak - 230 (40)

Rice OR Pasta OR Potatoes – 150 (0)

Vegetables – 100 (0)

800 (70)



Whey Shake - 110 (23)

Meal six (post workout) – 8.00 (8.00)

1 Chicken Breast OR Beef Steak OR Tuna Steak - 230 (40)

Rice OR Pasta OR Potatoes – 150 (0)

Vegetables – 150 (0)

500 (40)

Meal seven (supper) – 10.00 (10.00)

1 Pint Milk + 2 Scoop NLarge2 - 288 (15) + 300 (25)

1 Cup cottage Cheese - 100 (15)

2 Slice Toast - 100 (4)

Creatine + No2

800 (60)

This is a diet that came from Alexx on the forum, I would change it up a bit, maybe cut out a few of the supps and replace with solid meals. It is quite a challenge preparing and eating all the food though :P

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just eat, eat and eat, then eat some more. Weight gain = calories in > calories out. If you ride trials regually you need to eat a metric tonne everyday because trials ia a very demanding activity and will burn up calories like a beast.

Do not concern your self with eating to healthy, just make sure you get loads of broccolli, spinach and avacados! The greens are the most important thing.

heres an example diet.

Meal one (breakfast) - 7.30 (10.30)

1 Pint whole milk + 1 scoop whey - 288 (15) + 110 (23)

Oatmeal - 75 (2)

1 Slice Bread - 50 (1)

3 Eggs - 200 (17)

Orange Juice - 200 (6)


1 teaspoon flax oil – 130 (0)

Creatine + NO2

Add in frozen berries to oatmeal.

1000 (64)

Meal two (break) – 10.30 ( 12.00)

2 Scoop NLarge2 - 350 (30)

Meal three (dinner) – 12.00 (2.00)

Bread - 140 (4)

110g Tuna - 115 (25)

Salad – 50 (0)

Bread Bun – 100 (0)

Pork Pie - 300 (5)

add spinach or various vegetable to sandwich

700 (50)

Meal four (break) – 2.30 (4.00)

Penut Butter Sandwich - 600 (15)

Crisps – 100 (0)

add banana

700 (15)

Meal five (pre-workout) – 5.00 (6.00)

2 Scoop NLarge2, Multi Vitamin - 350 (30)

1 Chicken Breast OR Beef Steak OR Tuna Steak - 230 (40)

Rice OR Pasta OR Potatoes – 150 (0)

Vegetables – 100 (0)

800 (70)



Whey Shake - 110 (23)

Meal six (post workout) – 8.00 (8.00)

1 Chicken Breast OR Beef Steak OR Tuna Steak - 230 (40)

Rice OR Pasta OR Potatoes – 150 (0)

Vegetables – 150 (0)

500 (40)

Meal seven (supper) – 10.00 (10.00)

1 Pint Milk + 2 Scoop NLarge2 - 288 (15) + 300 (25)

1 Cup cottage Cheese - 100 (15)

2 Slice Toast - 100 (4)

Creatine + No2

800 (60)

This is a diet that came from Alexx on the forum, I would change it up a bit, maybe cut out a few of the supps and replace with solid meals. It is quite a challenge preparing and eating all the food though :P

Meal 4 isnt too great... some kind of cheat meal or something? mase well just cut it out. To the guy with the broken leg... you're 6'2" and your worried about weighing 11stone? hit 12 and id say your at a good weight for your size. No need to get all anorexic on us.. the lanky look isnt nice so stick some meat on those bones.

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If your aiming to gain weight, why bother eating healthily?

You should just eat, anything.

When i started weight training (last september) i was 10st 3LB bang on. and i used to eat healthy.

I was that weight for like 9 months, never gained a pound, but was producing muscle, cause i was getting bigger muscles....

In the end, i just got tired whilst training and couldnt be bothered. cause i wasnt eating right for training.

So i just eat as much as i could fit in my thimble i call a stomach, and then it gave a me a good energy boost to train. after eating lots of food, i started to get alot stronger, and could train alot longer without getting as tired.

In the last 2-3 months i have put on 1st 3LB i now weigh in at 11st 6LB (weighed this morning down at the gym...)

Im proud at this weight, even if i dont look as good when training (i have put alot more fat on that what i used to be) but im actually more bigger in mass, so its happier.

what i say is, "Why do you want to look good when your trying to get as big as possible? train hard, eat hard... then diet hard"

Eat alot of food, anything food will do! doesnt have to be a healthy diet...

And train hard at the same time, this food you have been eating will make you have alot more nutrients and stuff to burn off when training, so you will build muscle quicker, and then when your big, diet abit, and you will look amazing and still be big...

Its just like bulking and cutting (Y)

Hehe, probs doesnt answer your question, but thats whats on my mind all the time when training at the gym nowadays...

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