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Broadband Monthly Limits?


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When everyone was upgraded to 2mb / 1mb ages ago, limitations were introduced.

I'm with BT, a few months after it was introduced, they sent a letter out saying that if you did go over the limit reguly, they would contact you and suggest an upgrade, rather than limitting the speed to 56k speeds.

Has anyone ever had their connectionn reduced to limited speed because they went over their monthly limit? Or cut off altogether? I've not heard of it happening once.

Edited by JT!
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That was back back in the days of "OMGZ...I have broadband...must download EVERYTHING" though.

back in the days ?

You mean you're supposed to stop ?

I asked a few ISPs about this - they mostly said they won't mind if you run over occasionally but if you constantly take the piss and run 2gig over your limit every months they'll do mean things to you.

I like nildram - they let me buy more bandwidth when I run out and I don't have a contract :D

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Nahhhhh screw all that you want tiscali. Im on 8mb broadband unlimited usage. However theres 3 of us on the connection and certain housemates have been downloading a f**k load. Rinsing the full connection 24/7 and we had a nice email(Extract not the full thing):

You may upload and download as you wish outside the peak hours;

however we ask that you are considerate when using the internet

during the peak period. Peak hours are from 6pm to 11pm Monday to

Sunday. To avoid any further heavy use warnings

we strongly recommend you adhere to the following guidelines:

o) Do not download large files during the peak periods

o) Do not use Peer-to-Peer file sharing software during peak

periods (e.g. Kazaa, BitTorrent)

o) Try and keep internet use to email and web browsing during these times.

If you do not reduce your usage during these peak times we

will manage your usage. This means that you will share

bandwidth with other heavy users during peak times instead of

sharing bandwidth with normal users. Your service will continue

to be unlimited, but by sharing bandwidth with other heavy users

you are likely to experience slower speeds during peak times.

This is part of their fair usage policy, so everyone gets a decent service and not some cocks (i.e. us) spoiling it for everyone else. We are in the top 3% of high bandwidth users.I stopped downloading stuff but it seems one of the others didnt bother listening when i told them to stop doing it so we then received a 2nd notification:

Please carefully read the following email to avoid any further

warnings. This is your final warning, if you do not reduce your

usage during the peak periods we will manage your service during

the peak hours.

So basically what happens is if we dont stop we have our bandwidth shared with other high downloading users. Which may or may not be slow. Either way i can live with it, proper sound of them to say we can download whatever we want outside of the 6pm-11pm times and its not like they are being cocks about it saying we cant have the service etc. Infact im really really impressed with their service. (Y)(Y)(Y) Id switch from BT if i was you and definitely go for a unlimited deal. Theres a pile of companys around that are doing it, there is literally no need to go with people who have usage limits and most are cheaper than BT anyway.

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i've got 2mb at the moment with orange, never any problems really apart from getting upgraded from 512k, we were getting reamed for so long untill I managed to get my mum to call and tell them BT had offered us 8MB for 17.99 a month, forgot to mention they had a cap of 2 GB :P

I think im on unlimited downloads at the moment but probobly wouldn't go over 2gb any way asd i only really download trials vids and a few odd songs.

Orange said that as soon as it was available, we would automatically be upgraded to 4.5MB BT seem to keep the absolute top speed to themselves so they can get the customers that want the fastest lines first, other isp's seem to get it a few months after BT first introduce it.....

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Nahhhhh screw all that you want tiscali.

So basically what happens is if we dont stop we have our bandwidth shared with other high downloading users. Which may or may not be slow.

He's right, everybody should go with tiscali, especially now their 1mb is £12.99 and their 2mb is £14.99. If you want the 8mb its still only £17.99 so with unlimited downloads and only a fair usage during peak times its by far the best deal out there for your average user.

Which is slow, my friends brother kept downloading stuff despite the warnings and it runs about the same speed as a 56k modem, which makes his games super duper laggy and slow... almost unplayable in fact.

I've had one warning from them, but then when you want to download huge 4gb+ files i just don't switch the download off during these hours, i leave it going 24/7 till its done.

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He's right, everybody should go with tiscali, especially now their 1mb is £12.99 and their 2mb is £14.99. If you want the 8mb its still only £17.99 so with unlimited downloads and only a fair usage during peak times its by far the best deal out there for your average user.

Which is slow, my friends brother kept downloading stuff despite the warnings and it runs about the same speed as a 56k modem, which makes his games super duper laggy and slow... almost unplayable in fact.

I've had one warning from them, but then when you want to download huge 4gb+ files i just don't switch the download off during these hours, i leave it going 24/7 till its done.

What i want to know is if the warnings come when you download heavy in one day or over a long time? i know for a fact that our 2nd email only came cos of the dickhead housemate using bit torrent all day long. Hes away for a few days now though luckily. Also i wonder if your warnings ever go away .. and whether you can be taken off the slower connection and put back on your normal connection if you are good?

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What i want to know is if the warnings come when you download heavy in one day or over a long time? i know for a fact that our 2nd email only came cos of the dickhead housemate using bit torrent all day long. Hes away for a few days now though luckily. Also i wonder if your warnings ever go away .. and whether you can be taken off the slower connection and put back on your normal connection if you are good?

They stick you in with the slower connection if you download heavily over a long period of time. I think if you cut back on the downloads during peak times they start over with an initial warning again. However, i dont think they will put you back in with light users again... at least my mate still hasn't.

Its only slower during peak times though, the rest of the time its just as it normally is. Still the best value broadband around.

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Or just get telewest (if available in your area) and use bittorrent 24/7/365 and never get any emails :huh:

I know, plus they keep upping your speed to keep it competative, like any decent company should.

Downloaded 8gb today, try doing that on your 2gb/month connections! Could do it every day too if i wanted! :P

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We're currently being reemed by BT, who said they had upgraded us from our 2mb uncapped line to a 8mb uncapped line. Turns out what we've got now is a bout 4.5mb with a 2 gb cap, which is wank considering there are two computers in my house on constatly doing things, one on the majority of the time and one on in the evenings. So as soon as it's evening it feels like were still on 2mb and at the end of the month we get a lovely email saying we have broken our cap and get a fine. :ermm: Gave them a call and apparently our line is only enabled up to 4.5mb at our exchange.

Not exactly sure where it's going atm, but I hope it get's sorted soon, fed up of the speed in the evenings...

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