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The A2 is made of a different material because it is a competition bike some would say it’s slightly stronger but apart from a few cosmetic differences it’s just the material that the bikes are made from so that effects the weight the a2 is slightly lighter apparently

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I have a Adamant A1!!! Nice bike (Y) by one :D

well i intend on doing some competitions.

I've just up graded my frame from the Giant to the Pure and i love it! Slightly cheaper than the Adamant A1.

i was looking at that frame. it's now a desicion between the A2 and the pure. :ermm:

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The A2 is made of a different material because it is a competition bike some would say it’s slightly stronger but apart from a few cosmetic differences it’s just the material that the bikes are made from so that effects the weight the a2 is slightly lighter apparently

Nonsence! Ever seen a high bb frame apart from the Vinco used in comps? Or any typically street Deng frame for that example? They're way too heavy and I'm almost certain they don't flex. The A2 is made of 6061 alloy which is a hell load weaker than U6 which the A1 is made of. From all I know, the A2 is also a lot heavier than the A1.

This doesn't change the fact that if you like high-bb frames (and you can get used to them, it just takes time), the A1 is a superb choice.

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ali is the number one adamant hater!lol

in all honesty though ive battered mine an ive put a nasty gouge in the downtube so im looking into something new.....and low!i thought about the pure to mellow my riding out a bit.ali hit the nail on the head,backwheeling everything in sight aint competition riding.ive got vids on the forum of me riding mine.take a look.

another factor is how long youve been riding low bikes for,youll get used to a a1 but it may take a while.you can get used to anything you put your mind to.

i think the new or 06 control or the 06 pure are no frills bike.its a nice change from all the bendy toptubes etc imo.


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I can put some pictures up of my newly built Pure if you'd like? See how lush she looks :P

The Pure rides really nice and i reckon you would like it. I was going to get the A2 but im glad i didnt now...i love my Pure lol!

High BB bikes are ok, but i think going from the old school Giant you would be better with something a bit lower. Plus, like Ali said, theres more to trials than back wheel control.

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is there a prolem with high BB bikes in comps? because i do intend on doing some. would the pure be a good bike for comps?

Well, in my Adamant there is so much ground clearance that I can ride up a wall without touching any part of the bike. Imagine what happens on a comp when you try to do ie. a gap to front wheel. You do the gap, land on the object but the bike starts sliding off backwards. You don't stop on the rockring, you fall right back. And believe me, with a 372mm chainstay you won't even stop on your cranks in most occasions. It's something one can get used to but that's a great disadvantage in comps.

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yeh i get what you are saying. the adamant is starting to sound like a bad plan. i think its gotta be the pure :D thanks for all the help.

I can put some pictures up of my newly built Pure if you'd like? See how lush she looks

pics please!!!!!

and pics of your old giant if you can.

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The A2 is made of a different material because it is a competition bike some would say it’s slightly stronger but apart from a few cosmetic differences it’s just the material that the bikes are made from so that effects the weight the a2 is slightly lighter apparently

so the a2 for comp and a1 for street

hell yeh post some pics. im swinging more to the pure now. ill probably save and get the complete bike though. theres not much worth saving from the giant. did you swap all your parts from the giant to the pure?

yeh i get what you are saying. the adamant is starting to sound like a bad plan. i think its gotta be the pure :D thanks for all the help.

pics please!!!!!

and pics of your old giant if you can.

nooooooooooooooo go for the adamant cos i am ,the pures top tube is a bit high (less body clearence!)

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The main differences are

weight a1 weights 1.9 kg & a2 weights 2.1 kg

Chainstay length A1 has 372 mm while A2 has 385 mm

and of course colours...

that are the main differencs between this frames!!!But if not to count this difference we can say that this frames are the same!!!!

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that is lush. you got any pics of your old giant? have you swapped any of the giant parts to the pure?

Sorry mate i havent got any pics of my giant.

Most of the parts on my Pure are new. The only things from the giant are the cranks (which are totally screwed now), the bars (getting new bars and stem though when i have some money), and the front wheel (which will be replaced also when i get my hope hub). I was going to use the parts from my giant but i thought i'd splash out and get my ride as nice as i could.

Anymore questions, feel free to ask :)

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oh well cheers anyway mate. looking at my finances, i cant really afford the adamants. but the pure is just about in my price range. i also found the 24seven Holroyd. on www.24sevenbikes.com i know some one who lives close to me so i can have a test ride. have a look and see what you think

I have had a ride on the Holroyd bike (the complete build thats on the website), one of my brothers mates has it, and to be perfectly honest it rode like a really heavy shit! Thats just my personal opinion though.

lol sorry that reply was quite blunt now i read it back.

Have a bash on the 24/7 see what you think. I really didn't like the feel of it though, the front end of the bike is ridiculously heavy and everything you do feels really slugish. Again thats just my personal opinion. :)

Where abouts do you live by the way?

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The holroyd gets alot of people saying there really heavy feeling, I tryed riding one a bit ago and it felt fine really. I think alot of the problem is that it comes with a 18-12t gearing, when most people would rather run something like 18-15t. Also they come with a Huge rear rim on the front of them for some reason, like larger than I'd like to have on the back. The one I rode had had the gearing changed to a 15t i think, and it felt ok.

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  • 2 weeks later...
I have had a ride on the Holroyd bike (the complete build thats on the website), one of my brothers mates has it, and to be perfectly honest it rode like a really heavy shit! Thats just my personal opinion though.

lol sorry that reply was quite blunt now i read it back.

Have a bash on the 24/7 see what you think. I really didn't like the feel of it though, the front end of the bike is ridiculously heavy and everything you do feels really slugish. Again thats just my personal opinion.

i rode one on saturday. it was a very nice ride. it likes being on the back wheel, thats for sure. the one i rode had been modified a bit though.

but i think im goin to go for one of these holroyd bikes. cheap, nice ride and looks nice 2!!!!

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