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Who Smokes The Green Stuff?


Purple Haze  

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  1. 1. Do you dable in the sticky icky?

    • Yes
    • NO
    • I have but don't anymore.

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Come off it yes, recover from it, no, I know the tissue in the brain is extrodinary stuff, but growing back like 15-20% of your brain is far from easy.

where the hell does that number come from?

smells a lot like dangerous bullshit to me - i assume you read it somewhere on the interweb

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I managed to brake both my legs jumping out of a tree when i was stoned, this was when I was 12, I used to smoke cigarettes and Weed then, Right little pikey :( I quit all of it pretty much straight after that though, i now find the smell of smoke makes me feel sick.

Edit: Learn to spell :(

Edited by Joe_Elding
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i dont know about that,smacks pretty dark stuff,i know i wouldnt want that over the counter.true it may stop drugs related crimes,but it'll make it readily accessible to people who have NO control over their habit,and trust me,thats not a good idea.

I've always been in 2 minds about that one

Everything you said is true enough but by legalising you make everything more available to people who aren't legally allowed to buy (lets say under 18s for the sake of argument)

There's plenty of kids who manage to get hold of fags and beer at 12 or 13, If you could suddenly buy cocaine and heroin over the counter at your local chemist it doesn't take a great mental leap to see little gangs of schoolkids scraping up enough change to persuade an older kid to go in and buy them some.

I know there's no age restriction on illegal drugs but in order to buy cocaine you have to meet a cocaine dealer - having known a few in my time I can fairly safely say that they don't generally associate with 12-13 year olds. In fact, I'd hazard a guess that the current situation is much as it was when I was younger - ie. the only drugs that are really easily accessible at 13-14 are weed, speed and pills - none of which are particularly dangerous in themselves (cos they aren't properly addictive).

I understand what your getting at here, but if someone really really wants something, they will get hold of it anyway, regardless of how hard it is.

I also don't condone drugs at all, i disagree with people using them, but i respect there right to. its there choice. The only thing i do not agree with is smoking in public, as it affects others, so i agree with the smoking ban for that reason. People can do what they like in thier own home.

Yes, it would be easier for young people to get hold of these drugs.

"I am not however saying legalise drugs and keep everything else the same."

the education about drugs needs to be better, start earlier and more frequent, and it should be taught better! not just DO not do this Do not do that, IT WILL KIlL YOU, they should really educate, tell you what the drugs do in terms of the high, and the sideaffects, show you haw to use them safely if you were ever to use them, and then use real ex users to talk to the kids.

Parents also need to be a bit more parenty towards there children, and educate them also.

I think that with that, and the fact that it would no longer be a taboo thing (lets do this because we shouldnt) less people would be inclined to start.

A system should also be in place to help people control there useage, to stop it getting out of control.

I agree that it would be a big thing to do, and there probably isnt a lot of support for it, but if done properly i believe it would turn things around.

Remember, this is my opinion, not scientific fact! I highly doubt it would happen, as this country is so uptight anyway.

Edited by nmt_oli
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the education about drugs needs to be better, start earlier and more frequent, and it should be taught better! not just DO not do this Do not do that, IT WILL KIlL YOU, they should really educate, tell you what the drugs do in terms of the high, and the sideaffects, show you haw to use them safely if you were ever to use them, and then use real ex users to talk to the kids.

i completely agree with this,but i think the problem would be getting ex-users,everyone i know who's been on hard drugs,will not talk too much about experiences on them,myself included.it brings back way too many harsh memories of bad trips etc.i know there are people out there willing to do it,but to be honest,if it were me,i'd ask to be less stereotyped and less outcasted before i even thought about talking infront of a load of kids,who are all so highly opinionated on every subject.


(i'm being told to put this pic in to demonstrate the physical effects of drugs..on me..i'm in the middle)

IPB Image

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I read an article by some guy who gave up heroin and he said it was easier than giving up smoking (he still smokes). But I think his point was that cigarettes f**k your life up less than heroin. But yeah, heroin is a nasty business, completely different kettle of fish to weed. And I would be a lot less happy if everyone could get it, that would be stupid. Dirty needles everywhere.

My opinion on cannabis is pretty ambivalent. On the one hand it's relatively harmless and quite fun. On the other, it's a waste of money and there's a risk of significant mental or physical health problems. Plus stoners aren't the most fun people in the world, and I think some people would do more with their lives if they didn't smoke. Most people are capable of making relatively informed decisions about cannabis, and they can make their own choices. I don't think the same applies to heroin.

And yes, the legality of alcohol is hypocritical but it's a fact of life and it's a coincidence, not a conspiracy. The safest thing is to abstain from most things because they can all be pretty nasty.

you cannot say cannabis is bad, per se. Cannabis is cannabis, although it's not even cannabis, if you understand what I mean by that.

What the f**k have you been smoking? :rolleyes:
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I have to say the number don't surprise me.

The content of replys are good, some a little off topic.

I smoke it every now and then, kinda started for medicinal purposes. I was in a pretty severe car accident, I get problems with my legs....(still able to rock out on my trials bike, thats really all that matters). I stay away from all pain killers, I'm one of those people who will keep going till i pass out with pain, pain killers make me aggravated and feel good but then I do damage to myself because I feel better than I actually am. When my legs play up smoking helps me relax and chill out and not to be active, this lets me rest my legs. If I don't I never can get comfortable and the constant moving make the pain worse. I used to on average not be able to walk a few days out the month, now its every other month for no more than a few hours, and getting less and less.

Now i'm very strict on myself, like alcohol, if i'm driving i wont drink any, not even one, same with smoking.

Kinda makes it nice, like a treat every now and then, like picks me up after a fall.....yippeee.

Figure Two bong rips everynow and the is less damage to myself than getting pissed up drunk all the time.

Edited by philth
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I understand what your getting at here, but if someone really really wants something, they will get hold of it anyway, regardless of how hard it is.

I think I'd rather have people who really want it to have a harder time getting it rather than getting people who aren't too sure hooked to whatever simply because it's a piece of piss to get hold of, if you get me?

I've never felt the need to smoke weed, nor do any other 'drugs' in the sense people are talking about here, pretty much...

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I smoke about 4 a day on a weekday, unless i go out, and about 10 on a weekend cause I get bored at work and need something to do! I'd give up, if i wanted to but I dont.

If I get hit by a bus tomorrow I will have beaten cancer, that and one in three of us will get it anyway! I might not, I could live till 100 and still be smoking! It's all a game of chance and each person makes their own decisions, and okay maybe finds out they wern't all that great, but smoking is something some people enjoy, same way I get asked why I ride trials, I dno, it's fun! Smoking isn't exactly fun, but its social and something to do and okay does give me some small enjoyment!

It's easy to hand out justice if your not in the wrong aint it?

Well around a third of all deaths from cancer are caused by smoking. So if you take that out of the equation your 1-in-3 rule suddenly becomes about 1-in-4, which is a big ol' difference in a nation of over 60 million people. Every smoker I can think of strongly advises against starting. It is daft, and you know it's daft, the research is staring you in the face. It's way too expensive, there's no benefits (that I can think of, feel free to point some out) and it's bad for your health. Other high-risk activities mean you achieve something (extreme sports I'm on about) and don't stand around getting ostracized by a society that realised how dumb it was 50 years ago.

Your commitment to this "passtime" is commendable. I mean; you've gotta really want to do it when it's £5 for 20 nowadays :lol: . I'm not gonna tell you, you should stop, you already know you should.

Oh, and as to that useless bit of rhetoric about 'handing out justice', of course it's easy to preach on this subject, it's so one-sided it's unreal...

Joe x

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What the f**k have you been smoking? :rolleyes:

I was refering to general semantics, or eastern philosophy. A point worth mentioning with all these words flying around, especially in regards to the relativity that most people in this post seem to be ignorant to.

"the menu is not the food"

The word is not the thing it points to, it only points to the thing it points to. Basically try looking at these words whilst ignoring their meaning and just seeing shapes. Or listen to someone speaking your own language and only hear sounds. It's very difficult to seperate the shared and subjective associations you attach to your surroundings and hear or see things as they are.

I'm not stoned at this point, nor was I yesterday :)

However, as today is my day off college I plan to have a smoke, then indulge in some hedonistic massage and sex with my girlfriend. The latter two being quite a bit better under the influence of cannabis :P This is my strange attempt to antagonise you anti-druggies. You're potentially missing a lot of fun.

I'm feeling a bit frustrated with people basically saying that, what I know to be good for me, is not. That the drugs I choose to do, I should risk imprisonment for, even though, at present, they enrich my life. Maybe though, I've got it wrong, and I'm just like you lot? that I should follow your ideas of good and bad, right and wrong? Is that what you all think?

And that you can't see the paralells between trials and drugs and makes me think you are suffering from the type of denial that we all do in various palces of our lifes. Props to support our perceptions.

Enjoy your seriousness you squares :sleeping::P

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Cannabis consumption, like alcohol, has so many different forms and levels. It's very narrow minded to band them all together and dismiss them as one. For most people, who know themselves, it can be enjoyed and not be detrimental to your ambition, it won't make you a screw-up if you know when to stop.

I highly enjoy a smoke, listening to music is an incredible experience when high, it's strange but it's true. As is reading I've found. It (depending on the social context) can be a great social 'activity' as well as a personal one. You can still go out and function normally and do the things you usually would, it's not just a sitting down and being monged type of drug, which is the view most people tend to have. I don't enjoy being totally stoned, and think that people wasting their time (and money) sucking on toots thinking that they're having a great time are fools, and deep down they know it's a totally retarded thing to do.

The way cannabis is portrayed in the media astounds me. From the way that it's portrayed as a hallucinagenic (spelling?) to the way it's used as a scape-goat, blamed for people turning from goal-driven, well to do, bright future guys into murderers, criminals and bad members of society. Anyone that's heard Bill Hick's skit on people taking mushrooms know what I mean. An example would be a murder that was in the papers a month or so ago: this fruit-loop kid - who happened to smoke weed - that was studying at Oxford had a crush on the nextdoor neighbour's daughter. She was a beautiful girl, just finished a Fashion degree I believe. Anyway, he'd made a few harmless advances on her and she turned him down. He stabbed her over 50 times. If a guy is going to be crazy enough to do that, it's not going to be because of cannabis, if anything it prolonged it. I think the only people to be blamed for such an extreme case would be his parents. Clearly they didn't have a clue if they raised a guy capable of this. I would need to get a copy of the article to show how it desribes it all. Anyway, that's a bit of a tenuous link so I'll shut up now.

In short, I used to smoke quite a bit, now I've not touched it since Summer and intend to only have some on very rare occasions. Basically whenever I fly out to Germany to see a buddy as he's my original smoking buddy and it'll always be a thing between us, not that we need it to have fun or anything like that, it's just something we do. I also only drink on special occasions. I enjoy having a clear mind and feeling healthy. But if people want to smoke, it's their own decision and they'll have to face the consequences (if any) of doing so.

I still can't understand why people waste their money on cigarettes, bring on the smoking bans.

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I was refering to general semantics, or eastern philosophy. A point worth mentioning with all these words flying around, especially in regards to the relativity that most people in this post seem to be ignorant to.

"the menu is not the food"

The word is not the thing it points to, it only points to the thing it points to. Basically try looking at these words whilst ignoring their meaning and just seeing shapes. Or listen to someone speaking your own language and only hear sounds. It's very difficult to seperate the shared and subjective associations you attach to your surroundings and hear or see things as they are.

I'm not stoned at this point, nor was I yesterday :)

However, as today is my day off college I plan to have a smoke, then indulge in some hedonistic massage and sex with my girlfriend. The latter two being quite a bit better under the influence of cannabis :P This is my strange attempt to antagonise you anti-druggies. You're potentially missing a lot of fun.

I'm feeling a bit frustrated with people basically saying that, what I know to be good for me, is not. That the drugs I choose to do, I should risk imprisonment for, even though, at present, they enrich my life. Maybe though, I've got it wrong, and I'm just like you lot? that I should follow your ideas of good and bad, right and wrong? Is that what you all think?

And that you can't see the paralells between trials and drugs and makes me think you are suffering from the type of denial that we all do in various palces of our lifes. Props to support our perceptions.

Enjoy your seriousness you squares :sleeping::P

I'm not missing a lot I don't think. Most drugs just seem to make people progessively stupider. Alcohol's the main culprit here, of course. Drunkards are all idiots (what do you expect from a drug that robs you of your higher functions?). Far from expanding your mind most drugs just close you off to the richness of the world around you, that's real denial.

My view on drugs is they're essentially cheating at life, and you end up a weaker person (this is my opinion, and whilst not entirely objective ;) I've thought about this a lot). If you need alcohol to talk to people you're insecure, if you need (I don't wish to imply you personally do need it, more that it's just not necessary to toke to reach a higher level of sexual euphoria) cannabis to relax or enjoy intimacy with someone then you're too up-tight etc etc...

I don't want or need to use recreational drugs, and I'm becoming increasing sceptical about using medicinal ones. The human immune system is pretty intense given the chance. I'm influenced a lot by the Dharma, and one of the core training priniples is not to use substances that cloud the mind, and I see a lot of sense in this.

In conclusion, start meditating, you don't need chemicals to achieved altered states of being, you can do it for free. :)

Joe x

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I smoked from the age of 11 up until the age of 19, 10-20 a day towards the end. Smoking is a strange thing, when you think about it, apart from the obvious fact that you're purposfully inhaling smoke (that still sounds crazy) I can't think of anything else apart from sex that drives people to do such uncharacteristic things.

For example, I am by nature quite a lazy person, before I drove I would take a bus up the hill into town when the walk is literally 5 minutes! But I recall on several occasions walking half an hour to the 24hr shop at 9pm/10pm when there are no busses to buy cigarettes because I had run out and knew I'd want one first thing in the morning! But if you asked me I'd say smoking didn't rule my life....... yeah right!

Also quite bizarre is the fact that the threat of death is not a good enough reason to quit, it certainly wasn't for me. I knew full well that it could kill me but that was in the future when I might be dead anyway so what did I care.

In the end I started singing in a band and gave up smoking to save my voice, as that was a rather more immediate issue. I had already given up drinking simply because I didn't like it and decided to brand myself as straight edge, tattoos and all, to keep myself from going back to cigarettes again. I am a creature of habbit and my straight edge is something I'm very proud of and have been for 3 years, so if I had a cigarette now I'd have to start from stratch and I'd hate that.

As for the law, I personally think tobacco should be made illegal for the simple reason that it kills so many people, tobacco is nothing short of an epidemic, if it were a dictatorship it's leader would be hanged for crimes against humanity. But the fact is that taxation on tobacco brings so much revenue into our government that this will never happen!

So, to all you smokers, stop looking for excuses not to quit and start finging reasons to quit, believe me when I say you will be happier without it!

Wow, essay, sorry about that!


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My view on drugs is they're essentially cheating at life, and you end up a weaker person (this is my opinion, and whilst not entirely objective ;) I've thought about this a lot). If you need alcohol to talk to people you're insecure

I agree with that, mainly because i am still a bit insecure at times, and unconfident- a small dose of alchol can really benifit me in social situations with new people. I know alchol is bad for me, which is why i drink occasionally, and in moderation, but i still do it for this reason! It makes me feel more confortable in normally uncomfortabel social situations, is that really such a bad thing?

At least i don't get drunk for the sake of it like some people i know, or think its only a good night if you cant remember it- wheres the fcuking point in that?

I don't want or need to use recreational drugs, and I'm becoming increasing sceptical about using medicinal ones. The human immune system is pretty intense given the chance. I'm influenced a lot by the Dharma, and one of the core training priniples is not to use substances that cloud the mind, and I see a lot of sense in this.

In conclusion, start meditating, you don't need chemicals to achieved altered states of being, you can do it for free. :)

I do agree here, but atm i am forced to use perscription drugs to control my epilepsy, and i would much ratehr swallow 4 little blocks of chemicals a day to what would happen if i didn't, however, if it was researched and found that canabis could be used to do the same thing, i would choose the green stuff everytime over the man made tablets, at least THC is natural, even though it may not be a natural thing to put it in my body.

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I agree with that, mainly because i am still a bit insecure at times, and unconfident- a small dose of alchol can really benifit me in social situations with new people. I know alchol is bad for me, which is why i drink occasionally, and in moderation, but i still do it for this reason! It makes me feel more confortable in normally uncomfortabel social situations, is that really such a bad thing?

At least i don't get drunk for the sake of it like some people i know, or think its only a good night if you cant remember it- wheres the fcuking point in that?

It not a cardinal sin, I'd be dismissing that vast majority of people if I were to say alcohol was evil. It's not really that bad at all used responsibly and in moderation; but it's better to go without, and something to strive towards.

I do agree here, but atm i am forced to use perscription drugs to control my epilepsy, and i would much ratehr swallow 4 little blocks of chemicals a day to what would happen if i didn't, however, if it was researched and found that canabis could be used to do the same thing, i would choose the green stuff everytime over the man made tablets, at least THC is natural, even though it may not be a natural thing to put it in my body.

Yeah, I'm not dismissing drugs for this kind of thing. It's pretty easily provable that the drugs help with things like epilepsy, and that's fine (Y) If it turns out there's a way to deal with that isn't chemical then I'd go for that, but that does seem ever so unlikely. I'm an asthmatic myself, and steroid inhalers have saved my life on at least one occasion. So it'd be hypocritical to cry out against all drugs, some are very useful. I guess what I'm really against is over-medication. I spent three years of my life on anti-depressants, and I'm sure they helped, but at the end of the day I was just another miserable teenager (still a teenager; no longer miserable) and I highly doubt that that intervention in that way was necessary. *shrug*

Joe x

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I'm not missing a lot I don't think. Most drugs just seem to make people progessively stupider. Alcohol's the main culprit here, of course. Drunkards are all idiots (what do you expect from a drug that robs you of your higher functions?). Far from expanding your mind most drugs just close you off to the richness of the world around you, that's real denial.

My view on drugs is they're essentially cheating at life, and you end up a weaker person (this is my opinion, and whilst not entirely objective ;) I've thought about this a lot). If you need alcohol to talk to people you're insecure, if you need (I don't wish to imply you personally do need it, more that it's just not necessary to toke to reach a higher level of sexual euphoria) cannabis to relax or enjoy intimacy with someone then you're too up-tight etc etc...

I don't want or need to use recreational drugs, and I'm becoming increasing sceptical about using medicinal ones. The human immune system is pretty intense given the chance. I'm influenced a lot by the Dharma, and one of the core training priniples is not to use substances that cloud the mind, and I see a lot of sense in this.

In conclusion, start meditating, you don't need chemicals to achieved altered states of being, you can do it for free. :)

Joe x

So drugs are cheating? Can you point me in the direction of the rules of life then? It would seem I've lived an unfortunate existence, as I've never come across any. Might make things a bit easier :P

I practise buddhism and I have read the precept on not doing drugs. This is only advice however, although I guess that depends somewhat on the school of buddhism. I'm also generally not willing to give myself completely to idea without working it out for myself. Not that I'm saying you are. Buddhism also suggests thinking for yourself, something I think, or hope that I am doing, at least to some degree in deciding not to rigidly follow buddhist ideas. I do find the practise of buddhism to be excellent though. It makes a lot of sense to me. Buddhism is not infallible though, it can get it wrong.

I have used psychedelic drugs that can give, and have given me mini satori experiences. This in a world that seeminlgy tries to supress my wonder can be an amazing reminder of how intersting existence is. However, it doesn't seem to be as sustainable as regular slow developing, sitting, yoga or tantra. This is why I practise those alongside my drug use. Other people though have had experiences using drugs like lsd, only once, with life long changes that they consider to be extremely positive.

Psychedelic means mind expanding or mind manifesting. It's applied to drugs such as mushrooms, lsd and peyote. Originally it was thought that such drugs mimicked psychosis, but through experimentation, such ideas were dropped. Instead of inhibiting perception or confusing it, they actually increased it in some form. People through the use of psychedelics, especially lsd the most potent of all, have been able to alter their nervous systems for the better (for the worse if not used in a certain way). It was used effectively, before it was irrationally (my opinion) criminalised for even scientific usage, on treating depressives, schizophrenics, neurotics and other mental health condintions.

So in actual fact, you can end up a stronger person because are offered an alternative perception that elightens you to a different way of viewing things. The surprise of a wildly different, expanded perception, that is far more positive, to you, than your general perception can have a powerful sticking effect, whereas slow affecting therapies may not. And wouldn't you want to escape that was highly displeasing to you?

It was also used on prisoners in america which altered, in the experiment group, a usual reoffending rate from 90 something % (if i remember correctly; something anyway) to something well into the other end of the spectrum. Does that not say something positive to you? It does to me.

Also lsd was used to alter the sexuality of a man, whom wanted his sexuality altered. It is believed that lsd can reproduce imprint vulnerability (that which probably, at the very least influences sexualiy). This means we can probably alter the fundamental characterstics of ourselves. Imprint systems or models at a deeper point in our understanding. In other words, make ourselves more intelligent. We coule reimprint a nervous system that better understans maths, or art, or whatever. I suspect this will scare people though. Depends if you see yourself as a static thing or a process. I suspect the latter.

When I smoke weed or do lsd, although there are some intelligence decreases in regads to memory and accuracy, there are increases in understanding, creativity, approach. Sometimes, i'll undersatnd something in a book in an instant whilst stoned that I couldn't comprehend whilst soba. The best analogy I can think of in regards to smoking or lsd is that, being soba is like a sharp triangle with a thin base (very pointy and skinny), but being stoned is a wide based triangle that's not so sharp (not so pointy and fat). The wider base represents an increase in ability types(creativity etc.), whereas the point represents the a decreased ability in the application of those ablities. Pros and cons, relative to how the individual percieves certain values. I highly value the character improvements from smoking and lsd.

I need to stop typing :S

I do agree with you on the power of the nervous system to affect health. I suspect that a good deal of that is related to mental health and perception. I read about a chap who got an incurrable disease. He was the first to survive it, without medical help. just lots of Vit C and the complete confidence that he could overcome it. I think we have so much more potential than we are aware of.

You seem like an interesting individual to me. If you're the reading type, check out some Robert Anton Wilson. He will expand your mind, but just with his words :)

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So drugs are cheating? Can you point me in the direction of the rules of life then? It would seem I've lived an unfortunate existence, as I've never come across any. Might make things a bit easier :P

I practise buddhism and I have read the precept on not doing drugs. This is only advice however, although I guess that depends somewhat on the school of buddhism. I'm also generally not willing to give myself completely to idea without working it out for myself. Not that I'm saying you are. Buddhism also suggests thinking for yourself, something I think, or hope that I am doing, at least to some degree in deciding not to rigidly follow buddhist ideas. I do find the practise of buddhism to be excellent though. It makes a lot of sense to me. Buddhism is not infallible though, it can get it wrong.

I have used psychedelic drugs that can give, and have given me mini satori experiences. This in a world that seeminlgy tries to supress my wonder can be an amazing reminder of how intersting existence is. However, it doesn't seem to be as sustainable as regular slow developing, sitting, yoga or tantra. This is why I practise those alongside my drug use. Other people though have had experiences using drugs like lsd, only once, with life long changes that they consider to be extremely positive.

Psychedelic means mind expanding or mind manifesting. It's applied to drugs such as mushrooms, lsd and peyote. Originally it was thought that such drugs mimicked psychosis, but through experimentation, such ideas were dropped. Instead of inhibiting perception or confusing it, they actually increased it in some form. People through the use of psychedelics, especially lsd the most potent of all, have been able to alter their nervous systems for the better (for the worse if not used in a certain way). It was used effectively, before it was irrationally (my opinion) criminalised for even scientific usage, on treating depressives, schizophrenics, neurotics and other mental health condintions.

So in actual fact, you can end up a stronger person because are offered an alternative perception that elightens you to a different way of viewing things. The surprise of a wildly different, expanded perception, that is far more positive, to you, than your general perception can have a powerful sticking effect, whereas slow affecting therapies may not. And wouldn't you want to escape that was highly displeasing to you?

It was also used on prisoners in america which altered, in the experiment group, a usual reoffending rate from 90 something % (if i remember correctly; something anyway) to something well into the other end of the spectrum. Does that not say something positive to you? It does to me.

Also lsd was used to alter the sexuality of a man, whom wanted his sexuality altered. It is believed that lsd can reproduce imprint vulnerability (that which probably, at the very least influences sexualiy). This means we can probably alter the fundamental characterstics of ourselves. Imprint systems or models at a deeper point in our understanding. In other words, make ourselves more intelligent. We coule reimprint a nervous system that better understans maths, or art, or whatever. I suspect this will scare people though. Depends if you see yourself as a static thing or a process. I suspect the latter.

When I smoke weed or do lsd, although there are some intelligence decreases in regads to memory and accuracy, there are increases in understanding, creativity, approach. Sometimes, i'll undersatnd something in a book in an instant whilst stoned that I couldn't comprehend whilst soba. The best analogy I can think of in regards to smoking or lsd is that, being soba is like a sharp triangle with a thin base (very pointy and skinny), but being stoned is a wide based triangle that's not so sharp (not so pointy and fat). The wider base represents an increase in ability types(creativity etc.), whereas the point represents the a decreased ability in the application of those ablities. Pros and cons, relative to how the individual percieves certain values. I highly value the character improvements from smoking and lsd.

I need to stop typing :S

Cool, I found that a really interesting read, good work (Y) It's interesting to hear this, because you and I are obviously coming at this from very different angles. I guess it's down to personal taste. I find achievements (mainly in the spiritual sense here) very fulfilling, knowing that I've grown out of something that existed before purely by force of will. Agreed, there are no rules of life, and I tried not to suggest there were, as I implied it's an entirely subjective thing.

This is a really interesting study on the effect of LSD on an artist. I can't read a lot into it, alas. It made this one guy go a lil' bit crazy and draw some relatively cool stuff. That's all I can reliably infer on that score.

This was gonna go somewhere, but I got hungry and I'm now eating :P

Everyone, think for yourselves, and question authority :)

Joe x

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mind expansion stuff

I don't know if it's just me being a jaded, cynical old b*****d but I think you're fooling yourself if you think you're taking acid to expand your mind. 14 hours of giggling, dropping stuff, introspection and confusion followed by 2 weeks of seeing weird wibbly bits on every patterned surface you walk past hardly constitutes an improvement in the long term.

Fair enough, tripping will introduce you to a new kind of headf**k the first few times you do it (thereby expanding your mind) but saying it's part of a mission to make yourself more aware and elevate you to a higher state of conciousness is plain silly - deep down you're doing the drug cos it's fun to get f**ked up.

I've learnt 2 things from taking acid .

1: what acid feels like

2: the co-op is not a place to be on acid - particularly if you have a lot of loose change in your pockets

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my views on LSD are slgihtly mixed.i've taken it alot,sometimes at ridiculous levels,i've done tabs,drops,sugar cubes etc.although i find it to be something i don't regret doing,i will not however,be using it again.i have found i've only ever had one good time on cid,yet i still kept taking it.i could give you some really f**ked up stories of things that have happened to me,if people did want to know,then feel free to ask.but i can assure you its something i definatly wont be doing again.acid effects different people in completely different ways,and while it can be life changing for the better,it can also be life changing for the worse,in an extremely bad way.

I suffer with flashbacks quite regularly,and theyre really annoying,mostly theyre triggered by the orange glow of streetlights,or even watching tv in the dark.it's really annoying when im out riding and they happen,cos i just cant do anything about it.theyre generally last about 20-40minutes.i'm trying to teach myself to ignore them.if i feel them start to happen,the less i think about it,the easier it is to cope.

i dont regret taking it,i've had some crazy times with friends,but if your imgination starts to turn dark on acid,the rest of the trips gonna be dark.and when you've got an imagination like mine,it can seem very real too.oh,and dont look in the mirror whilst on it...TWISTED!


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I don't know if it's just me being a jaded, cynical old b*****d but I think you're fooling yourself if you think you're taking acid to expand your mind. 14 hours of giggling, dropping stuff, introspection and confusion followed by 2 weeks of seeing weird wibbly bits on every patterned surface you walk past hardly constitutes an improvement in the long term.

Fair enough, tripping will introduce you to a new kind of headf**k the first few times you do it (thereby expanding your mind) but saying it's part of a mission to make yourself more aware and elevate you to a higher state of conciousness is plain silly - deep down you're doing the drug cos it's fun to get f**ked up.

I've learnt 2 things from taking acid .

1: what acid feels like

2: the co-op is not a place to be on acid - particularly if you have a lot of loose change in your pockets

It does totally depend on how you use it. It can be just a lot of fun, but additionally, it can be used to think about things from a different perspective. It's like the difference between doing it in the comfort of your living room, and doing it in the co-op; each one influences the experience. It's all relative, it's use is not limited to one thing, it's results are not one limited to one thing. It's all down to approach and circumstances. One of the results of certain approaches and circmstances is mind expansion. It also depends on what consider mind explansion to mean. I think being of a philosophical disposition is quite important, if you want to head in the directino of what most people would prbably consider a "good" trip.

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. I think being of a philosophical disposition is quite important, if you want to head in the directino of what most people would prbably consider a "good" trip.

amen to that one..

What I'm saying though is that no matter how you choose to dress it up you're still just getting mashed. It's an experience you wouldn't have had if you didn't get mashed but can you really say that it's enhanced your head in any way other than that particular experience?

It's not like you come out the other end with a general unified theory figured out (you'll crack it while you're mashed but you'll have forgotten it by the time the spangles finish)

like i said, maybe i'm just jaded

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amen to that one..

What I'm saying though is that no matter how you choose to dress it up you're still just getting mashed. It's an experience you wouldn't have had if you didn't get mashed but can you really say that it's enhanced your head in any way other than that particular experience?

It's not like you come out the other end with a general unified theory figured out (you'll crack it while you're mashed but you'll have forgotten it by the time the spangles finish)

i kinda agree with this.although ive never looked at it the way ben does.if your thinkin that way before you do it,i think it would influence the way you experience it.

many a time i have worked out the meaning of life,or how to make everything in the world mine,only to have forgotten my schemes/plans by the morning.

off the subject slightly,i've eaten alot of pickled eggs today,and my dad thinks i should have Aasvogal tattoo'd on my lip... skip hire...cheeky bugger!


(all this talk of acid has made the smell of it rather potent in my nose...)

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I see what you're saying but I'd have to disagree. I don't think the part of the experience where you get mashed negates the other potential aspect of the drug. When I've ingested lsd, I have been able to think about and understand things both intellectualy and emotionally that before I could not get my head round. I see this as an improvement, in some sense, to my mind and it's abilities. This is of course in the seperate bits to when I'm giggling intensly and going round in loops. But even there, there's some insight to be found.

A more complicated way of explaining this is to consider a theory regarding the way in which information increases in society from the interaction between individuals and individuals and their surroundings , and in extension, between individuals and individuals and their surroundings when one of them involved is using lsd.

Information increases at its fastest rate when individuals are exposed to information that is new. Thus if somebody lives in a strict routine, say the same job, in the same town, for the entirety of their life, in some sense, they are going to be quite limited. Their nervous system will be quite limited. In contrast, somebody who moves around the place, chopping and changing jobs of different kind should have a broader nervous system in regards to information and experience. Imagine an extreme with someone who spends their life in a white room, and somebody who travels the world their entire life. You can extend this idea into everything; the type of tv you watch, the books you read, the people you spend time with, the music you listen to etc. etc.

So when on acid, you are usually exposed to information of a VERY different kind; "information is difference, that makes a difference". This is a learning experience, even when in the throes of lsd confusion. If somebody goes to trek to the north pole, they expose themselves to extremely harsh conditions, regarding climate, solitude perhaps, lacking in food, frostbite etc. etc. This person after their experience will probably be quite different. They will have learnt something from putting themselves into such a different situation. This is one way that lsd can function. It is an exageration of the usual methods in which we learn through different experience of information. The only difficulty arises when you view the experience through fear tinted glasses.

Can't say anymore I'm afraid. Girlfriend says "no forum".

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