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Who Smokes The Green Stuff?


Purple Haze  

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Well put.

not really :ermm:

How many things can you think of that arnt safe that are legal?

driving....crossing the street.....most of drugs (overdoses e.t.c)........bmx (in a proper park so its legal)

drinkings a big one, i know you have to be 18 technechly but drinking causes a lot of problems. People can get addicted too it just like "the green stuff"

I dont see why making it legal would change things really. Most people i know can get it easily anyways.

I dont know many people that dont smoke it. I personally dont because i just dont want to

The closest i came to it was at download festival because me and my girlfriend kept falling out cos she was doing it and i didnt like it and i just didnt wanna be angry with her

My point is just cos its not illegal doesnt mean its safe



To futher my point, even though i said its easy to get hold of there have been big crack downs on big suppliers around the leeds/bradford area, which isnt really a good idea because people will just move onto harder drugs.

Id rather see people smoking weed than smoking cigs i think

Edited by CalopS
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I can't belive your comparing smoking to crossing the street. Christ if that's a part of your agrument you must be getting desperate to put forward you point.

'The green stuff' f**ks you up. Even if you ignore all the things they say about how it messes with your head etc etc, you still breathing in burning shit. And that isn't good for your lungs.

I personally can't stand anything to do with drugs including tobacco.

I work in a general shop and I’m amazed by the amount of people who buy fags. It's insane. 40 L&B's please, that's the best part of £10 gone, just like that. Why? What benefits do you get out of them? Same with weed, what's the point?

Customers tell their kids that they can’t have this because it has E231 in it, and then they turn around and say they want 100 Benson and edges.

I work with a guy who smokes, and I often ask him why? He just kinda ignores me, which speaks volumes to me.

I knew a guy who used to just be a normal lad. Until he started smoking cigarettes. Then he started drinking, a lot. One day he decided to go out for a drive 5 times over the limit in the snow. He crashed into a tree, killing himself instantly. First on the scene was a voluntary fire fighter, also known as his dad.

I’ve also seen someone slowly loose their life over months. Fair enough, this person I’m talking about never touched a cigarette or a drug in her life, but she died in the same way someone with lung cancer, or drug abuse would. And it is the most horrible thing you can ever see. So if you can’t give this shit up for yourself, do it for the people who love you. By smoking and taking drugs your increasing the chances of this kind of thing happening to you. Your increasing the chances of your parents living longer than yourself. Your increasing the chances of your girlfriend being heartbroken because your dieing in front of her eyes.

I’m sure most of the people who do smoke, weather it be weed or tobacco are thinking that they don’t do it that often. They only smoke 4 fags a day, it’s 4 fags a day to many.

Stop now.

Edited by JT!
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I enjoy the green very much but these days it's mostly baked into stuff like cookies and pizza, it gives a better high. I did flip out after smoking some one time in OZ and thought i was going to die which was pretty weird but it only lasted an hour or two. But i would put that experience down to the malaria drugs i was on at the time. Personally i don't think it should be legalised because for one it allows people easier access to it who otherwise wouldn't touch it and it would probably be shit stuff anyway.

At the moment i have no real desire to stop but i have cut down significantly from a few yearrs ago where i was smoking it heavily, then i stopped for around a year, then i learned how to bake. Probably have a few doobs a week and a couple of cookies on a saturday if i have time, but thats not everyweek.

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I can't belive your comparing smoking to crossing the street. Christ if that's a part of your agrument you must be getting desperate to put forward you point.


I’m sure most of the people who do smoke, weather it be weed or tobacco are thinking that they don’t do it that often. They only smoke 4 fags a day, it’s 4 fags a day to many.

Stop now.

I smoke about 4 a day on a weekday, unless i go out, and about 10 on a weekend cause I get bored at work and need something to do! I'd give up, if i wanted to but I dont.

If I get hit by a bus tomorrow I will have beaten cancer, that and one in three of us will get it anyway! I might not, I could live till 100 and still be smoking! It's all a game of chance and each person makes their own decisions, and okay maybe finds out they wern't all that great, but smoking is something some people enjoy, same way I get asked why I ride trials, I dno, it's fun! Smoking isn't exactly fun, but its social and something to do and okay does give me some small enjoyment!

It's easy to hand out justice if your not in the wrong aint it?

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I used to when I was 15, then I realised:

A ) Your fingers go yellow

B ) Your breath honks like shite

C ) It's a waste of money

D ) I'm clogging my pipes with crap

E ) Laughing Gas is more fun and doesn't have lasting effects

Edited by MadManMike
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I can't belive your comparing smoking to crossing the street. Christ if that's a part of your agrument you must be getting desperate to put forward you point.

'The green stuff' f**ks you up. Even if you ignore all the things they say about how it messes with your head etc etc, you still breathing in burning shit. And that isn't good for your lungs.

I personally can't stand anything to do with drugs including tobacco.

I work in a general shop and I’m amazed by the amount of people who buy fags. It's insane. 40 L&B's please, that's the best part of £10 gone, just like that. Why? What benefits do you get out of them? Same with weed, what's the point?

Customers tell their kids that they can’t have this because it has E231 in it, and then they turn around and say they want 100 Benson and edges.

I work with a guy who smokes, and I often ask him why? He just kinda ignores me, which speaks volumes to me.

I knew a guy who used to just be a normal lad. Until he started smoking cigarettes. Then he started drinking, a lot. One day he decided to go out for a drive 5 times over the limit in the snow. He crashed into a tree, killing himself instantly. First on the scene was a voluntary fire fighter, also known as his dad.

I’ve also seen someone slowly loose their life over months. Fair enough, this person I’m talking about never touched a cigarette or a drug in her life, but she died in the same way someone with lung cancer, or drug abuse would. And it is the most horrible thing you can ever see. So if you can’t give this shit up for yourself, do it for the people who love you. By smoking and taking drugs your increasing the chances of this kind of thing happening to you. Your increasing the chances of your parents living longer than yourself. Your increasing the chances of your girlfriend being heartbroken because your dieing in front of her eyes.

I’m sure most of the people who do smoke, weather it be weed or tobacco are thinking that they don’t do it that often. They only smoke 4 fags a day, it’s 4 fags a day to many.

Stop now.

AMEN to that! (Y)

Smoking isn't exactly fun, but its social and something to do

How? :S

I dont see how turning a room into a gas chamber is social! Smoking is really anti-social.

I was out with a group of riders one night, we were having a meal. The one person in the group who smoked got up to go outside to have a cig. He left the group, how is that being social?

Sorry, but smoking and drugs are something I feel really strongly about.

From my point of view I dont see the point in either.

My ex-girl started smoking weed an she changed as a person. An she always looked wasted!

A mate of mine from school used to be the fastest runner in my year, he now cant run to the end of his lounge with out feeling like his lungs are going to come out his mouth because of smoking.

I for one will be so happy when the smoking ban comes into force next summer. Bring it on. :D

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The ones that say its 'safe' are the ones who smoke it...Enough said?

I've done it a few times, hated it. My mates do it a lot, one friend since year 9...now hes a jobless, no-future loser....People say its 'ok it moderation'...but whats moderate?

Some people offer it me and I just say no (like the grange hill song), I can enjoy my nights without it, those who 'need' it for a good night, well, it just strikes me as pathetic.

Edited by anzo
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It's easy to say there's no point to smoking, that it's just feeding a craving, and it's true. I see people rush out of theatre in the interval or be the first to get off a train just so they can light up. Why would anyone want something that has that much control over them, and that costs them so much money?

However, I've seen the downsides of drugs. I knew someone at uni who had a real Hunter S Thompson, altered state of conciousness approach to drugs. He'd taken the lot and then some, and as a result he was a manic depressive on a whole host of medication and dropped out of the course he was on.

Worse than that though was one friend I've known for many, many years. A real bright spark, great intuitive grasp of engineering, but became a big, big stoner during and following his uni days. As a result he lost all his motivation, his ambition. It was heart breaking to see the person I knew become dulled by his intake. It was still the same person, but he lost his spark. He missed out on good jobs because of failed drug tests, and was similarly diagnosed with depression. He's stopped smoking weed now, and he's is slowly returning to his former self, but still carries psychological scars from it.

I've also seen family members die from the cumlative effects of smoking. Even though they stopped, the damage had been done in the year previously, and it affected the quality of their life for many years before they died.

Many people use in moderation, or just smoke a few now and then, but putting aside the practical considerations, both drugs and smoking having affected me personally because of what they've done to people I love. I hope that the way I've looked after myself, not smoked, not drank excessively (much) and kept fairly fit will mean I get to spend more time running around after my kids and my grandkids, and that I can experience things in their life that my relatives could not be there to experince in mine.

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You can't really say smoking weed is bad in itself. You forget relativity.

You can say, smoking CAN be bad for you, if perhaps, you have a gentic or developed disposition that might cause mental problems or unhappiness through becoming lazy or whatever. If you as an indivudal even care about that. Personally I think the bad can be good in regards to learning. I don't want a cotton wool existence.

However, being that the vast majority of people that smoke don't have a problem with the effects upon themselves, which can actually be very positive - cannabis to me, is a mind expanding substance, in stark contrast to the mind contraction of alcohol, our blessed legal substance - you can also say it's good.

Cannabis should be the choice of the individual to mess up their life if in fact it even does? After all, what affects somebody more, when cannabis has no negative effects upon them; having no negative effects, or being given a criminal record? Hmmm.

Also, I could say that hurting yourself physically is ABSOLUTELY bad for you, and thus create a law stopping you from riding trials because of the inherent dangers. Isn't that your choice to make, not somebody elses? Isn't the risk of hurt in the sense it makes the sport exciting? Isn't not knowing what's going to happen in your life what massively contributes to making it interesting?

Anyway, I think laws about drugs should be extended to include the legalising of all. Imprinsoning people has a far worse effect on their being then letting them do drugs, in general, and in my opinion. If I were to try and ride my bike for 12 hours a day that would f**k me up.

Yes I do smoke cannabis, and yes I thuroughly enjoy it. Yes it has f**ked me up in a way i disliked, but that was because i was already depressed and I did it too much. Relativity of the individual!

Different circumstances mean different things to different behaviours. Cannabis can be bad (regarding to someones unhappiness - surely thats what we need to consider in "good/bad" designation?), statistically, for the minority, but the mnjority do it with no issue.

In charateristic fashion, I just burnt my pizza whilst responding to this post. One annoyingly funny trait of smoking weed.

Now if you'll excuse me I'm off to ingest some peyote for a native american-esque psychedelic spiritual experience.


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You can't really say smoking weed is bad in itself. You forget relativity.

You can say, smoking CAN be bad for you, if perhaps, you have a gentic or developed disposition that might cause mental problems or unhappiness through becoming lazy or whatever. If you as an indivudal even care about that. Personally I think the bad can be good in regards to learning. I don't want a cotton wool existence.

Anyway, I think laws about drugs should be extended to include the legalising of all. Imprinsoning people has a far worse effect on their being then letting them do drugs, in general, and in my opinion. If I were to try and ride my bike for 12 hours a day that would f**k me up.

When scientific and socialogical evidence show that smoking weed is bad for, then you can say in absolute terms it is bad. You can also say though that the effects can be magnified or reduced based on cumlative intake and the individual.

Smoking tobacco has been shown to build up tar in the lungs, and cholesterol in the arteries, hence does cause proven damage.

Laws are there to provide balance, to balance the need to do something, and the need for safety and the protection of the general public. People have a need for strong medication, so the safe guards are in place that they require perscriptions and pharmacies to dispense them. There can be no arguement that hard drugs (heroin, crack, etc...) should be legalised as that would effectively say they are safe to take, and would cause a lot of harm to a lot of people.

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I am pretty much against all types of drugs for myself. Even when i have a headache i put off using penicillin becasue i see it as unatural. I know it's weird and that, but thats the way i am. I prefer to just get on and live life as i am, without the use of any foreign substance to help me along the way. I personally think i'll be stronger for it.

As a result i don't really drink (i haven't had alchohol since easter as far as i can remember) and i would never take drugs.

However i'm not gonna sit pretty and judge other people who do it. Drugs have been around as long as mankind, it's just something people do. I don't agree with binge drinking/smoking/drugs but i'm not gonna tell other people what to do with their life, in the same way i wouldn't expect them to tell me i should do what they do.

As-long as it isn't effecting me directly i don't have a problem. It's upto the induvidual if they want to ruin their life. Sure it makes me angry when i see drunks using valuable NHS resources on something they could easily avoid, or when i see people i know stoned out of their faces not giving a shit, but that's their choice, and the world will still be spinning the next day.

So to the people who have made the right choices, good on you, stick with it, but don't go preaching to everyone else, if they have already made the choice to drink in excess, smoke or do drugs, then they aren't worth the effort imo.

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if you dont agree with drugs dont do them, if you do... go ahead. i used to smoke a lot of weed, spending about a hundred quid a week on the stuff, i dropped out of college and it messed with my head a little (yes i was already diagnosed with bi-polar so didint help!). but i managed to step back realised what it was doing and sorted myself out. 3 years later ive started uni and im doing ok. i havn't killed anyone, it hasn't destroyed my life and yes i do now and again have a few joints with my mates. want some education on the subject go watch Bill Hicks Relentless dvd awesome and sooo funny, and read a few Howard Marks books.

unfortunately high use of any type of drug have detrimental effects, be it physical or mental. but most of them used with care, mature thinking and respect for them and they will cause little more damage than sitting in a smoky pub/club for a night.


Edited by curly_freak
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What benefits do you get out of them?

I see what you mean and I mostly hate smoking, but you really can't generalise. It makes some people feel accepted, at ease in social situations and more relaxed. Some people don't feel right without a fag when they wake up, or with a cup of tea. Just like you might not feel right without a wank or cup of milk before you go to bed.

I know the health implications are obviously 100% different - but some people will disregard these just beacuse it makes them feel better or normal within themselves. Everyones different.

In terms of the poll, i'm on C. I guess I grew out of it / was unemployed for ages so couldn't afford it anymore. Had a couple of bad experiences too.

Saying that I go out and get absolutely off my face boozin' far more than ever so what about the health implications of that? What benefits do I get from that? It's a f**king laugh! So the health issues don't come into it in the short term.

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When scientific and socialogical evidence show that smoking weed is bad for, then you can say in absolute terms it is bad. You can also say though that the effects can be magnified or reduced based on cumlative intake and the individual.

Smoking tobacco has been shown to build up tar in the lungs, and cholesterol in the arteries, hence does cause proven damage.

Laws are there to provide balance, to balance the need to do something, and the need for safety and the protection of the general public. People have a need for strong medication, so the safe guards are in place that they require perscriptions and pharmacies to dispense them. There can be no arguement that hard drugs (heroin, crack, etc...) should be legalised as that would effectively say they are safe to take, and would cause a lot of harm to a lot of people.

Nothing is ever bad in itself. The word "bad" is an abstract concept. There is no objective place for such a word. Can you see the word "bad" anywhere? I certainly can't. It's meaning is always relative to the serperate individual/s using it. Thus you cannot say cannabis is bad, per se. Cannabis is cannabis, although it's not even cannabis, if you understand what I mean by that; "the map is not the territory".

Science can never objectively say anything is "bad". All it can do is record something and on the basis of that recording make predictions. So it can say "if you smoke cannabis, based on our recordings, we predict that you are likely (you might not regarding certain things) to suffer from shortness of breath, lung cancer, depression or whatever". It cannot say that because of such a prediction, smoking is competely bad for you. When something can be said to be bad is when an individual subjectively decides that such a thing, whatever that thing may be, is "bad" for them. Paradoxically, regarding aristitilion logic, this means something can be bad and not bad at the same time, relative to the individuals who are deciding their value placements on that something.

Any sociologist that decides through studying certain trends of society that something is bad, is refering to some general time/place, relativistic, probably socially conditioned, idea on what constitutes as bad. Just as general perceptual norms regarding, say, capital punishment one hundred years ago were different to now, so is exactly what you consider bad, in regards to drug use, different from the past and will be different from the future.

Objectively speaking, drugs are neither good nor bad. They are quite simply what we make of them. I find them to be a positive thing for myself, relative to approaches in usage. I can class them as bad at times. They may make me slightly less fit, but relative to their advantages that is not a bad thing, in my opinion. Especially seeing as it motivates me to exercise. I may be risking cancer, I may not. I think the risk is worth it, thus, weed is good for me. I wonder if those of you that are saying about health and the future are driving cars around? That's ceratinly not good for our future. As in, potentially, the entirety of our human future.

And also, laws don't balance anything in my experience. I don't know anyone who hasn't done a drug purely based on the law. I know people that won't do drugs based on the scare mungering, ignorance and lies that revolve around drug use. But when peeople are arrested because they made a choice that really, in most cases, only affects them, that's when I percieve a problem. The majority of people i know would have, in regards to what they consider, a lot more difficulty with prison or a criminal record than they do using drugs that the enjoy using; that they consider "good".

I'm about to break the law, in about 10 minutes when I consume some peyote. Would you like me to go to prison? Will that balance things out for you? I can tell you now that would mess me up, my mum and my friends a whole lot more than the subjective, positive spiritual experience, i'm about to go through.

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I've smoked more shit than Bob f**king Marley over the years..... seriously! That and a host of other mind altering substances.... I have seen/imagined some really weird shit in my time!

At first it was a `naughty` thing to do with mates, made me giggle etc. 15 years later, I suffer from paranoia, anti-socialness, memory loss.....I'm f**ked up hahaha, hum! :(

And I still wanna smoke it now..... I guess I suffer from `dickhead-ness` also!

On the plus side, music sounds f**kin killer under the influence, art and literature become super intense and createvness flows in abundance. And you feel as chilled out as a motherf**ker, taking you away from the dullness that is `human existence`. I haven't smoked it for a while now... mainly due to lack of funds, and as much as I'm slightly clearer headed..... things are just bloody boring and mundane. But then I guess life is, that's probably why I found it so attractive in the first place.But I've got 80 ish years on this planet, I need to start playing the game... as much as it bores me.

If I could turn back the clock though..... I'd have never had touched the stuff. Yes, I'd be a stagnent boring robot like my parents, doing a soul killing 9-5 job, taking two weeks a year to chill out on holiday (kill their brains with booze in an attempt to seek some inner freedom) and have the imagination of a worm..... but that's the only to live/survive in this shitty society.....I guess!

`Don't do it, but if you must.... do it in moderation`...infact just don't f**kin do it EVER! You can't miss what you have never had!

If one little child reads this and decides he's going to live a fruitful and prosperous existence........ I couldn't give a shit....... I WANT MY SMELLY WEED!

hahaha ^_^

Wow, that was very FRANK of me!

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Wow, that was very FRANK of me!


I spent well over a decade whacked out of my head - it was great fun for the most part and even the bits that weren't fun were interesting enough experiences. I'd do it all again - except I'd probably smoke less dope and probably skip the ketamine.

Like others have said there were long term effects I only really noticed once I'd knocked most of it on the head, smoking weed led to thickness, depression and paranoia , speed led to twitches and paranoia, pills led to depression and paranoia, acid led to confusion and paranoia, cocaine led to foul moods and paranoia.

you'll note there's a pattern...

Thats not the end of the list by any stretch of the imagination but I've not really done the other things regularly enough to say whether they have the same sort of lasting effects.

Out of that little lot (remembering that I was sensible enough to avoid getting any sort of real habits going) the one that did the most lasting damage was the ganja.

However, despite all that I do think ganja should be legal - why you ask ?

1: Compared to what drinking as much as I used to smoke would have done the damage was nothing

2: They'll do proper tests on it instead of throwing conflicting reports around all willy-nilly and confusing people

3: You won't have to hang around drug-dealers to buy it so the temptation to buy a bit of chang 'while I'm here' would be massively reduced

4: it'll be more difficult for 12-13 year old kids to get hold of

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I'm taking that trials forum is a mostly non smoking society, woop woop death to cancer sticks!

Some people like smoking, and when I first went to uni I made some amazing friends because we smoked, you just congregate! Saying that alot of my friends don't smoke, they know I do, I just don't smoke in their faces!

If I was at a social event that was non smoking, I wouldn't smoke, because like someone said its awfully un sociable and make you look like a complete berk! However other situations its like an icebreaker, like when I started work sat in the smokers room I was able to chat to everyone in there, and make nuemerous friends that way! It's horrible but true!

It all boils down to somepeople smoke, others don't, get over it!

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