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Weight Training... Thread Number 2...


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Has anyone used one of them powerbar things here.

I don't have time to get down to the gym anymore and my rents won't let me screw one in so just wondering what they are like.

Also what do you guys aim to eat cause I eat nothing but crap at the moment and i really need to sort it out..

I have one, its pretty cool, can put it up/take it down in seconds and it can take a lot of weight. It only fits one door in my house though (all the others were too deep) fortunatly the only door it fits is my bedroom door where I do my weights anyway.

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Currently sitting at 187lbs

43" Chest, 32" waist


Benching 100kg for 2

Squatting 140kg for 4

Leg Pressing 860lbs for 8 (can't be arsed working out, bout 420kg or something)

Deadlifting 170kg for 2

All are free weights apart from leg press obviously

Like to just concentrate on alot of powerbuilding stuff as its fun and doesn't involve too many machines

Currently halfway through a 3 month cutting session to get a bit more definition before bulking again...

Edited by Mr_Tweek
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Also what do you guys aim to eat cause I eat nothing but crap at the moment and i really need to sort it out..

i aim to consume

3 litres of water

100g of whey powder

a tin of tuna

a tuna steak/chicken breast/piece of fish

a jacket potato

an oat based breakfast

then either some pasta or rice or bread for the rest of me carbs

and some fruit

every day (obviously thats not religious, if i go out for a meal, ill try and pick a semi healthy dish, likewise if peopple at work are all havin bacon butties, ill join in, somedays ill have a chilli or summit instead)

which i normally get semi close too(quite often breakfast gets skipped and ill chuck in a chocolate bar or packet of crisps somewhere in the day) except for at the weekends, when either boozin takes over, or i dont go boozin and have a mass of free time, its also wen mother goes shopping and she insists on buyin shit no matter how much i tell her not too. i didnt think my diet was too bad yesterday till i added it up.

i had:

4 packs of crisps

4 breakaway bars

1/2 a french stick

6 cereal bars (not healthy ones mind, harvester dips, which are chocolate coated)

2 munchies ice cream

1 crunchie ice cream

jacket potato and tuna.

60g of whey powder.

which is possibly why im still a fat fcuk.

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with biceps...............

do people mean dumbell bicep curls, or EZ bar bicep curls, or just weights on a big bar?

because is people are saying 55KG, do they mean on each dumbell or on the whole bar, or total that is on the dumbells (27.5kg on each)

ahhhh well dont know why im bothered!! haha

When i said i managed to lift 55kg it was with a single dumbell, with some piss poor technique that resembled something more along the lines of trying to hurl a discuss. Now i'm doing it slower and more controlled with a proper technique its at a normal 22-25'ish depending on how i feel.

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When i said i managed to lift 55kg it was with a single dumbell, with some piss poor technique that resembled something more along the lines of trying to hurl a discuss. Now i'm doing it slower and more controlled with a proper technique its at a normal 22-25'ish depending on how i feel.

kris are you sur you didnt do 55lbs with a piss poor technique, and not 55kg(55lbs is still impressive). not trying to call you a liar or anything, im genuinely interested, as if you could curl 55kg with any form, i seriously think you should look at gettin heavily into powerlifting, as your natural strength must be through the roof.

my case in point, 40kg dumbell curls think that guy has put some serious time in down the gym, he may of also added to his diet with protein powders at one time or another, i dont think itd be too far fetched to say hes possibly tried some supplements at some time. im not going to accuse that guy of taking roids, cos thats just plain rude.

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had my first rugby match back after 5 weeks off with a torn hamstring and 20 minutes in.......... PING!!


out till after xmas now

so it's gym time till then.

got a fully replenished supply of maximuscle stuff (promax extreme and createamax extreme)

trials punk your diet looks good (although your honest diet looks shocking!!) :rolleyes:

im doing a 4 day split routine as follows

Day 1: Chest/Biceps:

Flat Bench Press (5 sets)

Incline Dumbbell Press (5 sets)

Close Grip Bench Press

Dumbbell Biceps Curl

E-Z Bar Curl


Hanging leg raises

Day 2: Legs:

Squats (5 sets)

Leg Press (5 sets)

Leg Extensions

Leg Curl

Forearms curls

Reverse forearms curls

Day 3: Off

Day 4: Shoulders/Traps:

Military Press

Upright Row

Lateral Raise



Hanging leg raises

Day 5: Back/Triceps:

Pull Ups

Close Grip Lat Pulldown

Close Grip Seated Pulley Row


Triceps Pushdown

Forearms curls

Reverse forearms curls

Day 6: Off

Day 7: Off

HERE is website if anyone's interested

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trials punk your diet looks good (although your honest diet looks shocking!!) :rolleyes:

lol, during the week me diets good, ive got a routine, im up at 7.15 to be in work for 8, i have lunch at 12.30-1.00 clock off at 4, go to gym on the way home from work, get home after 6 etc, in bed for 11. its all nice and easy to stick me meals in there at the correct times. and not to eat at the other times as ive got stuff to do.

but at the weekend, i get up when i want, bum round all day if i aint on the motorbike/boozin, eat when i want, go to bed when i want, its far easier to sit downstairs, walk into the kitchen to get a glass of water, pick up a pack of crisps and a chocolate bar and sit down eating them in front of the tv.

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my case in point, 40kg dumbell curls think that guy has put some serious time in down the gym, he may of also added to his diet with protein powders at one time or another, i dont think itd be too far fetched to say hes possibly tried some supplements at some time. im not going to accuse that guy of taking roids, cos thats just plain rude.

I'll bloody accuse him if you won't!

That's absolutely wank technique too lol. You should do one at a time to focus your body to train each bicep seperately so you can use all your energy properly instead of dividing it between the two arms. Nevermind the fact that his arms never straighten, and he is swinging them up and using more momentum than a newtons cradle!

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Also what do you guys aim to eat cause I eat nothing but crap at the moment and i really need to sort it out..
good meats (fish, chicken etc), little carbs (jacket potatoes, rice, pastas etc), lots of fruit and veg and some fats (cheese etc), like most good diets :)

Try and head for 5-6 small meals a day, when you do weights + most exercise it will increase your metabolism!

As for the dude lifting 55kg dumbbells, good god! I've never seen you, but unless youre huge then im with trials punk in saying that it was probably 55lbs which is still heavy though!

got a fully replenished supply of maximuscle stuff
You nutter, that stuffs a right old rip-off! you can get good stuff (Optimum Nutrition whey protein) 2.35kg tubs for £35.

createamax extreme
Im assuming thats a creatine supplement, if so does it actually work? As creatine only really allows you to perform bursts of energy before the stores are depleted, i dont get how it increases performance?

At the mo i do a 3 day split




And i just throw abs in again wherever i feel with a cardio session.

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You nutter, that stuffs a right old rip-off! you can get good stuff (Optimum Nutrition whey protein) 2.35kg tubs for £35.

Im assuming thats a creatine supplement, if so does it actually work? As creatine only really allows you to perform bursts of energy before the stores are depleted, i dont get how it increases performance?

totally agreed(as i said above) about maximuscle being the biggest rip off known to man.

as for creatine, never took it. but those people i know at the gym who have taken it state the following benefits.

1) water retention in the muscles, this makes you look bigger for a start, which some of them find nice, but second of all, as the muscles are full of water, waters kind of the bodies transport system between cells, mean nutrients/protein strings can flow into the muscle cells easier, and lactic acid and toxins out easier. meaning they can grow better. one of the steroid heads used the following analogy. your body is the soil, the plants your muscles, you can stick all the fertilizer you want in the soil, in the same way you can stick all the protein/nutrients you want in your body, but without water, theres no way for it to move from the soil to the plant, the same with your body to the muscles. obviously this aint 100%, but i can get what he is saying.

2) the short explosive bursts of energy you refer to, mean you can lift heavier weights in that time, which means your lifting more in that time, increasing performance for that work out, its also making the muscle work harder as its lifting more weight, meaning it will be adapting to working harder, and adapting means growing. meaning you end up with bigger(stronger) muscles.

edit: also bondy, i urge you to try nutrisport 90+, it comes in a fair whack cheaper than optimum nutrition stuff, at £52 for 5kg, with a free shaker and free creatine, and ive found it to be slightly better tasting too, but then thats personal preference,but its certainly cheaper.

Edited by trials_punk182
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kris are you sur you didnt do 55lbs with a piss poor technique, and not 55kg(55lbs is still impressive). not trying to call you a liar or anything, im genuinely interested, as if you could curl 55kg with any form, i seriously think you should look at gettin heavily into powerlifting, as your natural strength must be through the roof.

my case in point, 40kg dumbell curls think that guy has put some serious time in down the gym, he may of also added to his diet with protein powders at one time or another, i dont think itd be too far fetched to say hes possibly tried some supplements at some time. im not going to accuse that guy of taking roids, cos thats just plain rude.

Ha ha, woah there... i wasn't doing any reps like that, i had far more swing to it, it took about a minute and a half to lift it all the way up and i leaned back and used a bit of shoulder swinging to get it past the point of having to use my bicep. I didn't even bother with the downwards motion... more sort of still grasped the handle as gravity pulled it back down to the floor (which it hit really hard)

Its nothing impressive really, just one of those things i like to elaborate on "i lifted a 55kg dumbell in a bicep curl" sounds great on its own... but the sad truth is it was more of a "i bet you can't lift that, but i'll give you a £2 if you do" sort of things. Never again have i done anything close to being that heavy and i thought my arm was going to snap, so i won't be trying it anytime soon.

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my case in point, 40kg dumbell curls think that guy has put some serious time in down the gym, he may of also added to his diet with protein powders at one time or another, i dont think itd be too far fetched to say hes possibly tried some supplements at some time. im not going to accuse that guy of taking roids, cos thats just plain rude.

haha..what a twat! who posts that on youtube anyway!

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