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Hope Pro 3

future orange 660

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Hope have around 12 new hubs combinations due out in the near future......................

the trials models remain unchanged............. except the pro 2 has now had the modification that was needed on the shells. ( to hopefully stop them splitting)

the new hubs are goin to be catering for road bikes, downhill etc, they are doing straight pull spokes models, disc model and non disc model in each type of hub also brining back specific radial hubs etc

also heard that most will be ahving full new stainless steel bearings


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chances are that they will let stock run out first before getting the newer shell versions


Thats abit crap then really, I can't see tartybikes selling a hub that they know will break, without reducing the price or anything... <_<

I shall ring them tomorrow when i order my hubs and ask them about it (Y)

Edited by JoNnY__Mc
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the trials models remain unchanged............. except the pro 2 has now had the modification that was needed on the shells. ( to hopefully stop them splitting)

Sorry what was that? They needed changing? The design wasn't perfect from the first batch? Oh my word :rolleyes:

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yer thats right they was modified due to around 7 or 8 shells out fo a few thousand hubs sold broke, now has more meat on that area of the shell, and according to solidworks the shell is 10% stronger in that area now.

also a thing to note, when these hubs did break none of the ratchet rings did actually split, only the shell split round them, so its nothing to do with the ratchet mechanism


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