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I Was Having A Think Earlier...

Matt B

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Do many people actually put stuff back into the sport?

I mean, like of course there are the shops and stuff. But what about the average rider. Was talking with Joe about this earlier and we couldn't decide if riding street was giving trials a good/bad name.

I mean you do get people genuinely asking about the sport etc, but also there are people that complain. Coming back to my original question, would you class riding street as advertising/promoting?

Sorry if this is pointless but I'm split minds with this at the moment.


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riding street bashing into walls harsh gives trials a bad name as the public see it as vandalism so then they just asume we are thugs so then we get the problem of those nobs telling the police so the police rant at use so we get a bad name with them to but riding uci of the streets and not damaging stuff seems to appeal to some and they dont complain but you still get the occasional dick that does (N)

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QUOTE(Matt B @ Feb 8 2007, 08:36 PM)
Wouldn't you rather promote the sport and try to get it as popluar as say dh?

But no-one from the public ever sees downhill and if they did they would compain about the increase soil errossion of the soil.... people love a rant..... just ride street dont care what old people say... there not going to fund our parks... there not going to premote trials... so just ride and enjoy yourself

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B)--><div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Matt B @ Feb 8 2007, 08:36 PM) </div><div class='quotemain'><!--quotec-->Wouldn't you rather promote the sport and try to get it as popluar as say dh?

But no-one from the public ever sees downhill and if they did they would compain about the increase soil errossion of the soil.... people love a rant..... just ride street dont care what old people say... there not going to fund our parks... there not going to premote trials... so just ride and enjoy yourself

If they pay taxes they will.

I do enjoy myself while riding, it just occurred to me what people may think of our sport.

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Good point there, our district council isn't too bad to be fair. They are always interested in building new bmx parks, might not be to do with trials, but it's a start.

Thats the thing really, I cringe when someone goes to bash, like the noise... Goes straight through me.

Does no one else have anything to say?

some twat had ago at me because i was hitting my front wheel into a wall, yes it was a tap, but to be fair, when you tap as hard as me i would have complained too

Have you ever heard how hard Rich Rowden taps? Thats scarily hard.

A lot of people don't understand that tyres do minimal damage to walls... Yes they do weaken the wall, but by a very small amount.

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QUOTE(Matt B @ Feb 8 2007, 09:58 PM)
Good point there, our district council isn't too bad to be fair. They are always interested in building new bmx parks, might not be to do with trials, but it's a start.

Thats the thing really, I cringe when someone goes to bash, like the noise... Goes straight through me.

Does no one else have anything to say?


bibble bobble wibble wobble

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good topic, but in our area people complain but they dont have anything to complain about because we dont bash up walls and cover them with wax some most marks and stuff belong to skaters and i have nothing against skaters but we some times get the blame for stuff they have done.

and if i do crank anything i do it as lightly as i can :P

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Very true, it does seem fashionable to complain nowadays.

Another thing that kind of gets to me is that they have the nerve to come up to us and have a go, but if there is a large group of youths causing trouble they just turn a blind eye.

I'm kind of side-tracking from my main question now. But I've come to more of a conclusion now.

I do believe people contribute to trials by just riding. It's inspirational, not just to fellow riders but to the public aswell. Although many people do complain about us scratching, and taking big chunks out of walls, we're still promoting trials. Whether it be negative or posative...

I've cleared it up in my own mind now. Kind of.

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If people complain, I usually tell them where to go, unless they own whatever I'm riding ofcourse, cos then its there property, if its not though, they can kiss my arse.

I don't get much hassle though, got filmed the other night by this guy cos he thought my riding was "f**king brilliant" and he wanted to show his mates in the pub :D

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I don't think thats the right attitude to take with people that complain. They see it as vandlism, because, well... It is. Although you can argue your point that you aren't damaging the wall, I still think it's unessessary (sp) to be rude.

Although, saying that, I thought Michael Singleton was going to get punched by an asian fella in Birmingham a few months ago. That was quite, erm, interesting. Not in the sense that he was going to get hit, but the sense that he thought we were shoeing away customers when there was obviously no one even stopping to have a look.

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You say "its great fun being a knob on the street". If you think this, how can you say I have the wrong attitude? I think people should mind their own business and what I do has nothing to do with them unless (as I said) its their own property that I am riding on.

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When I said that I didn't mean that I was rude to people on the street, it ment that, yeah I do go to bash sometimes, and stuff.

I do believe also that they should mind their own business, but if you'll find the majority of people that do stress are the elderly. Being that, throughout the generations attitudes have changed a lot... To us, a bit of a scratch on a wall is f**k all, but to them it makes the wall look untidy, however sad that may be.

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Ah, fair point, but with me, its very rarely the elderly as I tend to stay out of the city centre where they all sit complaining about petty things. After riding for as long as I have its got to the point where I basically cant be bothered being nice to pathetic people complaining about me riding. If I wanted their oppinions I would ask for it, they need to learn that.

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hmm hard to tell... here in Sweden it can be both bad and good I think.

I mean, off course it can be seen as vandalism jumping on to stuff in the streets. But also, I've actually seen some sort of interest in an older generation, admiring what one can do with a bike.

But I mean, as long as one does'nt wreck everything in town, at least I don't really care 'bout the reputation it brings by riding street. It's jolly good fun though!

Edited by Leezaah
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