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12 Hours From Now...

Joe Papasnap Maher

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Well, im moved in now...house is near enough sorted from boxes, everything unpacked, and going well.

Getting internet on friday..(Currently on dads laptop with 3g vodaphone card ).

Been here 4 days, rode southend 2wice , got laid once, and started my 1st day at work yesterday :) ( oh yer , photographing ciara jenson from hollyoaks..nothing special hahhahah :D she is hot, nice girl to talk to aswell hahahha :) go me )

Yer...enjoying it :)

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sounds like it's goin well joe (Y) shame you only rode norwich once with us! and my bike was getting worse n worse that day! well its all sorted so you better get your ass up here one day!!!!

il show you up big time :P

cya dude!!

Edited by Sheringham_trials
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rode southend 2wice , got laid once, and started my 1st day at work yesterday

In order of importance? Yea rode southend with you - you were f**king immense! didnt talk to you much sorry mate should have come up and said a great big hello but so many people were bumming you anally i thought id just sit back and give you a break! im a nice child really!!! basildon on thursday?

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HAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHA simps you do make me laugh!! i do agree with you many people was bumming joe :lol:

oh joe any chance of seeing though's photos of ciara jenson?? she fit as f**k in my eyes:P

Edited by Reecerazor
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Hahaha, bless them kids, they was giving me food, so i werent complaining hah.

Cheers simp's for saying im good lol. I was having abit of an offday lol :(

Bas tomoz, is a no, im in london at like 5 am till 10pm at work :( 4 jobs tomoz, 2 at harrods hah :)

Ride on saturday?? someone said?? i got a 14tooth cog today from jayz, stole it from an old shitty bike. So ill sort that and my king on friday. Another day off, lol :)

Anyways, off again, gotta go and sort my camera gear for tomoz. And need a shower , i properly stink lol.

Love you'll :) xxx

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I was having abit of an offday lol :(

..... f**k YOU!!! :P lmao.... ill add you to MSN i wont harass you with questions just see if we can sort out some rides together! you learn a lot from riding with better people!!! and i work.... but got 3 weeks off soon.... trying to sort summink out with elding.... like a big trials piss up ride weekend? speak on MSN hopefully

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