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Earthed 4 + Kranked 6 Uk Premier

Rich Pearson

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Thought I'd give you all a heads up on the premier of two of the sickest new freeride films around being premiered in Taunton on Thursday the 22nd; Earthed 4 and Kranked 6. Check out the pinkbike link for more details.


Also check out the Radical Films site for details and trailers of K6.

If anyone needs a place to crash or something give me a holler and get in touch. the last premier was Tough as Hell and CKD, which both turned into obscenely awesome nights (just don't ask me about Jim Davage...) so theres every excuse to make it down for this.


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what happened with jim davage? :blink:


I'll try and make it along for sure, not sure where I'll crash, think the last bus home will be like 10:20 or something lame like that. If your house is needed by other people rich, i know pleanty of other people in taunton. (Y)

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Oh, short notice! would love to go, may be able to, depends on family commitments on thurs. Any space left to crash at yours Rich?
Myself and Chris are looking for fuel sharers to make the trip as cheap as possible, if your up for it I think the plan is to leave Salisbury when I finish work on Thursday then drive back afterwards because I have work the following day...
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no i asked for a reason! haha. sounded like rich had something to say about the goings-on at the other premier!

what with being in leeds and what not, i've not talked to him for ages. and he's left curtis now also. nice to hear wat the old boy's been up to...

Sorry about that, just rich said not to mention it, so I didn't, I just laughed at it :rolleyes: . Its nothing important anyway, nout to do with biking.

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Myself and Chris are looking for fuel sharers to make the trip as cheap as possible, if your up for it I think the plan is to leave Salisbury when I finish work on Thursday then drive back afterwards because I have work the following day...

That sounds like a plan ticcy- i have no money for fuel atm, and i could do with coming back after. What time you leaving tommorrow? If you don't know just give me a ring.

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Dude, if the weathers good I'll probably come in for a ride in taunton first. Is there any chance of dumping my bike at yours for the evening?

Oh yeah, I hope clive can hurry up a bit with those pashleys, I have a feeling my current forks may be on there way out! in the last few days my bikes wheelbase has gone 1045-1060-1035. haha.

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its a shame youladies dont have enough room for me :( well guess i'll be gettin the train then, oli i'lll give you a ring when i get home and meet up (Y)
There is room if it helps you out, you would just be squashed up in the back of a 306.

I dont mind because I will have loads of room in the drivers seat so as long as the others are happy and you can get to Salisbury you can have a lift there...

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