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6 Working Gears At Comps........


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sounds and smells like something.................

SOOOOOOOOOO let me get this straight, the "original" BTUK are offering FREE BIU license? but still run under ACU? (therefore) waynios maths is correct, you still have to buy a £10/15 ACU license?

i feel the "un" and "im" professional ism of the people it concerns are very weak people and are doing this behind a highly backed team of people, you look at the results from the 2006 series and it was Team GB best year? i can see for 2007 it will be a UCI british championship!!!! dont try rub out the BIU.EDIT: SORRY!!! it will be 2008 they will change it to a UCI brit champs

For the people of the forum that are totally blind to the situation, lets get this all into perspective:

"NEW" BTUK who are trying to take over and keep biketrial as part of MOTO trials, is the Tupmans, Butlers, Slingers etc etc.

BikeTrial UK who are supporting the individuality of the sport and putting it forward who have run it for the last number of years, in which it held a world round @ Addingham and hold such a strong world TEAM for last year are being attempted to be put down and taken over as the other GROUP of people see that sucess on ones behalf is not acceptable.

i hope that people of this forum check THIS link out http://www.biketrialuk.co.uk/ and read the first paragraph, its obvious there is a demise from others. for people who cant see it, Tyke Trial is the HIGHEST club in the UK with most members and has the best atmosphere in the UK, it also has the youngest and probably the oldest members riding, who have fun and enjoy going. For the people who wish to out cast the sucess of such people, i puty you dearly, the jealousy of others sucess is APPAULING!!!!

OH and the Sucess and fund raising of the WBC in 2005 @ addingham was done nearly single handedly by Barbara Wright and with the extra efficient help of Mr Doney.

at the end of the days it BikeTrial not moto trials it is a SPORT that should be independant of something else, it is the motorbike orientated clubs that are not willing to TRY something different, tyke trial have and have suceeded and people cant/dont want to accept that. THE END


Edited by Waynio
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"original" BTUK are offering FREE BIU license? but still run under ACU? (therefore) waynios maths is correct, you still have to buy a £10/15 ACU license?

"NEW" BTUK who are trying to take over and keep biketrial as part of MOTO trials, is the Tupmans, Butlers, Slingers etc etc.

Sorry, I didn't quite get what you meant there, could you clarify please?

Tuppers, Butlers, slingers are the 'new' BikeTrial UK, and want to keep it Moto? How do you mean?

I rode a comp organised by Tupman last year, and it was a great day. Really fun, nothing too strict (application wise etc, rules were still well stuck to) and nice and easy for a first-time comp rider to get into it

In my opinion, that's how a comp should be run, but what are the differences between this, and the 'Original' BTUK comps?

As I've said before, in order to get me to ride more comps, I want to be able to turn up and ride. I would be happy to buy a £10 license for the year or whatever if I needed to of course.

I'm certain others feel the same, as I've spoken to a fair few guys who do

I'm just curious as to what rules are being considered to be brought in/taken out, and what is changing.

I know very little about how things actually run here, so if anyone wants to put it in the simplest way possible, it would be appreciated :P

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Waynio, you have it so wrong. Please remember that you have only one side of the story and it is deeply rose tinted.

Lets take it back to the beginning.

You are clearly having a go at the ACU and you feel that it is all its fault. It is true to say that it has a motorcycle background, but it has been more than willing to accept biketrial under its umbrella to help it along. You see, back in the day, biketrials became linked to the ACU for insurance reasons. In the passed people would just run trials when and wherever, without licenses, cheap entrance fees etc, but these were uninsured and so if a something went wrong, such if a rider had broken their leg, they could have sued the organisers personally, and as the organisers would have had no protection they could have lost their house, business, their sanity..... The ACU allowed biketrial to become associated with it as it as they could provide cover at a reasonable rate, with a tough bunch of lawyers to back them up to cover the organisers. Other organisations have also offered insurance before, but none were as competitive or as comprehensive. However, riders had to get an ACU licence to ride in these events, but can we really argue over something that costs £10?!!

It kicked off last year when people ran things through the ACU, but ran different rules and ran trials without licences etc. Therefore the insurance for these events were void and the ACU got p***ed off with this as if anything had happened, eg someone had sued, the ACU were left negligent and could have faced a huge bill for the law suit. It sounds far fetched, but it could have and can so easily happen. The ACU decided enough was enough and so changed the rules in the handbook, to mean that those who wanted to run UCI rules, or BIU rules, with/without gears could do so and the rules were so flexible that anything could run and still be insured. It was also decided that it should be made possible for any club to run a trial without having to get permission from and pay fees to Biketrial UK as it was sometimes difficult for people to run their own events.

Some people on the biketrial uk committee didnt like this as they felt that power and funding was being taken off them by the ACU unjustly. These people then had meetings with other insurance providing organisations such as the AMCA (which is another motorcycle organisaton) in order to get out of the ACU. At a recent biketrial meeting the issue was discussed about switching organisations, but the decision didnt go to a vote and so by default it stuck with the ACU. One member even left the meeting and thereby resigned their position on the committee. However these same people who wanted to switch to the AMCA went away and did it anyway! Very unconstitutional! Since then these people have organised dates and venues without the consent of the commitee for a british championship, did not attend the official Biketrial UK AGM on 24th February and have put statements on the internet about the existence of a false biketrial uk.

Therefore there is still officially one biketrial uk, but this minority have taken its name and have proceeded to set up events without the consent of the the majority of the normal committee. This has given the illusion of there being two committees and two b.championships.

These people need to come together and decide democratically the future of the group and work together sensibly for the benefit of the sport, rather than individual ambition.

I hope that this gives a clearer context. If I am misguided, please correct me.

Edited by wind_up
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We are getting into emotive territory here. It's also a landscape riddled with personal perspectives, and recieved truths (and mistruths!)

Please, if you are going to post any further replies in this thread that arn't directlyrelated to the use of chain tensioners only, then please be very careful and aware when you post.

This will not become a slanging match. Anyone who weighs in with unsubstantiated rumour or abuse will face possible bans. This thread will be carefully monitored, and the moderators will have no problems warning, banning, deleting and editing posts.

If this continues to go further OT, this thread will be locked.

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Chris should u not jsut maybe take the posts that aren't directly related to chain tensioners and put them in their own topic about th argument. although at times it makes very funny reading with the bitchy-ness of it all, it does have some points raised and opinions that certain people should be taking note of regarding the competition world.

which reminds me....i need to speak to some folk about our scottish competitions. (we dont have any gears required)


on a more specific note. the gears rule is something im not commenting on. if i rode comps seriously i would be riding it for the sake of the banter. If i cant ride the very top class just because i havent aquired enough championship points to move from a lower ranking because of my lack of gears (not that im good enough to ride the very top level) then im nae really that fussed. i go to support trials.


its off puting for newcomers.....

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"NEW" BTUK who are trying to take over and keep biketrial as part of MOTO trials, is the Tupmans, Butlers, Slingers etc etc.

Firstly Wayne i would like to officially comment from the YMSA about the above. I am not a officer of the above commitee and received an invite adressed to the YMSA for the meeting at ACU headquarters Rugby on saturday the 24th just gone. At this meeting were members of Biketrial UK to name a few Mr Anthony Rew + 1, Mr Terry Graves + 1, Mr Phil and Matt Tupman, Dave Bradley + 1 and also Mr Brian Matthews ( World Officer ). My interest was to represent YMSA, thus i attened also due to reciveing a payment sent to the YMSA from bike trial uk of which i wanted to return, hope this clears up the above so can you now remove my family name from the above THANKS

After sitting at this meeting i belive that the above said by WIND-UP to be about right from what i see

I think it will be better for the sport in the UK for all the clubs and officers to get round a big table in one big place and welcome the public also so to see what its all about OPEN FORUM etc and sort it all out

This is my view on the above From YMSA as we are a independant and are only looking to move the sport forward

The above Committee have welcomed the YMSA back to the table with a hope to bring all bodies together for the SPORT

Also remember that you do not need 6 working gear to enter YMSA comps

Dave Butler YMSA

I have Edited to show that there was reps from most clubs at the meeting.

Edited by the organiser
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Putting my moderator hat to one side for a moment...

I agree with Dave, that what is needed is greater transparency. I can appreciate that certain matters are not for public disclosure, but I think a large amount is suitable. The lack of meeting minutes, statements from the comittee, even a listed order of members and structure on the website adds an obscure layer over proceedings, and is a breeding ground for half-truths and rumours that can linger. If there was a central, neutral reference point for the decisions made, and topics discussed, then people could be directed to the appropriate pages and rumours stopped dead straight away.

I also think that we should have an all encompassing governing body. I realise you can't please everybody all the time, but I see no reason why the YMSA - for example - should not be included within BiketrialUK. It doesn't matter how a competition is run (BIU, UCI) as long as there are riders riding through gates and the appropriate administrative tasks are done such as insurance, then it's still a group operating for the benefit of it's memebers.

It's a comprimise certainly, but what I'd like to see is all clubs meeting to form the comittee. BiketrialUK should be an umbrella organisation which acts for all trials riders, and as a result subsidies should be contributed from every club. Some may pay more in return for insurance and other services, but everyone pays because it creates a central fund which can be used to help fund UK trials projects like the World round.

This shouldn't come down to 'There's nothing in it for me, so I won't pay', but instead a contribution to help fund trials centrally. 5 clubs each spending £100 pounds will have less power than 1 body spending £500.

One organisation will also have increased power when negotiating things like insurance, and in time both rule sets could be brought together so any club can choose which to run, and we can demonstrate our abilities to ride both style to both the BIU and British Cycling.

The comittee could even look at offering insurance to licence holders, even street riders with no desire to compete, so they have personal liability insurance and legal cover in case of problems. It's something that the CTC offer to their members, and certainly useful to any riders practising near members of the public.

Ultimately it requires transparency to get the understanding and support of riders, common sense and level headedness from the committee members, and a desire from everyone to comprimise and help move trials forward.

This is in no way a comment on any incidents past or present, but just a vision of the future, and hopefully a common goal to strive for.

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sounds and smells like something.................

SOOOOOOOOOO let me get this straight, the "original" BTUK are offering FREE BIU license? but still run under ACU? (therefore) waynios maths is correct, you still have to buy a £10/15 ACU license?

i feel the "un" and "im" professional ism of the people it concerns are very weak people and are doing this behind a highly backed team of people, you look at the results from the 2006 series and it was Team GB best year? i can see for 2007 it will be a UCI british championship!!!! dont try rub out the BIU.EDIT: SORRY!!! it will be 2008 they will change it to a UCI brit champs

For the people of the forum that are totally blind to the situation, lets get this all into perspective:

"NEW" BTUK who are trying to take over and keep biketrial as part of MOTO trials, is the Tupmans, Butlers, Slingers etc etc.

BikeTrial UK who are supporting the individuality of the sport and putting it forward who have run it for the last number of years, in which it held a world round @ Addingham and hold such a strong world TEAM for last year are being attempted to be put down and taken over as the other GROUP of people see that sucess on ones behalf is not acceptable.

i hope that people of this forum check THIS link out http://www.biketrialuk.co.uk/ and read the first paragraph, its obvious there is a demise from others. for people who cant see it, Tyke Trial is the HIGHEST club in the UK with most members and has the best atmosphere in the UK, it also has the youngest and probably the oldest members riding, who have fun and enjoy going. For the people who wish to out cast the sucess of such people, i puty you dearly, the jealousy of others sucess is APPAULING!!!!

OH and the Sucess and fund raising of the WBC in 2005 @ addingham was done nearly single handedly by Barbara Wright and with the extra efficient help of Mr Doney.

at the end of the days it BikeTrial not moto trials it is a SPORT that should be independant of something else, it is the motorbike orientated clubs that are not willing to TRY something different, tyke trial have and have suceeded and people cant/dont want to accept that. THE END


RED - from what i have heard, the original biketrial uk is now the biketrial uk who are offering free licenses, and someone who used to be a key memeber of the comitee wasn't voted for for various reasons, thus making him an unhappy man, so he decided to take control himself and make a new biketrial uk. dead professional, that we have one comitee, split in two, fighting for the rights to a british championship. ha

GREEN - so you are trying to tell me wayne that ymsa are not trying anything new in the sport, i believe that this year they decided to make the ymsa championship UCI, how many other clubs in the UK follow UCI rules? oh, none.

And what major leap of independence has tyketrial took that you seem to be thriving about?


One other thing i dont understand, AT ALL is that, why does it make a difference if the club is moto trials orientated?


Edited by oakley
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whoa, whoa, whoa, back to the point:

can i or cant i run 24 speed on my 20"?

ive got an eno freewheel in my left hand and an XTR front mech & sprockets in my right and i just dont know what to put on.....my hands are full and im typing this with my nose........either one of these goes on tonight or the bike just goes on the bonfire.......arrrr!

Edited by p_rew@theciderbar.na
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