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A chain tensioner won't solve your problems. If your mech is set up properly, then it will tension better than any single speed tensioner*. If you want to save some weight then by all means buy a tensioner. I'm just saying that there's no point splashing out on one when you've still got this problem.

Can you post another picture with the chain like it is?

*With the possible exception of Rohloff

its gone into the bike shop with nothing on it now.. no tensioner, no derailler.

i cant post a pic till i get it back i suppose.

i took a link out the chain and completely removed the derailler so you can probs imagine what its like, the chain only moves up or down about a half inch when you push it.

the shop didnt say anything when they saw it had nothing on, he said as long as its running straight and not too tight its fine..

i can still see it snapping like

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first of all... WHAT???? that wasnt a serious question!

Ok I stand corrected! Sort your shit out though... never seen a thread like this before in my life! (Well except that one I made when I first joined about the justification of spending £130 on a Pro2! But I realized I went on too much and got my shit together!)

Peace, no offence, bye! :closedeyes:

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I'm with Tomm! Rear mechs do a much better job at tensioning chains than most so called tensioners on the market. Plus you can spend over £30 for a decent one and even then you have to keep a check on the tension. A rear mech costs £20, you bolt it on, it works. Incredible eh? God knows what you were trying to achieve by removing a jockey wheel but I don't think it works. Threads like this make me laugh seeing everyones bodges and ideas how to fix things :)

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ffs, im not reading an entire thread to pick out one specific detail. it was just an option icase it hadn't been considered yet

It's just the way you give an impression of complete arrogance. Like you're much too good to read the whole thread, or use manners, or to even write in sentences. My guess is that you don't actually want to help anyone, you just want to have all the answers so people will look up to you.

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God knows what you were trying to achieve by removing a jockey wheel but I don't think it works.

aye i dont understand that like. i didnt do it, i only got the bike on monday (non stop fun since then!)

apparently it was done by a bike expert. it was held in place with a zip tie and mistook that tie for packaging and cut it off...

well the bike is in the shop now so i wont see it till t'weekend..

if theres still problems ill just get a rohloff i think

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It does work sometimes, quite a few people run it like that. I think it just reduces the friction in the whole drivetrain. Adam (tarty) ran his like that for quite a while. But if it's skipping then it's not a great idea I don't think.

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first of all... WHAT???? that wasnt a serious question!

second of all, i got a chain link remover and shortened the chain.

i could only remove 1 link and it will not get any shorter!

so now i have nothing on it, just 2 cogs and a really tight chain that feels like its gonna snap at any second.

i cant ride it now because the chain is f**ked and i need some link pin or something...

and see what i mean about everyone saying different things? on person says a chain tensioner will do nothing and the next post it says a tensioner would be a cheap solution!!

Are you f**king kidding me?!? You could easily take 3-4 out of that without a problem, jesus christ. I can't beleive you only took one out! Your chain was so long that your mech was literally tucked under itself, providing no tension. You should have taken 3-4 AT LEAST out of it so its tucked right up out the way like mine is. I can't beleive you could only take one out, thats shocking!

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Are you f**king kidding me?!? You could easily take 3-4 out of that without a problem, jesus christ. I can't beleive you only took one out! Your chain was so long that your mech was literally tucked under itself, providing no tension. You should have taken 3-4 AT LEAST out of it so its tucked right up out the way like mine is. I can't beleive you could only take one out, thats shocking!

Consider that picture, then consider that there probably isnt much more than an inch of difference between a straight line and the chainline around that jockey wheel :turned:

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Are you f**king kidding me?!? You could easily take 3-4 out of that without a problem, jesus christ. I can't beleive you only took one out! Your chain was so long that your mech was literally tucked under itself, providing no tension. You should have taken 3-4 AT LEAST out of it so its tucked right up out the way like mine is. I can't beleive you could only take one out, thats shocking!

yeah sorry i thought id make everyone laugh by saying i only took 1 link out....... :mellow:

with 1 link removed and the mech removed the chain is very tight around just the sprocket and chainring.

i know from that picture it looks like a load can be removed but seriously there is no way any more can be removed...

looking at that picture again i see what you mean like. it doesnt look physically possible to have it tighter with 1 link gone... i dunno, maybe i took 5 out and forgot about it. ill have to wait till sat and have a look.

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Where's the bloody stanley knife? :rip:

f**k off, someone just lock this thing now its ridiculous.

im just telling you whats happening with it...

thanks to all the people that had the patience to help me.. you did help me a lot!

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Ignore kris, art student, say no more :P

Ha ha, f**k off dave, doesn't take a degree in engineering to be able to fix a chain :P He already said "i dunno, maybe i took 5 out and forgot about it"... I'm convinced he did ;)

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I doubt you'd get more than 1 or 2 links out of that chain to be fair, they're quite deceptive with how many you think you'd get out. Incidentally, I had to literally punch my new chain onto my sprocket today to get it to make the distance. Hassle.

Anyway, with this incident, it's proof of the fact that if you just get a couple of people's ideas about how to fix stuff then go and try it, you'll usually be fine. With all the stuff I've done before that's been new to me on bikes (e.g. grinding my rims, stripping a Magura, fixing a TPA, etc.), I've found that just getting a couple of tips from people then just going out and trying to do it is the best thing. Bikes are made up of mechanical systems working together, they're all relatively logical and if you just think things through and work carefully you can figure stuff out relatively. Everything happens for a reason. Just work through it step-by-step and you can solve most problems (Y)

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All I can say is I hope it gets sorted - if you do get it back and the mech/tensioner and chain are fine and it still skips - change the chain ring (the one on the front).

Or get the shop to test ride it.

Good luck

Edited by Jamie_Neal
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