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Think I Won A Giant Turkey On Ebay Help (giant Trials Frame)


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At the grand age of 26 I decided I wanted to ride trials again. Being a bit of an old school street/trials I'm not into anything without a saddle so mate said how about a giant. Sent me a link I placed a bid and won. Problem is I'm now seeing things that I don't think should be there and a few peps emailed me through ebay saying it was fake.

Bash plate, drop outs, longer than average seat tube


What do you think?

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How could god allow something that hideous to be created! :lol:

If you dont get that frame i would recommend a t-raptor. :)

Yeah got a couple of them lying about. Ones snapped and the other is due to so I wanted something shiny and new lol

Just a bit concerned that some how or other someone has created a fake giant trials frame.

Come on someone tell me this is a rare prototype or something lol.

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Do giant even make trials frames? :blink:

Yes, prob before you was born lol.

Seriously they did this kinda style quite a while ago, but minus bash plate, and the other things I mentioned. I just saw trials and it looked like the one till you look closer lol.

Win some, lose some.

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Do giant even make trials frames? :blink:

yes they do, i have 2 (1 spare an 1 built up). btw that model/colour giant didn't hav 4 bolt magura mounts, its deffo not a giant, your prob better of looking for a newer frame also, like the blue 1 ('05 model).

see below:


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bit off topic, but if your wanting something with a seat why not get a base?

I looked at base, but Joe Mather off here said they snap also Leon neil said he wasnt to sure about strengh so I stupidly looked at his recommendation. He said he just skimmed the page and didnt notice the dodgy features, and I did the same so my own fault for bidding without questioning the bash plate or drop outs.

Base is still an option as I'm not buying the giant unless this guy can prove it's genuine.

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giant never made a frame with horizontal dropouts or that nasty bend in the top tube. it also only says "team" on there. a proper real one says "trials Team"

if you want one of these bikes, i have one. email me on tombowman12@aol.com

mine is 100% real and has some good components aswell


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giant never made a frame with horizontal dropouts or that nasty bend in the top tube. it also only says "team" on there. a proper real one says "trials Team"

if you want one of these bikes, i have one. email me on tombowman12@aol.com

mine is 100% real and has some good components aswell


You had it on ebay? I'm sure I've seen this for sale. Looks in great condition, but the parts look a bit basic so I'd only be interested in the frame.

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You had it on ebay? I'm sure I've seen this for sale. Looks in great condition, but the parts look a bit basic so I'd only be interested in the frame.

yeah its on ebay.

the parts aren't basic. the only bad thing on it is the front wheel. and i have a RONNIE rim to replaace the front one which im selling with it but i need to edit it into the listing. only dug it out yesterday.

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yeah its on ebay.

the parts aren't basic. .

Power pro cranks, v8 pedals, bog standard silver hub.....

If you had full hope, better cranks with v12's and matching Maguras I'd snap it up, but I'm a tight git (Why else bid on a ebay frame lol). Thing is I already have raceface cranks, v12's, lots of nice various brakes and hope wheels sitting about so I just need a frame and prob another set of Fattys

Nice looking bike so I'm sure someone will take it off you hands

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Bit off topic but nice motor Ryan,

I have one but a Cosmic Facelift model.....Cool arent they?

I've had mine a while, at the time facelifts were serious £££££££ so I opted for the pre.

I'm running K-pro, blueflame exhaust, AEM V1, JDM spec anti roll bar, mugen grille, facelift seats and rear lights.

Amazing car for the money, but getting tempted to go for a DC5 now prices are falling.

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