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Sam Nichols

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Everything posted by Sam Nichols

  1. If I was you I'd probably want to work on my dropping technique before I start trying to drop of something of that height.
  2. Thanks a lot for the advice guys and girls! Much appreciated
  3. I'm sure you thought you'd seen it all on here, well, now you have. Yes, I am genuinely asking for some hair straightener advice. My girlfriends birthday is coming up and amongst some other (more sentimental) gifts I want to get her a pair of GHD's. She's always wanted some and just after Christmas she hunted all over Guernsey for a pair but nowhere had them in stock. I've found loads of places selling them so that's cool but I didn't realise there was a range, I thought they just did one type, doh! Off the top of my head not many of you guys have hair long enough to straighten but I thought that maybe I could appeal to those of you who have girlfriends,wives, mistresses or effeminate friends. A little run down of which GHDs do what to hair might also help!! Thanks in advance. Let the piss taking commence...
  4. At the end of the day the only place you're going to find the answer is in the contract. If you can't be assed to read it or you haven't looked at after it - call the company and ask them. None of us can give you answer that you should rely on because none of us have access to the contract.
  5. These seals must be available from SOMEWHERE though? It's crazy that Shimano don't offer service items for such an expensive brake. Surely they must buy them in bulk from somewhere, I doubt they are manufacturing their own bespoke seals?
  6. Anyway 27lbs isn't too heavy at all and looks like a pretty decent starting point for getting back into the sport. Welcome back! What on earth is a gooseneck?! Is that what you Americans call a stem?
  7. Nice one, glad to hear it!! I wasn't doubting you or anything but that's pretty damn cool that your first effort is holding its own! Great stuff
  8. Is the frame holding up nicely, Flipp? No creaks or cracks or owt?
  9. Cheers! Glad you enjoy them!
  10. Just a little afternoon ride with Ian Johnstone
  11. Touché! I should have asked what constitutes a healthy dose?!
  12. Demonic figures in a healthy dose improves quality of life?
  14. It's just odd to be so dismissive of someones video when you haven't got the balls/motivation/ability to put something out there yourself. Oh well.
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