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Sam Nichols

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Everything posted by Sam Nichols

  1. I ride 8 miles into central London for a ride but I'm still fat and I'm shit at sidehops. You have to ride like 20 miles for it to even make a dent!
  2. Don't count your chickens just yet.
  3. Smooth and effortless as ever, Joe. Also nice to see you with your legs out
  4. Of course it's OK to be average, it's also OK to be below average. It's not very nice to be dismissive without giving something at least a little bit constructive criticism/advice on how to improve though. Anyway, none of this is relevant to the topic (sorry, that's my fault!) but I genuinely was curious if you have any videos because I don't think I've ever seen a video of you. It's cool if not, it's just nice to put a rider to a forum name sometimes.
  5. Brakeless taps are something that fill me with dread! Fair play for trying that rail over and over again!
  6. I don't think I've ever seen any of your videos 'dngr2self', got a link?
  7. This is pretty much the best of the trials based internet right here: http://instagram.com/ZOOT_ALORS# I should be writing up a report but this was a fantastic way to waste 10 mins!
  8. Use your tongue to test which is the live.
  9. Bloody marvellous! That bunnyhop up to front was a delight. Would have been nice if a bit more of your lovely faces were in shot though!
  10. Yeah I might give them a go, my Hopes have upset me far too much, I just can't take it anymore!
  11. Of course they are, silly me. Part of me was hoping they were something cheaper
  12. What flavour Shimano brakes are they? My eyes are failing me.
  13. Interesting fact: I once sat in that paddling pool in my underwear at 3am with a girl and a bottle of wine.
  14. http://www.amazon.co.uk/gp/aw/d/B00DZ69BXS/ref=mp_s_a_1_13?qid=1397137431&sr=1-13&pi=SL75 I have one of these and it's really really good. I use a jack lead instead of pairing it and the battery lasts aaaages. Really good sound quality and surprisingly loud too! I'm not an audiophile but I do really rate these.
  15. I was going to suggest the stem, have you got a spare one you can chuck on for comparison? :-O Danger, danger.
  16. From their website.
  17. Bumping my videos is however always encouraged and has been known to accelerate ones progess to Senior Member status. So that's something to think about.
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