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lawrence osborn

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Everything posted by lawrence osborn

  1. Yeah i'm one, i have to always have my brakes and chain tension perfect as them two things annoy me if they are wrong
  2. no power difference in the slave power it is just the lever that makes it rubbish
  3. The brakes are rubbish i defenetly wouldn't use them for trials and also they do have a tpa it is inside the lever and you adjust it with a allen key
  4. That brace thing my freind is a booster and it is weak and rubish if you buy a booster which i suggest to do so get one of these echo boosters they are value for money and work very well
  5. Hey dude, Welcome to the forum Put some effort in, quality posts and have a good time those will help you on your way to validation cheers Lawrence
  6. ok when do you want to come riding then?
  7. Yeah my address is loz_trials@hotmail.co.uk and whats your address
  8. I know holsworthy it isn't very good for riding the only good bit is droping the bins near the lesuire centre try and get into bude sometime and give me a shout when you do
  9. nice and shiny, nice bike mate and why have you stuck a stella sticker on there?
  10. i can rock walk to perfection and stuff but i just can't get the spin in the air. And thanks for the comments theyve helped i am spinning a bit more now but keep them cuming
  11. Hey people, I am wodering if you have any tips for a 360 drop. I have looked on trashzen but i really can't do it i can only do 180 so can someone give me some tips please
  12. i may be able to get up there on sunday, no promises though would that be o.k
  13. Pretty good video mate im not sayin it is crap but push yourself more and do some bigger stuff
  14. giro encinal thats what i wear
  15. brilliant that was a great vid the music went very well and the vid makes me want to ride now
  16. Give it some beans! and do you use 1 or 2 fingers if you use 2 change to one that helps loads
  17. yeah because we are football players not basketball
  18. we should ask him to get some pictures or a vid of him riding
  19. Brilliant video i would love to have that many crates were i live, well we used to have loads which we used to ride on in the plastics company at the industrial estate, but now they put huge thick sheets of plastic on them so we can't move them
  20. Control passion and good riding thats what i like to see in the rain and thats what youve just shown me nice one
  21. yeah i will give you a pm and we will arrange whats going on
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