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Everything posted by abtrials

  1. this is what is required maximus = not these LOL hope it helps my friend
  2. well its is soon to have white rims with red rim tape. that is as far as i am going on the colour front, because colour scheme's look crap when you need to change frame or something so its best to keep it simple also if you come to getting rid of bits more people want plain components . + 1 manuel once i get some proper v adaptors they will be well good
  3. it is a symtra re-system its 115mm long with 15deg rise and monty bars extended to 30inches its the best set up ever! also your stem is for a mod. they are jagwire ones i found them on ebay for 11 quid posted they were a bargain they are exactly the same shape as xtr levers and they look the bollocks.
  4. i aggree mate the reverse mount does look a bit silly with the mounts i made, the brake is to far away from the forks & frame but i will be making some adjustments to the adaptors tonight. will prob look a bit better keep the coments comming people.
  5. here is my bike just waiting for heatsink v adaptors and it will be complete enjoy
  6. god I don’t think I have ever come across such a knob as jakes dad what a complete ignorant and arrogant tool, was grinding my teeth and wanting to punch that man all through the show, also your mum is such a push over bet you got her wrapped round your finger LOl.
  7. nice mate looks like waddys lol
  8. derf is fred on the 24 max with the bright as hell forks! lol
  9. cant you to stop you bitching, dont worry maxi will make you some the same as my one's that are much better than my wooden ones i made. job sorted
  10. that looks lush i am just about to go dual v on mine hows the rear brake with no booster??
  11. well min efeels stiff as hell, i have a magura with 2 bolt echo booster and it is brilliant. just make sure you get a decent booster for it in the begining and it will be fine. best frame i have been on and i have been on a few, control, pure 06, zenith, adamant a1, pitbull 05 & 06 etc... so i would say good buy to anyone who gets one.
  12. um no thy are not that good really they wear down grinds really really quick and dont work to good either, just get some decent pads and use a smoth rim
  13. yea i have one and they are so so nice to ride, good choice
  14. i have the new 07 ones with the rounder tip and they are awesome and not spongy at all really, i would get some if i were you
  15. looks good but i dont like them forks anyway and they look even worse sprayed, get some urbans
  16. ha ha that was both funny and sick i loved it the pole vault was so funny
  17. looks ok mate dont think the pics fo it justice really but you have to extend them bars they are tiny, mine are lush now i have extended them 1 inch and a half each side
  18. 18/16 is a good ratio i would run that and it will solve all problems, i run 18/17 and it is well nice
  19. so everyone is saying the pure mate you know you want to? sell your mod bits/ trade for a stock.
  20. yea i have seen it happen, bb7's are not strong enough for there own power, really but they usualy last spot on and are cheep enough to replace
  21. i think you should go for my zenith mate - trust me they are nice to ride and not that heavy!
  22. well I would have to disagree with tom123 mate sidehops and back wheels will take a few more rides than just 1 every 2-3 weeks, and lets face it you have only been on my zenith 2-3 times and my pure 1 time, but being a trials rider (unlike tom at the mo LOL) i would have to say that you looked so much more comfy on my pure than your mod. And stuff like sidehoping you are still only just learning on your mod so it will make much difference at all changing. 26 all the way
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