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Phil H

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Everything posted by Phil H

  1. Cheers guys, loving the advice. I think first port of call will be WD40 behind the pad and see what that does. Cheers. Phil
  2. Definetly hasn't snapped but I think it might be slightly jammed. The little red thingy doesnt move properly. Phil
  3. Basically the maggy I've got on the rear is really dodgy. 50% of the time if you do a move then realease the brake to ride out it doesnt actually comeback the full distance. Therefore is left slightly touching the rim. Im not sure what to do about this. Possibly try and like grease up the pad mover bit? Please Help, Phil p.s A new maggy isnt an option as this is just a temporary one until I get new cable for my other one and get it bled.
  4. Allrite Matt - only spoke to you for the first time today but hope your knee is getting better First pic - 7ft looks more like 5 to me haha nah I believe you. Im liking the look of that ashton too! Phil
  5. So dave! Looks like we have got a fat Trials ride in Basingstoke not this weekend coming 9/10th but the weekend after 16th/17th. The day isn't decided yet but need some feedback on what you guys would like. 16th or 17th - BE THERE! Basingstoke. More details coming soon. Phil
  6. What I find when I am doing something new is that if I see it ride up to it and do it straight away without hesitating knowing that I can do it I normally can and feel good. But as soon as I chicken out of something once I loose my confidence Mates being there always boosts my confidence. And also I think what people say has a massive effect on ability. For example I said to my mate 'your too tired, been riding all day, its getting to you' as a joke but it actually meant he couldn't concentrate as much. On to excuses. Well with my mate that I always ride with we don't really use excuses because we know what each others abilities are and don't feel like we have to make excuses if that makes any sense. But I quite often make excuses to myself Phil
  7. New Zealend is a fairly big place and there are probably about two members on this forum who are from New Zealend let alone the ares you are visiting, would have to be preety damn lucky! But good luck Phil
  8. Aha put what I was trying to say correctly - cheers. I agree with that. Pgil
  9. T-REX without a doubt. I have ridden a mission reefer and it was not a pleasent experience (looks damn ugly too ) So yeh T-REX . Phil
  10. haha I cannot see how he does. Allthough he does look like abit of a robot when street riding and pulls off all the moves perfectly I don't see any like 'flow' that maybe is needed for natural? (or am I talking sh*t? Don;t hate me ) Phil
  11. Cheers guys I think most of my questions have been answered I reacon it would be brilliant if Neil was competing however I can see he is pushing Trials to the limits on the streets and maybe there is no place for his style at competitions - someone in the know want to reveal what they think? Discuss I could imagine a few people have had near fatal accidents by falling on their back awkwardly. But in conclusion I think trials is a safe sport COMPARED to other mountain biking types such as freeride, downhill and dirt jumping. Maybe wrong what do you think? Someone I know recently moved to trials after they broke their back in some manner dirt jumping. Phil
  12. 1. How many people approximately ride trials world wide? 2. Has anyone ever died trials riding? 3. Does Neil Tunicliffe compete in competition? (apparently he was at the london bike show last year competing- but don't remember seeing him) cheers. Phil
  13. Well could be down to that however : -You might be more natural on a trials bike. -You might put in more practise. -You might be physically fitter and therefore find it easier to learn. However, no offence, but he might have the upper hand when you both start improving more because the newer T-REX's have alot nicer gemoetry on the back wheel than the old (in my opinion). Phil
  14. Allrite Mate sounds good I'll see whats gonig on closer to the time. Yeh me and dave have a few preety good spots but depends if you guys are mental good. How long you been riding? Nah havent been to hook woods before. Phil
  15. hahaha YES! If your talking about the subway rolls - best thing ever to have riding, had one today! Phil
  16. haha stupidest thing I've heard - you wouldn't take a phone riding if you didn't think you might have to use it and having it stuck to your bike makes it a little hard to use. Well personally I wear jeans so I never have a problem. If the peeps you ride with have bags maybe slip it in there? Phil
  17. Too much stuff! (not in order of most important ) - striving to get better - having a laugh with mates - hilarious stacks - meeting new people - coming home and feeling like a complete king after a day riding - improving your bike - improving your body - nailing a new move however big or small it is - people who are impressed and say good stuff - doing something that isn't an everyday generic thing for people to do - etc TRIALS IS SO GOOD Phil
  18. Phil H

    Working Out

    Allrite cheers guys some handy info Phil
  19. Phil H

    Working Out

    I work out a fair bit just like weights in my lounge in various positions/situps/pressups etc. But could do with some advice: Im 16 and apparently its not a good idea to work out everyday? I know muscles need time to rebuild themselves after a workout but does that mean working out everyday is worse than every other? Help please Phil
  20. Loving it!!!! Good choice of song - some awesome riding. What I especially loved was how serene the places you rode were - I didnt see one person for some strange reason I really like that. Good Stuff Where abouts was this video shot? Phil
  21. Hey dude I ride everyday with Dave (echo vs onza) we are looking for people to ride with because the scene is abit bleak here. Deffinetly give you a shout sometime. How is andover? Phil Where abouts is st neots then? (sounds awesome) Phil
  22. hahahaa yeh pablo is completely hilarious. Got a few videos on my pc - make me laugh every time! Phil
  23. My garage with a fat ,nearly 100% of the time, locked door - safe as a bank! Phil
  24. Ha that was complete balls! We all know its about 'bike mania' many hours of fun spent on that mastering some sick lines. And what is a 'dab' - to be fair I didn't readf the instructions. Phil
  25. He wants some tips on backhopping not pedal hopping I believe, so if he can't back hop yet I can't imagine he can stall on the back wheel then kick and roll forward. Anywho welcome to trials forum. Basically first learn to do an endo and then use the momentum coming back to pull yourself onto your back wheel. When you have this dialled and can keep central as you come back just try pulling your pody up so your back wheel jsut leaves the ground. Kepp practising this until you feel you have improved your balance and can do quite a few in a row. Its always very important whilst backhopping to keep your arse right over the rear wheel. It will take some practise to get the balance but as I mentioned try the endo and then pulling back method. THEN you can move onto more technical things such as kickhops. Another way that was shown in a preview to Ryan Leech's instructional video was to put your front wheel up on something and from this point it will be easy to pull back to the back hop position however I would recomend the way I explained above. Hope I have helped. Phil
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