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Everything posted by arw_86

  1. bump. does anyone know what perth is like for backpackers? is there much of a scene on the west coast or is it all happening on the east? also im havng trouble finding out if i can do a year working visa in oz then come home to england (to see family and sort stuff) at the end of that year, can i then apply for another year working visa and head back out doing it all again? or is that my lot for life? i love reading through this thread! makes it all sound so immense.
  2. arw_86


    american history x chopper men of honour avatar (in the cinema and 3D only) shawshank redemption in bruges (saw it last night, randomly weird but funny film) crash goonies (come on!!! fookin classic! you know you all want to go on that slide!) blood diamond derailed hostage die hard 1&3 toy story ice age taken back door bitches 4 meet the parents wedding crashers original american pie stuff the hangover would have been up there..... cloverfield would have been if the alien wasnt so poo (i loved it until you saw the monster thing) i am legend (poop ending so also up there but could have been legendary)
  3. random question, if i apply for a 12 month working visa in australia, is the 12 months valid from the time i get accepted or from when i enter australia? reason i ask is, id like to apply for it now and just have it ready if i decide to just fook off. cheeers
  4. arw_86


    this is good. trick with whole deck, and a story and deck splitting thrown in for good measure. can someone explain it?
  5. well if i went on a working holiday i wouldnt be too bothered if i didnt get something to do with gas or fires really. But thats useful to know about only being able to go certain places initially. Where would you recommend the best place to be to get me a bit of work (any work) and also meet alot of people, be able to party but also be able chill out n have some alone time.....i want it all lol, makes me sound like a right spoon. ive thought about camp america but i dont have specific skills that they require. I very much doubt they want me to teach kids how to fit fires or do gas tightness tests lol! Do i need skills? or whats the crack with it all? thanks again everyone
  6. i read somewhere about you need $350 dollars per month to cover your stay incase you have no job. (this may have been for new zealand though?) i found loads of info on everything just typing stuff into google. The best places are obviously the governments own website for each country.
  7. i was on the verge of bumping too lol! as i am still looking into it all and as you said, i want to hear more about this 'Willy' chap. has anyone ever been new zealand? where are the best places to visit? Or best places to work and live from? new zealand seems to have an identical points system for visas as australia. torn as to what to do. Ive thought about canada abit now too but i cant stand the cold here so doubt ill cope in canada lol
  8. got the serious winter blues today, need to seriously look in to getting away, need something to look forward to. just dont know if i have the bottle to do it on my own.
  9. cheers mate, that really helps me alot! Makes me really want to look into it all properly. Did you just turn up and look for work and a place to stay? some useful websites would be appreciated to! And as for what you said in the last paragraph....thats exactly what i want from my experience! if i look into it more would you mind if i messaged you if i have questions? thanks again adam
  10. get on it, then go visit her one day, move there, have a pool, beautiful weather, beautiful girl. LIVE THE DREAM! note - might be getting ahead of ourselves here
  11. awesome! so platform 2 is the company? ive thought about doing voluntary work before but its really expensive just to apply. Also ive always wondered how do you teach english if you dont know their language? cheers
  12. for now id just be looking into more of a 3month to a year visa. so i can work and be in a place long enough to see if i love it. then if i do try my hardest to make it permenant. But ive always got home to come back to. I just know i have to do something that makes my world more than just here, something that will make me grow up and make me take responsibility at the same time as possibly finding a place/job/career that i can love cheesy as that sounds
  13. hello everyone. basically ive started 2010 wanting to make sure this year is one to remember, ive been feeling like im in a bit of a boring repetative life and want some experiences and excitement to see if it makes me any clearer on what path id like to take my life. Ive recently qualified as a heating engineer and have my own sole trader business but before i get too deep into it and earn enough money to move out i really want to see what else is out there. If i dont, i know ill regret it!. im not thinking this will make me find what i want in life, or make me realise what i want to do as a career but i know its something i have to do. Ive created this thread for people who have been traveling/working abroad and for those who are in my position, wanting to do something to remember or even possibly change their life. so yeah, please post away with your experiences, where you went, what you did, if you worked, visas needed, high points, low points, helpful websites/companies, advice, if you recommend it etc. i personally would like to go either australia, new zealand or usa. id go to europe but i think i would feel to isolated on the language barrier? Also working in various jobs is something i would like to do to. Oh, and randomly, working on a ski resort appeals, even though the cold gets on my nerves and ive never done winter sports, but i do specialise in fires and fireplaces which im guessing they have alot of? thanks in advance, Adam
  14. arw_86


    EPIC. its what going to the cinema should be about!
  15. haha, i thought i might have. oh well, it's christmas!.....?
  16. i was talking to a colleague yesterday and he was saying thats christmas is a load of bollocks for the simple fact jesus was actually born in april but they wanted to tie it in with the winter solstice. he has read alot of the holy books of many religions and seems to know alot about it all, and from what ive heard reiligion is very fickle and is only around to control people and keep people in order. ive been told that the romans created one religion ( i think chrisitianity) literally as a way of making people behave. As if they made people believe there was a higher power and a place (hell) where bad people go it will stop a lot of people being dick heads. there is probably alot more to do with all this than what ive heard, but i dont believe in any gods or anything so christmas for me is just a time for family.
  17. because the remtards couldnt figure out how it was possible to score if you could only throw backwards....it's tragic.
  18. sorry if people think this should be in BOTI or RSQ but i believe there is room for good debate here. basically this video.... the known universe ......is the best ive seen that sums up just how small we are in our universe. The amount of other suns, planets, galaxies is phenomenal! I personally believe that there must be life forms elsewhere in the universe, maybe not as advanced or maybe more so. There must be another planet somehwere that was as fortunate as our own planet to be able to sustain life forms. Im no expert on this topic but i am interested in it all. So please feel free to put across useful info, facts and opinions. cheers adam p.s- watch the vid all the way through as it zooms back in at the end and you really get to grasp scale then.
  19. aids wins, it was in capitals!
  20. arw_86

    Dietry Stuff

    alcohol, alcohol, alcohol
  21. arw_86


    i dont understand how people even think it was real. it is very hard to reenact motion at the right speed. This was a good attempt but instantly looking at it......its just not right.
  22. arw_86


    cheers ad, ill bare the twatter stuff in mind. havent seen the ufc 107 yet...thats a sunday recovery jobby lol. cheers bud. adam
  23. adam.......i asked a question of the ufc thread, i was hoping you wuld reply lol?!?!? ye kinda regret the cheese thing now, only ate half of it, and im also ashamed im listening to avril lavigne on you tube haha...........FML!!!!
  24. na im here, gotta polish off some cheese on toast before i can sleep. standard ritual.
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