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Captain Scarlet

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Everything posted by Captain Scarlet

  1. Sony Vegas is fine with *.mov files, but you must remember that *.mov is only a container format, so one *.mov will be fine for Vegas, the other not good dependant on the file codec in the container. I'd try some different converting software and that should do the trick. In terms of editing with HD, it may depend on your computer set-up, I'm not sure what spec your computer is but usually to cope with HD rendering it requires quite a recent processor and at least 2gb of RAM.
  2. Well like always I was hoping to get a few more clips and actually making this a bigger video that is edited to music, but with having very little time to ride and with my bike in desperate need of repair, I was unable to complete this video. Hopefully when the bike is working in the summer I should be able to get a full video possibly with a new camera... It's pretty much a "I'm still here" video. http://www.vimeo.com/21260499 Enjoy!
  3. From the video, it looks like you could get a better angle going, so you can throw more weight forward when you gap. Flatter tyres, it doesn't look like you're getting much bounce out of your tyres, if you have them a bit flatter then your tyres will bounce off the edge rather than roll off the edge of your take off, it also benefits your landing too as it's much easier to land as more tyre is in contact with the pallet. You don't seem to take a pause, much like a good sidehop I prefer to find my balance point on the edge of a gap then pre-load down with all of my effort and go for it, okay it's everyone's personal tastes, but if you watch videos of Damon you will see that he is the god of this technique. Think about body weight transfer, this is the key to trials. My bike weighs 9kg, I weigh around 74kg. So out of the two it is body weight transfer that will bring to bike to wherever I want it to go. This isn't just with gapping, think about sidehopping and everyone else, it is just body weight transfer. Best tip I was ever taught was to think about your hips, look at a video of Damon or anyone else who can really exert power on a bike and look at how much their throw their hips in any aspect of their riding. Whilst all of this does sound very simple and easy to add to your riding, it still does take a lot of work and commitment, but if you think about it all before you gap, it WILL work.
  4. Great topic, I really want to extend my Hip-Hop collection further. Have you looked into the works of 'A Tribe Called Quest' ?
  5. Easily a 10 really. I'm fortunate enough to be able to go to uni and receive some grants due to my parents income. Other than a car, I have just about everything I want, all paid for out of my own money which is a very satisfying and accomplished feeling. I don't owe any money (other than a student loan but that's not exactly an unmanageable debt). I know a lot of people and hang around with a sound group of lads here at uni. I'm single but I love the freedom and no worry of commitment that it offers. I have a job which I go home to in the holidays and work throughout the whole holiday. Nothing is wrong in my life so it has to be a 10.
  6. Initial dip of a romance session. Waiting for the drop or breakdown of a song before going absolutely mental. Being in a new place for a day or two and really understanding the area and mapping it out when it was a totally alien world a few days before. Songs that make your hairs stand on end, at the moment it's this for me Amazing sunny days, blue sky green grass, out in the sticks cruising on a motorbike, taking everything so smooth, speed doesn't matter. Being out at stupid o' clock on the road, cranked over on the roundabout, seeing an empty stretch of straight road and giving the bike all that it has got! Personal premonitions which turn out to be correct. Hearing a few seconds of a new song and immediately knowing that it will be an amazing song all the way through. Working a whole month and seeing your bank balance after. When you feel down and then have a look at your personal possessions and see what you have achieved with yourself so you have no excuse be down. Tattooing, before, during and after. Probably the one thing in life that I get sleepless and over excited about.
  7. Captain Scarlet

    An Icey Ride

    Edging to ride after some time, Reece and I chose a nice cold and icy day to ride. Expect a better video nearer the summer time. =D
  8. Captain Scarlet

    Tom Rankin

    3 clips of Mr. Rankin showing his silky smooth style.
  9. A video featuring Tom Hutley, Steve Tiller, and Alain Luximon (order of appearance). We had a little ride, but lots of fun, this is the video we made.
  10. This is a video from a bike trials demo held in Brentwood on 08/06/08. The rider is James Butcher who completed the difficult section in 12.75 seconds.
  11. Whilst filming a video with multiple riders, quite a lot of the clips ended up being me, so I took these ones out and had them on their own. Its also a bit of a mess about too. Could also be considered as a teaser for the full video.
  12. Tom Hutley doing a crap manual, to sidehop, to 270. Colchester, Essex.
  13. Steve Tiller doing a static/pidegon wheel swap. Chelmsford, Essex
  14. A very short video of riding down on the sunny Essex coast. Riders in order of appearance; Reece Hearn, Tom Rankin, Toby Chippett. After the prospect of riding 4 miles to the train station, we managed to bundle ourselves and bikes in a car, a tight squeeze as you will see.
  15. Some old clips that I couldn't use and didn't think the quality of riding was at all good.
  16. Lol i had no stamp but she let me back in daynes x

  17. *brag* Love finishing work an hour and a half early and still get paid full *brag*

  18. anyone need a ticket for Nero tonight?

  19. "my lyrical content is a miracle, godsent" my name is Scroobius Pip and I say f**k all that nonsense!

  20. some generic status jizzing over the existence of the sun.

  21. A vote for the classic rages, just can't be beaten and the length is perfect too. You gotta remember that just about any other risers about are based on the original Rage bars...
  22. Hey mate, I'm currently living in Hatfield so I'm not too far from you, and then out of uni time I'm in Braintree, Essex. I'm always good for a ride around here or wherever is easy access by train (as I have no car unfortunately).
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