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Everything posted by 531joshua

  1. lol nah... it was a like 1 second thing. he went to nut the guy then got his knose chopped, well half. i wasnt there, but it sounded kinda sick. just thought i'd bring it up saying as it's a "Attacked" thread. anyways, what happend when you got into trouble/attacked?
  2. just wondering. as its scary - and i wouldn't wanna tell my parents and didn't. ah well - some guy i know got his knose chewed off, well half of it at a gig one night. was rank.
  3. have you ever been beaten up? as in, f**ked completely?
  4. yeah - well i guess if the attackers come back back to put windows out etc, just go to the police again? hopefully everything will go ok anyway
  5. don't think i want a hangover anytime soon
  6. kinda daft question i know, but i've never had a hangover so... what exactly is is and how is it caused etc?
  7. go to the police i resisted to when i got attacked, and regret it. although the guy attacking me threatened that if i go to the police he'd put my windows out etc etc the world is full of sh*t
  8. Yeah, well i know it's sometimes hard but maybe go to police? The guys that did that are pussy's for doing it in a group of 3 on 1, and deserve to be punished! Either way, good luck. EDIT: how bad are the injuries you sustained? As you can get the attackers done for ABH i think.
  9. Ah right. Just explain it?
  10. Sounds nasty man! Unlucky too. How havn't your parents seen you though?
  11. It's sickening the number of topics i see on the same thing related to this. Good idea though.
  12. 531joshua


    Should really be in the best of the Internet thread, but damn that was funny! Nice find.
  13. Anyone got... Bare face dynasty - Dynasty crew Myspace link - can't download the song though, only listen msn@josh-s.co.uk Add me to msn or post a link here if you have it please. Thanks.
  14. Yeah, that's what i done. My mate got nutted from nowhere and i just stood there in shock. I think if i had tried to do anything, it would have just made the situation worse, which in most cases is what will happen. Speaking of faces being bitten or whatever... guy i know who i rode trials with once (motorcycle trials), was at a gig in my local town one night. Got into a scrap with some random guy and when he went to nut the random guy, got half his nose chewed off. His mate had to pick it up. F**king wrong society these days.
  15. Unlucky. I hate it when this sort of thing happens, just spoils everything totally. Not long ago i got attacked, well me and my two mates. The guy that set about us was quite plainly on drugs and had drank alcohol excessively before hand. Just started laying into us for no reason. Lucky enough none of us were hurt too bad, although one of my mates had a nice pander eye the next day. Good that you've gone to the police though, the people that attacked you will get what they deserve hopefully. Hope it doesn't happen again.
  16. Bit racist but... God made the n*gger, he made him in the night, he made him in a hurry and forgot to make him white.
  17. 531joshua


    Alcohol* Good old whiskey for the win. Although i don't drink anymore.
  18. I've bought a book off amazon Thanks for all the replies.
  19. I've searched the forum and looked on the net for as much information as possible on this, so now i thought i'd see if i can get any useful information from anyone with experience on here. Me and my dad are thinking about starting a partnership, doing gardening jobs, household help and anything near abouts. Now as far as i know, to have it all legal, we need a license and to be paying the government VAT etc. What i'm looking for is anyone with advice/help/tips/information that could be useful to me, maybe if you've got experience from previously running a business or currently owning one. Thanks.
  20. 531joshua


    Buy bulk and re-sell it individually/in smaller quantities on eBay. I used to use amazon for a bit, to buy my bulk or cheap products to sell on. If you can spare a few hours every night to do that, brings a fair profit after you get going.
  21. Youtube was launched in Feb 2005. I think. Doubt that was the first EVER video though.
  22. That's amazing. Simple really though, wouldn't work if you only had one ear phone in.
  23. Yeah. To be honest, i am quite lazy. I want to change though
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