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Everything posted by Muel

  1. Muel

    The Angry Thread.

    Should be at home playing GTAV on my new computer but I'm still at work preparing for something I heard about at 2pm this afternoon...
  2. Speak for yourself haha, I love my job.
  3. Partially true, it's so I can have code open on the middle, browser on the left and porn on the right.
  4. That shit just snowballed. The monitors are calibrated, it's just the angle. These monitors are notoriously bad for viewing angles. I've got 3 monitors for several reasons, it's a workstation first and gaming rig second so 3 monitors is better than 1 for me. Also when I bought them, the super wide/curved monitors weren't even out yet and last time I looked they were wayyyyy too expensive for me. I could adjust to account for bezels but I can't be arsed. You don't see them to be honest, the left and right just fill your peripheral vision. It's for emersion not accuracy.
  5. Very grainy, shitty phone picture but enjoy.
  6. Go back to your i3 tight arse. I just went off the recommended shit and assumed that JD would rather buy his kit new. Never heard of the game before so not up to speed with it. Going off that, I'd say a GTX960 4gb would do well in this game then? The main point of SLI is to look cool though. I'd go for this personally. If I wasn't already struggling to do work stuff on my old system I wouldn't have bought a new one just for gaming. With a console you just plug it in and go right? Depends if you prefer using a keyboard/mouse though?
  7. It sounds like a very very thirsty game... Recommended CPU is an ivy bridge i7, so there's £250~ there at least, and at least a £200 graphics card to go with it. Probably looking at a £1k build. Will grab some later, got some tidying to do first. Boxes and packaging and cabling everywhere at the moment.
  8. New build is amazing! GTAV at all the fullest settings never dips below 60fps (limited by vsync) at 5760x1200.
  9. I'd go with this one personally JT. Slightly more expensive but 50% more cache and a small bump in clockspeed: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16819116950 I'm making a nerdy comeback in style, just ordered the major components for a new build. 5820k (6 core!), 16gb Corsair Vengance DDR4 @ 2800mhz, Asus X99-S motherboard and 2x Gigabyte 4gb GTX960 G1 graphics cards. GTAV time!
  10. Muel

    The Angry Thread.

    Post the picture Dan.
  11. Did not know this! Where did you find that out? We need a review of the voting system IMO. I cannot see how it's fair that one persons vote counts for more than another just because they live in a different area.
  12. Genuinely shocked at this shit. I don't know a single person who said they were voting for dishface.
  13. Muel


    Probably that google and bing and yahoo register as users when they're indexing the forum. HAHAHA.
  14. Muel

    The Angry Thread.

    Popped up to north yorkshire for the day, 2.5 hours to get there this morning, 4 hours to get home. Cars are shit in traffic...
  15. I find coffee gets me going just fine.
  16. If you push me Jason, I will fill this thread with Jardo length posts containing Dann2207 style before/after pictures every time I wash my f**king Micra. Is that what you want?
  17. If you really want to claim that the south is better than the north JD, you'd better be ready for a shitstorm.
  18. Muel

    The Angry Thread.

    But if all you get offered is zero hour contracts, then you may very well end up with no money coming in at all. It also causes issues with proving your income, which is very important. I've known a lot of people get shafted by these contracts, they're f**king evil and totally unethical IMO. It's alright for people like you and me who have proper careers and intelligence and shit, but what about the decent, genuine but slightly dim people who can only stack shelves or clean floors? They still need to rent/buy somewhere to live, and they cannot do that if they cannot prove their income, simple as that. to be honest a lot of my rage about this is coming from the number of right wing arseholes out there at the moment claiming that the government doesn't owe the public anything, as if all the tax we pay is just a present. They owe us the right to a steady job, a livable wage and a home, and for a massive number of the population they're failing to deliver that. Obviously some are just "dole scum" who don't want to work. I've never known any of them personally but do know at least 15 people in their 20s struggling to get by who are decent people who can neither find work in their desired profession nor get temporary work to get by.
  19. Muel

    The Angry Thread.

    Lolz at this shit. It's a very very simple problem to grasp. If you have no work, you go on benefits so you can eat. If you get offered a zero hour contract (so you are not guaranteed any work at all), but refuse it as there is no reliable source of income and therefore you can't do the basic things in life, like rent a f**king house, then you risk losing your benefits and therefore food and home. You're right, it isn't the governments job to make our decisions, but it is their job to offer us decisions, provide medical care and income support when shit hits the fan. That is what we pay them to do! By forcing people into situations where they are not guaranteed any work, they are not doing their job and it's a f**king disgrace.
  20. £20 on ebay, thought it was worth a shot. Seems like really good quality to me, will try it out tomorrow. Not too happy that I ordered large and can only just get it on though haha. Really need to lose some fat over the summer. www.ebay.co.uk/itm/200796671005 Depends entirely on the individual to be honest, but as a guideline if you're going for anything over 80% of what you can do for 1 rep then you should be belted really, if you've been lifting for a while and you're pushing good numbers. I've deadlifted 160 and squatted 120, and just felt that the weights were starting to get heavy enough to overpower my core. When you're not able to keep your core tight and your back straight any more, a belt will help support you. Never actually used one though so don't quote me on anything just yet. No squat rack is just wrong lol. I'd seriously move gym, I hate smith machines. I injured my shoulder in one of those b*****d things. The force the bar through a path, rather than you controlling the bar through a more natural path.
  21. If I could only do one exercise it'd probably be squats. So good. My weight lifting belt came today. Now I'll be able to squat and deadlift heavy without getting worried about giving myself a hernia.
  22. All good info, but not for people who've only been lifting for a short while IMO. Don't worry about that stuff yet Boumsong, just get your form neat, keep your workouts simple and eatmoreliftmoreeatmoreliftmore. As for imbalances, I personally just ignore them. If you're using neat form then the weaker side will get hit harder and get stronger quicker.
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