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Mr Rankin

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Everything posted by Mr Rankin

  1. trials in the UK is moving forward again! well done mr butler and co am very intrigued by this event
  2. brilliant!, dates confirmed. time to get out and practice. i dont know if anybody else is going to ignore the politics and ride both championships??? if money and work allows it i will attend both because two competitions are better than one in my eyes
  3. am riding in chelmsofrd tonight Mr if you fancey it??? will be out bout 6.30 to 7.00 anyone wanna join me?
  4. Adam burns....18 foot its on an old american site with loads of trials records. find it if you can! me, bout 10 foot but smoother than most you big ba+%#rds lol!!!
  5. trying not to sound like a wanker here, but you said your not very good (havent seen u ride though) and yet you have bought a bike that is designed by pro competition riders for top riders. Loads of people seem to buy really nice xpensive bikes (pro comp bikes i.e XTP, Hydroxx, monty 221 Ti) too early in their riding career and beat the hell out of them, my advice would be to work your way up the range of bikes out there as you improve.
  6. might be later than that guys can somebody who is definately going post their number so i can call you and meet up? cheers
  7. ha ha kenny is a true champion! vincent has got nothing on kenny! Carles diaz is my hero!
  8. looking good james, you are quite the beast! going to kick my lil ass this year :$
  9. carles diaz is a god!
  10. Chicks dig scarrs, thats all you need to know!
  11. canty do the 15th but will be around on the 21st guys so get it sorted and lets have a goodun on 21st, chai is a girl pants wearing magician from the land before time!
  12. It sucks i cant make Bracken rocks i love it there, will be a great day so anyone who can get you arses there! good luck people, wanna see some pictures too!
  13. soz man, the most underwhelming set of pics i have ever seen on here! nice weather though
  14. Elite for the first time! should really get my ass into gear and practice :$
  15. ooooooooooooooooooooh! antonio has broken his foot! damn get well soon mate had a bit of a crappy ride myself felt tired, hope everyone else had a good time
  16. oh yes!!!!! now your talking! getta grip was the holy grail in my house when i was about 12, always used to watch Mtb Heroes before going out to jump off the curb outside me house! thank you for bringing back the joy! old skool for the future! xxx
  17. see you all tomorrow you bunch of delinquents! im old
  18. ace work mr fantastic, loved the one of andrei sidehopping that rock the man has talent!
  19. whiskey! 11 at the sloped wall by the shell, i'm there! see you dirtbags there, chai meet me at liverpool st?
  20. sorry dude not my cuppa tea
  21. it amazes me how far ahead of the pack hermance appears to be then you get to the world cup/championships and kenny pips him to the post! i love you Mr Belaey! steroids!!!!!!
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