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Joe Sheehan!

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Everything posted by Joe Sheehan!

  1. whatver you do, use a mask. Not sure what rim you have, but some of the fumes from grinding are toxic. so do it outside.
  2. It'd better have a good ending, or i will be pi**ed off. Some of the rumors about the end are really crappy ones.
  3. Ohhh, it makes sense.
  4. you can also play two pairs (two 3s and two 8s) Explaining poker.
  5. Oh Davey Davey! I need to save up for a motorbike. Im 16, and i need a job. I've been offered a job at a holiday company call centre, part time, £100 a week. This is 4-8 on weeknights, plus £2 comission for every holiday booked. My sister works there, and gets about £140 a week inc. commission, so i was wondering... Considering the hours, is it good for the money, or is there a better job you can reccommend? Thanks in advance, Joe.
  6. I suppose. Hmm, wonder how this season will end. Also, has anybody heard how many seasons there are going to be? Aparrently, it was meant to be 8, but now its 5 as its dragging on apparently.
  7. Is that a good or a bad thing? I want to know what Jack and Juliette know...
  8. One day, in a primary school English class, the teacher is trying to get the kids to use the word "contagious" correctly. She says to the class "Right, who can use the word 'contagious'?". Rowland, the class geek stands up and says "over 100 diseases recorded in the medical journal are said to be contagious." "Well done, Rowland" says the teacher. "Anyone else?". Katie stands, and says "My mummy says that the flu is contagious". "Very good, Katie" replies the teacher. "Does anybody else want to try?". Shaun O'Malley, the Irish boy stands and says in a broad irish accent "My Dad says the neighbour is painting his house with a 2 inch paintbrush, and it will take the contagious!"
  9. Can someone ask... What came first, the chicken or the egg. I would but ive done one, and everyone else here thinks its a virus.
  10. Avid Ultimate lever and Odyssey linear slick cable, seeing as you have come into money
  11. Ahh i suppose. Anyway i will be long gone before we get there, unless we find a way to travel near the speed of light, but thats near impossible.
  12. Bear Grylls and Ray Mears are 2 different people. Bear shows how you survive in a jungle, and Ray shows how to live in a jungle, thats why he builds shelters, because he plans on staying there for a bit. Bear would rather jump into a lake and run through a rainforest to get to civilisation while Ray would build a shack, eat a meal and wait for a search party to arrive. Whatever happens, they're both 2 seriously cool people.
  13. Yeah, they were just a few ideas that ive had that have been really bugging me, but i think something big has to happen soon, as we are nearing the end of the season.
  14. McDonalds condoms - I'm Loving it Xbox Live condoms - Its fun to play together John Smiths condoms - No Nonsense Amazon condoms - …and You're Done
  15. But if a search party found an engineered crash site, and maybe corpses, dental evidence would prove that they are not the people that were originally on flight 510, and also they would try and find a black box. On the contrary, they could change the people on the flights dental records seeing as they know who they are, and they couldve salvaged the black box from the wreck on the "lost" island, and put it on the engineered crash site. As for me saying that ben would storm the beach, things keep popping up that the others need jacks people for, like Sun getting pregnant which gets Juliette to ultrasound her, possibly because ben found out that Sun is pregnant and wanted Juliette to continue her research undercover on Sun. From here, what COULD happen is that Ben wants Sun taken in, and some intervention is made to save Sun, causing a battle of some sort, just to get a good cliffhanger for the end of season 3. I think something like this could happen, because Ben is still somewhere on the island, hiding perhaps in one of the undiscovered Dharma hideouts (only 4 have been found, from the weird map that Locke saw - The Hatch, The Surveillance centre, Medical Centre and the place that Locke blew up). Not many episodes are left from this season, so a cliffhanger has to be made up soon. Also, how the hell is that man with one eye still alive?! and who is the lady with the punctured lung, as she had access to some sort of vehicle. I'm not sure what it is, but it definately had rotors, was able to be ejected from and also could climb to an altitude where an oxygen mask is necessary.
  16. That last episode annoyed me, with the girl, for most of it she was unconcious. Anyway, about all of the people on the island being dead, I think that the others killed a search party of people trying to find survivors from flight 510, and radioed back to say that there were no survivors because the others still had uses for the people (research, jack being a spinal doctor etc). Either that, or with the island being so hard to find as it wont show on a compass due to the electromagnet, the "searchers" may have presumed that the plane sunk and there were no survivors. And im expecting for ben and the others to storm the beach where jack and that group are, because Juliette said to Ben before the gassing in the village "i'll see you in a week". This all depends on whether the programme is set as each episode shows 24ish hours on the island, which would show ben coming back 7 episodes from the gassing, IF he does come back. Just a few thoughts to discuss.
  17. Wouldnt we need to build everything all over again, and is there even oil there?? And how do we plan on taking 6billion+ people that far? Well, i call shotgun!
  18. I wouldn't trust you. You've made an account just to flog this bike. Probably stolen.
  19. Err, jelly mix in the toilet, sewing one persons left trouser leg closed, pizza deliveries to other houses, putting fairy liquid in the kettle (foams up everywhere). those are all i can think of, but they were all pretty funny. Oh, and double-sided sellotaping peoples phones and fags to the bar in my pub
  20. I sell all of those in my pub
  21. Would you spend £5.00 on a biketrials DVD? Yes if it was longish. What is our favourite trials style, Street(normal riding around town), natural, Urban(e.g Matt Berridge, John Shrewsbury)? Street Who are your favourite UK riders? Danny Holroyd, CLS, Ali C How old are you? 16 Do you prefer your favourite songs on a biketrials video or a simple well made track which fits with the video? One that fits the video Do you want the video to have different sections from different rides/events. Yes Do you like seeing different riders and new places/section, or the same old big gaps as you can appreciate how big they are( eg St.Pauls gap in london and most big riding spots) Its always good to see new places, but the older ones are good to see too Do you prefer a video which sets the scene and has some nice shots and some experimental parts rather than just all riding? Yes Anything else which you think makes a trials video stand out?: Good editing, not too much slow-mo, no crappy colour filters.
  22. Quite short, 1000mm wheelbase matey. Not bad to start on, my mate had a T-Master, it was nice!
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