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the trials mop

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Everything posted by the trials mop

  1. he's been wanting to ride a rail like that since danny mac's april 09 vid some awsome flatland and just generally a laugh
  2. oh ok sorry, misread completely only suggestion could be best motovational video, the video that just makes you want to go and ride, the only thing is that its going to be very hard to judge as different things motovate different people. jamie
  3. best mixture of bikes http://www.pinkbike.com/video/509/ the editing is truely awsome
  4. I think either limey would look really good with a simpler version of this, jamie
  5. have it as you do now apart from wrap it around the fork leg once, that'll solve some of the stray hose. jamie
  6. sandbanks! not strictly poole but meh. jamie
  7. cancelled, will try and reschedule when weather is better jamie
  8. I really like the 24, i think its the cnc'ing as thats why i loved the old pitbulls.
  9. Meet baiter skate park car park at 2 o'clock. all welcome jamie
  10. I'm on holiday on guernsey from monday and was wondering if theres any riders out there, I'm out there for 10 days and so will be up for some trials . The only thing is Ill be on a trials unicycle so expect some stranger than usual reactions. pm me or stick a post on here and i'll try an meet up with you. cheers jamie
  11. this used to be one of my friends friends bike I think, see your in poole have to ride some time as im only down by whitecliff jamie
  12. is it just me or do flips on any trials bikes look really smoth?
  13. whats that due to? a heat build up because of the more machining? can you stick some pics up or are you keeping the idea a secret as poss
  14. Wonder what Mr Marshall will think of this, kind of stolen his colour scheme a bit, or Danny Mac's
  15. even better minus the white, if the effect had this colour scheme it would be sweet in my opinion.
  16. nice vid, I need to learn SIF so i can tuck enough.
  17. I like how koxx marc vinco's look but they have a sky high bb, 05/06 pitbull was/is my dream bike because of the cnc 'wings'.
  18. tilsed says he'll be out but not by 11, lazy begger
  19. Because you are such a machine and you thought about going for that woman who gave you hot chocolate untill she mentioned religon. Ill be out aswell, see if i can get tilsed out if he's not still injured
  20. Does anyone know any large volume 20" slicks or semi slicks as I need one for my trials unicycle to do hall riding. I've seen a try-all one but can't find it anywhere in production, help much appreciated. cheers jamie
  21. fair, yea jamie i see what you ment about andy being built like a brick sh1t house and being nuts stick somthing on here if your ever riding down my way and ill try and get out or i mite try to get to the so'ton rides cos my dad works there so i could blag a lift it was a good days riding
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