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Everything posted by weirdoku

  1. My god what would happen if she attended the ride on sunday!
  2. If we all did I'm sure she would hear us? Haha. Have a good one Hannah! I'm off to bed....
  3. So, it's Hannah's birthday today. Let's all say/sing happy birthday to Hannah and hope she has a good day!
  4. Ahh...the BMX comments... The other day was out with a few other guys, this old man came up and said you guys do some awesome stuff on bikes (something like that). He then said looking at me (on a mod), "I know what that is... (at this moment I was thinking in my head he's going to say bmx)...it's a bmx." Both hands on my head and I said "NOOOOOOO!!" Anyways, no gf here. Quite glad actually, for now anyway. I'm right poor and should concentrate on my uni work and what ever spare time I have I normally go out riding so no time to spend on a gf!
  5. I'll just put an order in right now for one of these......YEAH RIGHT! Yep, do a mod version please? Would be great eye candy.
  6. Since I didn't get stickers with my last order can I have this instead?
  7. Sick Sick Sick Sick! You look so freaking cool! My hero I see you going crazy with that grinder on your rims, real harsh grind?
  8. I like your hooks! What's the song by the way?
  9. YES! YES!! YES!!! Right now: Servant Ties - Haste The Day
  10. Surely you can get a lot of stuff from the freecycle thread? You only have to pay postage.
  11. Might help a bit if you told us the condition of everything.
  12. Ah fair enough dude, point taken. Didn't think of it from that point of few.
  13. Sometimes I wonder why there's a chit chat section at all. If I owned this forum, I would have all the sections except Chit-Chat. Want to talk about something else? Go to another forum, this would keep the trials forum a trials forum. I'm pretty sure there more people talking in Chit Chat than the actual Trials Chat. Or we could have a chat room and no Chit-Chat section? Back on topic, why do you want a monkey? If you are looking to get one.
  14. Honestly, don't think many of us are experts on the topic and most of us very likely turned to Google, which you should have. Or the random small question thread. Peace. EDIT: Just realised there's no peace smiley, maybe we should have one.
  15. I'm pretty sure it is mate. The arms are suppose to be pointing forwards if you know what I mean.
  16. Shweeet! Looks like a right bashable bike!
  17. Disc rotor on the echo on the wrong way round?
  18. As far as I know, no definite date has been set yet.
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