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Everything posted by tomturd

  1. Well. You won't believe it but they're actually being printed right now. Should have them by Friday, apparently they need time to dry and there's something about gas, no idea what that is. Then I'll send them out next week if all goes to plan. Once that batch has gone out I can't see myself having the time, wait... Organisational skills, to send them out regularly, so get your name on the list if you want them any time soon! Not looking forward to writing out 80 odd names and addresses, I haven't hand written that much text since I was in school.
  2. Auction hunters, not sure what to make of it but I'll still watch it
  3. Bering sea gold season 2 is out. It's called Bering sea gold: under the ice.
  4. Can you paste the results of the ping? The bit where the packets are being lost? I want to know which IP it is trying to ping, it should be If its not then edit your hosts file. If there is a line in there for www.trials-forum.co.uk then delete it. If there isn't then add this: www.trials-forum.co.uk (if there's anything else dodgy looking in there then delete them, it should really just have one line in it for 'localhost' - leave that there)
  5. So did you go, Dave? I'm thinking about hiring a sea kayak thing and hanging a line over the edge some day soon. Probably one of those ideas that'll never happen but it sounds nice
  6. Good question, have you tried a different browser on your laptop? Check you haven't added anything to your hosts file? (if you dont know what that is then you don't need to worry about that) Failing that, scan for spyware. And finally, click start, run. type in "cmd" and hit enter. a DOS window will come up. then type 'ping www.trials-forum.co.uk' and let me know the results
  7. You dont really need an A/V amp if you're just want to amplify your TV sound. Any amp with an optical in would do. If you want to hook up a ps3, xbox, sky/virgin box etc then I'd suggest you get an A/V amp. Nowadays you really want one with HDMI inputs and an HDMI output. I wouldnt normally suggest an 'all in one' thing, but this actually seems really good for the cash, and I doubt you'd get much more for your £100, even second hand! http://www.richersounds.com/product/1-box-home-cinema-systems/sony/bdvef200/sony-bdvef200
  8. err.. bonjour! you're english is better than my french welcome to the forum!
  9. this is very cool. I've cleared out a load of "FAQ" topics that are no longer relevant (from 2003!) and renamed it to "How-to Guides", that makes much more sense. One topic that I did remove, which was a bit handy, contained some basic trials terminology (mod, stock etc), but it was mixed in with some really old advice on what frames to buy. So I moved that to trials chat, but we could do with another - I'll take a look in the wiki
  10. section7 had a forum, and there was a modandstock yahoo group, thats about it though I think.
  11. " Just don't want to be posting shit topics, and have them take up space." - don't worry about it, worth a try and space is not an issue
  12. I guess I just have bad memories of having a plastic bag containing a frozen block of ancient whole mackerel hanging around in the freezer for months. It would probably have been more sensible to fillet each one and freeze individually, thinking about it!
  13. Nope, happily with someone I spent about year boozing and living in a hellish shared house, followed by another year of spending literally all my spare time renovating a house. Life has slowed down again now so I'm back! Fully addicted again I think
  14. Extra ads is something we don't want to do. They slow the site down and look crap (not the tarty and inspired ones.. they're relevant, but we'll never have 'date an older woman in cardiff NOW' style adverts) The subscriptions thing has been brought up before (people requesting it) so, this was just me thinking "if some people are going to donate regardless, why not give them some sort of recognition on the site". If people don't want that, that's cool, just airing the idea
  15. Bit late to the party, but yeah.. mackerel feathers. If the mackerel are there, they'll eat them. I was thinking about going this weekend actually (first time in about 15 years). Top tip: if there are loads of fish about then you can just keep bringing them in, but there's no need to catch more than you're going to eat over the next day or two. They don't freeze too well and gutting/filleting 40 fish aint that much fun (been there!)
  16. Well, puts the London 2012 one to shame really. I think its pretty cool, but only when you take into consideration the 3d version. The 2d version on its own isn't that special. IMO.
  17. Fair play. Thats quite some effort for a spammer/someone to increase their search rankings. Bye, though
  18. Nah, had enough of talking to people today! Plus I'm using an Orange SIM down here (its the only network that works in my house) and their PAYG prices are extortionate, rinsing through credit like theres no tomorrow. (I miss giffgaff). Apparently virgin mobile use the orange network though, and they seem pretty reasonable so I might move to them. Nothing works in the country side. I'd just like to get virgin cable internets and be done with it. Pembrokeshire has not realised its 2012 yet (In a pretty ranty mood today.. ) EDIT: are you using BT Wifi? You should be entitled to it if you're a broadband customer. Worth signing up to it. Free wifi all over the UK - its pretty sweet
  19. hehe, not bad! Everyone has been there. Sure you've probably already done the reading, but the "realisation" moment for me was trying without using my brakes, common mistake that I see roadies doing when they're attempting to track stand at traffic lights (I havent ridden 'real' trials for years, but you never forget stuff like trackstands - tis a good skill to have on any bike)
  20. thats alright for people with a workshop full of tools flathead screwdriver and a hammer, tapping lightly all the way round, always worked for me.
  21. Thats.. sort of good to hear I'm using 'bt wifi' at the moment, with my parents login details (they're bt broadband customers). Its called 'bt wifi' but I'm pretty sure I'm just connecting to next doors router... Probably getting the same sorts of speeds as you were getting with talk talk - not too bad considerings its free. Might just stick with this, but it means no netflix and more importantly, no downloading HD copies of Gold Rush Alaska
  22. I should have heeded the warnings of pretty much everyone. But their cheap cheap prices inticed me in. Ordered broadband and phoneline 2 weeks ago. Got a 'go live' date for tomorrow. Tomorrow I'm not going to be home, so Dad stepped up and offered to house sit if a man needs to come and install anything. So I phones up talk talk, to see IF an engineer even comes out and if they do, when? or if they just post a router to me and let me get on with it. . 5 phones calls later, 5 times giving my post code.. first line of address... etc etc, one of them tells me that the new phone line has been rejected by BT or something. But they didn't bother to tell me, so had I not phoned up, my dad would have been waiting here all day, just for them not to show up anyway. At least I got out early. Dicks.
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