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Sam Moss

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Everything posted by Sam Moss

  1. Sam Moss


    I ride mod and i love my trialtech low sport riser bars. I also think that the old zoo riser bars feel great but its hard to get some.
  2. Sam Moss

    Small newbury ride

    helmets on in the car haha !
  3. the red one obv that will ride sweeet.
  4. I have to say i couldnt watch that due to it being really really sloooww .
  5. You can get higher to youre back wheel that you can side hop
  6. Sam Moss

    My New Ride

    Whats the weight on that thing looks good thow
  7. Yes and i didnt swap i baught it and thanks joe Edit: il have some better pics by the weekend and il start to make my vid
  8. please feel free to comment Thanks. The pictures was better quality but i had to rezize them so they could upload so im sorry about that.
  9. We did untill the company mooved or something pallets are great to learn on and nice pics
  10. Sam Moss

    Andy Ball

    Im quite suprised that he had only been riding 12 month on his firts video
  11. Sam Moss

    Andy Ball

    Realy good riding and ill look forword to see youre full video and i think the music goes realy well with that video
  12. TNN lgm are the best pads ive had followed by the rock blue pads followed by the koxx brown and the koxx browns last a reay long time. i wouldnt bother at all getting the magura pads, you might as well throw youre money in the bin.
  13. Sam Moss

    Andy Ball

    what pads are you using? front and back. Youre brakes sound and look beast.
  14. I have an echo 2-bolt booster and it makes my brake alot worse i dont realy know why thow.
  15. They are very good but just take them off when you rebleed.
  16. Sam Moss

    Chain Snap

    That made me laugh. I wouldnt get the same chain again if i was you.
  17. Sam Moss

    Jo Prattley

    thats a nice bike :) lol
  18. That stock reminds me of youre old gu that was a nice bike.
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