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Everything posted by erikjon

  1. Wow! Ace look sir! Love the overall retro look! Skinwall tyres for the win!
  2. That is one beautiful Hex mate! I'm not a fan of green but your bike is Slick!
  3. wow... makes me regret giving up my base frame. Nice one bike, that is.
  4. ...If you ever sell your 26" frame or ever make it into a production model, please do let me know....It'd be awesome to run your frame...I'd be honoured!
  5. Not sure if I misunderstood but if you're talking about my bike, thanks so much mate!
  6. Nice bike dude! I love your tensioner!!!!!! I too have loved Leesons but could never afford one till they stopped producing. I love the skinny tubes and the 360 dropout. Shipping to here would be a bitch too. Anyone with a 26" Leeson willing to ship to Singapore?!
  7. Awesome vid! Love the fluid Shrewsbury Style! Bike looks awesome too!
  8. Hahahaha! Nothing!.. not sure about you guys but over here, patching is slowly becoming a rarity here...I once whipped out a patch kit and a group of riders asked what was I doing! Interestingly enough, not many people know how to patch a tube and most of those that do just go out and buy a new one. It may not even be just because they can afford it! hahaha! Kudos to everyone that still patches tubes!
  9. Nice video! I like how you still patch tubes.
  10. oh wow.... Really like the lines...Looks like it was made to be brakeless!!!!
  11. nice clean lines! I love how there isn't any decals on it. Not a big fan of seatless bikes but this here maybe just swing me! Zhi's getting real popular, aren't they?
  12. erikjon

    Jack Meek

    All the above comments sounds like Stewie when he quips about Bryan's "novel". hahaha A full vid with you on the Rockman would be sweetums judging from the clips. Keep rockin it Jack! Great Riding!
  13. Nice spot dude! Hey, aren't you the one from that video? I liked how you have a story line with your trials video! hahahaha! Awesomely original! Everyone should have a story!
  14. This is an awesome thread! This is my Megamo Expert(I think..) 26. Circa 1994
  15. Awesome Thread! Here's my contribution. It's taken awhile but i'm surprised how future proofed it was back in the day! hahaha This bike's got magic...can't describe any other way.
  16. Saw this thread and nearly creamed. Here's my contribution and yes, she's still my main ride Keep rocking the old skool!
  17. I'm loving the Zero bro! Never saw a Zero here in Singapore but this one looks the business! I'm a big fan of Old Skool trial bikes so keep the vintage fire going!
  18. I love your bike John! Been riding a Megamo Expert 26 then saw you rode one as well. Better and stiffer you say? You really think it's worth the change? I had the '09 Fourplay and couldn't get the setup right i guess so didn't really like it. Stayed on the Megamo because it felt like a nice old pair of shoes. Saw that Inspired now had the Hex and am still a little hesitant. The Megamo's coming to it's time now though. Think it's worth the switch? Awesome riding bro! Make more vids!
  19. Love your bike man! Nice and clean. I support your choice for black.
  20. Hey Sean!

    I'm Erik.

    I'm from Singapore and really interested in your "Hel-Cap". Did you make it yourself? Would it be possible for me to get one?

    Keep up the riding awesome! Love your sly style!

    Eager to hear from you!


  21. Nice bike bro! Something about chrome.....hehehe!
  22. I'm running an old Megamo Steel 26. It runs a 150mmx10mm bolt on rear hub. I noticed that Chris Akrigg and John Shrewsbury ran a Hope hub. I'm not sure if it was a pro 2 trials or just a pro 2 but does anyone happen to know how they worked around that? Also, any recommendations of quick engaging hubs in that size would be greatly appreciated. Thanks guys!
  23. 10.8 kilos as in picture. 10kg flat now that i've sent my rear wheel to be re-laced to a drilled trials rim.
  24. Thanks bro! i'm lovin it too.
  25. Here's my bike. My link Vintage Megamo Steel 26 Was thinking of spraying it all black like Mark's Inspired but it hurts to think of spraying over the spanish chrome. Yes,...it's still my main trial bike.
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